Status: Updated Once a Week

Lost in Tranquility



Avery was abandoned at an age she was too young to remember. Her parents, being only fifteen at the time were unable to handle the responsibility of a child and left her on the steps of the community orphanage.

As the young couples footsteps faded in the distance, they had absolutely no idea that the little girl they were leaving behind held the fate of the wizarding and muggle world in her tiny hands.

They very next morning Susan Winters, the coordinator of St, McCarthy Orphanage found the bouncing baby girl bundled up in a bright red blanket and when Susan picked her up she noticed that the blanket was monogrammed.


This was not an uncommon occurrence for Susan, this was a very prestigious little town, everyone knew everyone else's business. Many preferred others not to know of their illegitimate love child.

None the less, Ms. Winters cradled the little child in her arms, scanned the dark, dreary cobblestone alley, shivering as a cold wind swept through her very bones.

She stepped back through the door of the orphanage locking it as she entered a brisk walk up the stairs. Susan settled in the baby girl, who she noticed had stunning bright blue ocean eyes and raven black hair, into what would be her home.

Susan Winters watched as Avery grew into a quite advanced one year old.

Susan remembered one afternoon when she was watching Avery sucking on her soother in the lunch room, Susan was watching discreetly, her small frame hidden by the the shadows.

Three boys walked in unaware of the coordinators presence. They were all about five years old and when they saw Avery sitting there they smiled at each other. They advanced on the girl, one reaching out to steal her soother.

Ten minutes later three boys bolted out of the lunch room, sporting black and blue bruises, bloody noses, and multiple broken bones. Avery sat in her high chair, squealing with delight at her clenched fists.

Susan simply smiled at the display, where most would have screamed at the one year olds strength and agility, she laughed.

Susan watched Avery even more closely after the lunch room incident, she kept a close eye on her. You could even go as far as saying it was to the point of neglecting the other children.

On sunny August afternoon, a man came to the orphanage inquiring about adopting a small girl, he took a particular shine to Avery.

Although, everyone who met Avery took a liking to her. Susan made sure to squash any desire that had to do with her, she also made sure that any adoption paper for Avery mysteriously disappeared.

Avery was a beautiful child, long black hair, creamy white, porcelain skin, small delicate features, her most striking one being her bright blue eyes that seemed to have electricity running though them.

Susan was watching the man talk with Avery in a room specialized for potential adopters to get to know the child they are interested in. She was peering through her heat sensitive binoculars on the next rooftop over.

Ms. Winters nearly fell over when she saw the man slide his hand up Avery's exposed thigh and creep under her skirt. Susan was about to intervene when when she heard a loud crash, it was the sound of a window shattering as Avery promptly through the man out of it.

Susan once again found herself smiling at the fact that this extraordinary two year old could just pick up an overweight fifty year old man and toss him out of a three story window.

That very night Susan Winters awoke Avery from the younger girls dorm and rushed her out of the orphanage with only her red blanket.

Susan hushed Avery's questions and protests as they got in the awaiting car that the Agency had arranged.

Susan instructed the driver to step on it.

Avery was quietly trembling, she was scared, but she knew that Susan would never steer her wrong, after all she was Avery's first and only friend.

Avery had stopped asking questions long ago and stayed quiet, Susan whispered comforting words to Avery as she slipped a blindfold over her eyes. It was a security issue, no one, only top agents knew where the Agency was located exactly.

Susan lead Avery through a series of buildings and entered one cleverly disguised as a Manulife Financial building. There were few people in the lobby, one of those being the receptionist who was contently filing papers.

The receptionist didn't even seem mildly interested in the fact that an employee of the building was leading a blindfolded child towards the elevators.

She smiled at Susan and continued with her paperwork.

Susan and Avery walked into the elevator, Avery was holding her blanket and holding it comfortingly to her face. Susan turned to press the only available button to press on the elevator panel. Her fingers made contact with the tiny circle and with a sickening jolt the elevator moved at a lightening fast speed, downwards.

It felt like they were falling, Susan was used to the feeling of her stomach traveling into her throat, Avery, was terrified and clutched onto Susan hand for dear life. After what seemed like an eternity for Avery the elevator came to a halt and after the speed of the shaft stopped so suddenly both Susan and Avery were lifted into the air momentarily.

Susan who made this trip almost everyday could never manage to land on her feet and usually landed in a heap on the floor. She got up as gracefully as she could muster only to find that the two year old who was just holding onto her hand like it was a glass of water as she was lost in the desert for a week, was standing as though the elevator hadn't moved an inch.

Avery was smiling at the ride she'd just been on despite being blindfolded and being pulled out of bed at 2:30 in the a.m.

Susan stared at the girl, bewildered. Then, deciding to waste no more time she took off Avery's blind fold, the little girl surveyed her surroundings and giggled. Susan opened the panel that, to the untrained eye looked wielded shut.

When she pressed her hand to it, the panel popped open, revealing a laser and also a hand sized pad, of what Avery thought looked like Jello.

The laser scanned Susan iris then she stuck her fingers into the pad of Jello, it imprinted her finger prints.

“Good morning, Agent Winters.” Avery giggle and clapped as the mechanical voice sounded in the shaft.

“You as well, Sadie.” Replied Susan in kind.

The elevator doors opened and Susan lead Avery through the doors. Susan looked at the familiar setting of clear floors with blue lighting underneath, offices and computers, and everything in sight looked as if it were covered in a sheen of chrome.

Technical scientists were working on a hover craft over to the right and a handsome one with brown shaggy hair smiled at Susan. She returned it with a blush and looked around hoping that no one saw the exchange of emotion. Inter-workplace relationships were strictly forbidden within the Agency.

Susan walked further into the building Avery following closely behind her as fast as she could, being only two.

Susan and Avery walked through a door that held a massive round chrome table, four people sitting behind it, two chairs on each side of a massive screen, which were all facing Susan and the little girl.

The theater sized television screen turned on illuminating the pixelated face of a man. He was wearing a suit, he had grey hair and a slightly receding hair line, but his demeanor demanded respect. Even though his face was hidden, everyone in this room knew who he was.

“Idamar.” They all greeted in unison.

“Susan.” He said, authority remaining in his voice. “You have someone I wish to meet.”

“Yes Idamar, the one you told me about.” Susan responded, taking her seat and facing the others and Idamar.

“I see. Is she as gifted as I was told she would be?” He questioned.

“Even more so.” Responded Susan, confident as ever. The four other people at the table were vigorously writing notes.

“Then it is settled, we shall start her training. Immediately.” He said, an air of finality in his voice.
♠ ♠ ♠
Susan Winters posed as the coordinator at McCarthy Orphanage in order to come across gifted children and introduce them to the Agency

Avery could kick and punch before she could walk.