Status: Updated Once a Week

Lost in Tranquility

Fifteen Years Later

Fifteen Years Later

Avery, now a gorgeous seventeen year old girl, lived and breathed the Agency. She was the top agent, or more commonly known as, Assassin.

Avery rolled over in her bed, brushing her long, dark hair out of her face. She scanned her room, the Agency had given her, her own apartment in the Agency headquarters.

However, upon looking around her flat, she realized that it, in fact, wasn't her flat. She was in a strangers house, with said strangers arm draped over her mid section.

As Avery sat up, a flood of images invaded her mind.

Dancing at the bar, grinding up on a man, drinking to celebrate the success of her latest mission. Avery had accomplished the seemingly impossible task of killing a man who was impersonating the Japanese Emperor. However, for the Agency's most talented Assassin it was as easy as Elementary School.

Avery didn't bother cover up her naked body as she lit her cigarette, the man beside her stirred and she looked at him with a bored expression.

She was slightly worried, but from her poker face you wouldn't have been able to guess. She was worried because the Agency was top secret and alcohol had a tendency to cause Avery's tongue to loosen.

The man opened one eye and smirked at Avery in a way that made her want to spin kick him in the jaw and knock him out with a right hook.

“Hey, love.” He said, still smirking, “How was your night?”

“Unsatisfactory,” She said truthfully, taking a nice long drag of her ciggy, “At best.”

The boy looked shocked and crestfallen, a look that Avery caused most men to display on their faces.

“Well,” He said, his air of cockiness back, “I enjoyed talking with you last night.”

His tone was suggestive and Avery was disturbed by how he was speaking.

“Talking with me?” She questioned, sounding falsely bored.

“About your job . . .” He exclaimed, Avery tensed. She couldn't tell if he was being snarky or using a 'potential extortion' voice. Avery stayed silent not wanting to let anything slip, if she hadn't already. Avery played it cool, stepping out of the bed and letting the sheet drop from around her waist.

Avery stepped into a leather outfit, and the man growled. Thinking that her outfit meant some kind of role play.

“Your secret job . . .” He pressed further, then with lightening fast reflexes she pulled her hand gun out of the holster on her thigh, and pointed it only inches away from his face.

“What do you know?” She growled, not caring that her leather corset was only half on, and her chest was exposed. Avery never opted to wear a bra, there was really no need when wearing all leather.

“Bloody hell!” He shouted, “Your crazy!”

He attempted to free himself from her grasp and get out of the aim of fire. She growled.

“Word of advice. Don't piss of the girl with the gun.” Avery smirked, she loved to instil fear in people. The feeling og having power over another person was better than a high.

Hell, She thought, it was a high!

“Now,” She continued, “What do you know about my job?”

“Nothing!” He whimpered, flinching away from the hand gun, “I swear, I was talking about the job you gave me last night.”

Avery almost laughed, sexual favours were no reason to point a gun at someone's face.

“Well then,” Said Avery, nonchalantly, “We don't have a problem.”

He was silent, his eyes were shut tightly and he was sweating like mad.

“Do we?” She demanded, cocking the gun.

“No, no not at all.” He rushed out, only cracking his eyes open slightly.

“Great.” She said, putting her gun back in the holster, imitating the air of finality in her voice that Idamar uses in his.

Avery finished putting on her outfit slipped on her leather kicks and walked to the door. Before she left she turned to the man who was still ghostly white in his bed.

“Here's another word of advice,” She smirked, “Next time you screw a girl, cut the morning chit chat, make some coffee and leave the door open.”

With that, Avery slammed the door shut and left his flat.

Avery was familiar with London streets and walked the cobblestone sidewalks, her heels clicking against the stone. People were looking at her with strange glances and curiosity gleaming in their eyes.

It wasn't hard to figure out why they were fixated with her, she was clad in a leather suit that screamed loony, unless you knew where she worked. The Agency required all of their female agents to wear outfits much like the one Avery was sporting, it was her uniform.

Avery was going in today for a meeting with Idamar, it was her briefing on a new target.

She moved quickly through the alley ways until she came across the familiar building that, to any other person would have looked like a Financial help building, but to Avery it looked like home.

She made the familiar elevator trip and did the necessary precautions

Her heels clacked loudly against the chrome floors and almost everyone in the room stopped what they were doing to gaze at Avery.

Then thunderous clapping sounded throughout the vast office. Avery simply smirked and continued on her way to room 201.

She opened the door to the conference room and was greeted with the magnificent sight of a chrome table with four matching chairs, two on either side of a crystal clear display screen.

The chairs were empty, as they always were when Idamar was briefing her. The display screen suddenly flickered on.

“Speak of the devil.” Said Avery, taking the seat directly in front of the screen.
♠ ♠ ♠
Avery's mom is now a librarian. Her dad is a plumber.

Harry Potter has no idea who Avery is, but he will.