Status: Updated Once a Week

Lost in Tranquility

Fred and George Weasley

Avery scanned the area, she could see virtually nothing of importance for miles. She hopped back into the car, rechecking that coordinates just to make sure that she wasn't 2000 miles in the wrong direction. Of course the Agency had put in the address and they were never wrong.

Avery lifted her head from the GPS screen and nearly screamed in shock at what she saw.

Avery was never one to be surprised, or get scared. She had shot a Russian woman right in the head once because she was guarding a Top Secret weapon's files in a undercover Base. She had chocked the life out of a man who was holding her prisoner in an interrogation room in Northern China because he was about to shoot her as she escaped.

Avery was no stranger to surprise or fear.

But when she looked up, she found that while she was once parked in the middle of nowhere, now she was parked in the middle of a cobblestone street. A street filled with shops that once looked like they had been filled with people, were now bare and charred as though they had been set on fire.

They was however one shop, colorful with people bustling in and out of the doors, there were balloon's and statues that seemed to be powered electrically, but there were no plugs or electrical sockets to be found.

Some people, dressed very strangely she noticed, with flowing robes of every color and hats looking suspiciously like part of the Halloween costume Susan had gotten for her one year, were looking at her car.

Avery leaned over to get a better look at the 'Weasley's Wizarding Weezeys' and the people who were shopping there, but she leaned a little too far over the edge and the car horn sounded from every corner of the quaint little village.

The people screamed, running around like chickens with their head cut off.

Soon the street was nearly empty.

“Touchy.” Observed Avery, how could a simple horn drive everyone away.

She looked around, maybe she was to wait for this, 'Dumbledore.'

“What did you go and do that for?” A voice sounded.

Instantly Avery shot up out of her seat, put both hands on the car door and flipped her body over it and the person, putting the perpetrator in a headlock.

“Oi! Let go of me other half, eh?” Another voice, very similar to the first shouted, Avery let go of the man and pulled the two guns out of the holster's on her legs, her arms wide, one gun pointing at one guy, one gun at the other.

“What is that, Fred?”

“I really don't know, George.”

“Looks like, one of them Muggle Metal Guns they talk about in the paper.” Avery got a better look at both of them. They were obviously twins, both standing at over six feet. Copper hair and chocolate brown eyes.

Avery moved one gun slightly to the left and fired, showing the seemingly ignorant twins what a gun did.


“Did you see that Fred?”

“Dad would get a kick out of it.”

“Are you two daft?” Avery couldn't help but ask, “I mean, here I am holding guns to your heads and your talking complete shit.”

“Your too pretty to be dangerous.” They both at the same time.

Avery jumped into action, she roundhouse kicked one in the head, he doubled over and the other Red Head reached for something in his pocket, before he could get it out, Avery had aimed a well placed kick to his crotch.

Both fully grown men were moaning on the ground and Avery put one of her boot's on his chest.

“What were you saying about danger?”

“Nothing.” They choked out, at the same time.

“That's what I thought.” Avery nodded, letting them both up, they didn't seem to be dangerous, they seemed to be pretty nice actually. Avery had seen dangerous men, and these weren't it.

“Who are you?”

“Avery, and I'm looking for someone.” She stated, giving as little info as possible.

“Your boyfriend?” Asked one of the twins, not hiding his disappointment. The other twin elbowed him.

“No.” She said, not phased by the come on. “Dumbledore.”

Both Red Headed men seemed to stiffen at this.

“What do you want with Dumbledore?” They asked again, at the same time.

Fred and George Weasley hadn't seen this girl around, she was dangerous, equipt with Muggle weapons and had taken both of them down in less than five seconds. In this time, no one was to be trusted, not with Dumbledore, who happened to be number two on Voldemort's Death List.

“Why do you care?”

“We care because-” The twins were interrupted, by Avery. Who threw a hand over each of their mouths after putting her guns back in their holsters.

She shushed them and motioned them to get down behind her car.

Both were not going to disobey her, Fred and George both knew that if she was looking for Dumbledore, for good reasons or bad, she was dangerous and well trained.

Avery's heart was still thundering at the appearance of the small town and she could sense someone here, someone who was less stealth then her usual stalkers.

She could feel evil's presence in this town, the shadows that cover it's streets, it had been touched by evil. Avery knew what evil was and felt like, some may have even gone so far as to call her evil.

She could feel the person coming closer, they didn't care if they were heard so far as she could tell. It was apparent by the way that the man talked to himself and lost his footing.

Purely for precautionary measures she brought out her hand gun, much to the twins fear. She pointed it in the direction of the incomer.

“Sorry I'm late.” Boomed a very male voice. Hagrid caught sight of the small metal gun and remembered the small run in he had with Harry Potter's uncle six years ago, however he was quiet certain that he needed to be more careful with this one, it was after all, her job to use it.

“Hagrid?” Asked the twins, rising from their hiding spots.

“Weasleys?” He asked gruffly, “What are you doing here?”

“Greeting our new friend.” Fred said simply.

“She is a friend, isn't she?” Asked George, looking over the strange girl in the leather outfit again.

“Agent Avery, of course, here by person request from Dumbledore.” Hagrid nodded once, and motioned for Avery to follow him, “You boys don't have too many customers, care to join?”

“Right.” Both said at the same time. “To Dumbledore.”

Fred and George Weasley took a strange liking to Avery.

Avery only skimmed George's face with the bullet by a centimeter.
♠ ♠ ♠
That was kind of long. It was three of four pages on Word. Haha, but you guys deserved it. This story has been subject to neglect.
Harry will be popping up shortly, no need to worry.
PS. I love the twins, so CUTE!