Status: Updated Once a Week

Lost in Tranquility

Reaching Destination

Present Time

“Congratulations on another successful mission.” Said Idamar, if Avery didn't know better she would have said that he was being kind, luckily she did know better. Idamar wanted something, they always wanted something.

“And . . . “ She pressed, crossing her leather clad legs over one another. Idamar smiled at Avery's sharp intuition.

“We have a mission of the utmost importance.” He explained, reaching into his desk drawer to grab a file.

“Hit me.” Demanded Avery, more than ready for a new challenge.

“This isn't your ordinary target, nor situation.” He warned, glancing at the file in his hands, “The Agency has had an agreement of sorts.”

“With whom?”

“The Magical World.”

“I'm sorry,” She shook her head, “I thought you said Magical World.”

“You are not mistaken. We have had this agreement with them since the Agency began in 1723.” He said, looking Avery in the eye. She could feel the intenseness of his gaze even through the screen.

“The Magical World?” She questioned again, not being able to wrap her head around it. Avery's life was build on Agency structure, this was not structure.

“Witches and Wizards, yes.” He stated, dismissing the questions without a thought. Though, Idamar was interested to see her reaction.

“What the hell-” She started, in outrage. What did her take her for? A fool?

“I have not the time nor patience for your ignorance. Whether or not you trust my words, you will be helping one, 'Albus Dumbeldore'.” He explained further, “Mr. Dumbeldore would not give me the proper information, nor the details I know you are waiting to hear, he would like to talk to you himself at his school. Hogwarts.”

“Hogwarts?” Avery inquired, she knew she was asking to many questions and Idamar was getting frustrated, but she couldn't help it. It was like someone was telling her that her whole life up until now was a dream. Unbelievable.

“A school for Witches and Wizards.” Idamar explained, shortly. He pushed a button on his desk and suddenly, but like so many other times before, it flipped over completely. It revealed an impressive selection of guns, tracker bugs, throwing knives and stars, and a variety of other weapons.

“Here are your weapons of choice, Ivan has prepared means of travel for you, although, Mr. Dumbledore assures me that you won't be needing it for long.” Idamar said, “You will be travelling on foot for the majority.”

The Automotive technician, Ivan, walking in and ushered me out of my seat. He pressed a button on his belt, and Avery watched as a 15 by 9 piece of the wall folded down, revealing a cherry red mustang.

Then without a word Ivan left but not before throwing Avery a not so subtle wink. Avery had slept with Ivan only a couple days prior. He seemed to think he actually had a chance with her, she nearly choked on the mere thought.

She threw him a withering glare, and returned her attention to Idamar, who seemed to have missed the exchange of actions.

“The coordinates are already internally synced. All you have to do, is let it drive.” Said Idamar, once again shuffling through miscellaneous papers on his perfect and orderly desk.

All Avery could do was nod. She was in such a deep state of shock that forming a coherent sentence seemed to prove difficult.

At first, Avery thought maybe it was a prank, she just couldn't justify believing in something that she only saw in the movies. Then again, she noted, The Agency was something people only saw in movies.

“The mission file is in the glove compartment.” Idamar said, his pixelated face fading out, “Good luck Agent.”

Finally the screen blacked out and Avery sprang into the red car. She slid the key into the ignition and the wall folded open to reveal a long, dark, rounded, chrome passageway. Just big enough for a car.

The car sped into action, she didn't need to touch a thing, as the car sped down the passage, lights snapped on, one lighting before she reached that stretch of the path.

She travelled on the path for the duration of fifteen minutes before she emerged on an open road, she scanned the near lifeless area, nothing seemed to be growing, no plants or trees or flowers. As she sped down the road, Avery agilely jumped into the passengers seat and opened through the glove compartment.

The highly technical car, needed her finger prints, voice identification and proof of DNA, before a filing compartment slid out, one file in it's midst. She grabbed it and closed the glove compartment lid with her foot.

The file was lacking in every detail Avery wished to know. It pretty much covered everything Idamar had already told her.

Four Days Later

Avery had been traveling in the small car for, four days straight. Drinking only water bottles to sustain herself, she hadn't stopped ate, nor slept in those four days.

She had gone for longer than that though, when she was in training for The Agency, some of the first things she learned was to suppress feelings that may interfere with the mission. Those feelings included hunger and fatigue.

The Global Positioning Satellite sounded throughout the car.

“Reaching destination.”

Avery's parents were truly in love.

Dumbledore is not deceased.
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AHAHAH! I'm so sorry I've been neglecting this awesome story. I'm getting a new phone so I'm super happy, you guys benefit from my happiness!
Check out my new story, Winds of Warm.