Status: Updated Once a Week

Lost in Tranquility

Hearing Things

“That would be a car Ronald.” Said Hermione, rolling her brown eyes, “Or can't you spot one unless your flying it illegally into the Whomping Willow?”

Ron's ears turned red and he mumbled something like, 'shut up.'

“Yes Hermione.” Replied Harry shortly, “But what's a muggle car doing here?”

Harry and Ron were trying to get a better look at the car, and there was a collective gasp as an actual muggle got out of it.

“What's a muggle doing here?” Asked Ron indignantly, “At least I think that's a muggle, dressed funny isn't she Harry?”

Harry took a look at the girl, she looked about their age, and had long black hair. What was most captivating about her appearance was that she was wearing what looked to be a black cat suit.

“What are Fred and George doing in a muggle car, with a muggle?” Ron's voice was getting progressively louder and Hermione's patience was wearing thin.

“Ronald, it is none of our business, obviously she's hear for a reason.” She said, looking pointedly at Hagrid who was leading her to the front entrance.

“I thought muggles couldn't see Hogwarts.” Said Harry, his eyes still glued to the girl who walked behind Hagrid and seemed to be getting pestered by the Weasley twins.

“Dumbledore is Headmaster, I'm sure he can change any charms he pleases.” Replied Hermione as though that was the most obvious answer, which it was.

Everyone was staring at Avery as she got out of her car with the red headed twins.

Right before the foursome was about to disappear into the school Hagrid turned around and bellowed to Ron, Harry and Hermione.

Avery whipped around, now she was working with student's? Bloody hell.

“HARRY! YOU LOT! COME HERE!” His voice echoed throughout the grounds and Avery stood there, looking quite miffed as the three pupils jumped up, the boy with black hair and green eyes she could see from a distance was the first to jump up, almost as though he had already contemplated running to join them without invitation.

The red head that looked similar to the two she had to put up on the ride over hopped up next, eyeing her car longingly and when he got close enough, eyeing Avery herself.

The last to catch up was a girl with frizzy light hair, and whose teeth were slightly buck.

Hagrid and the three students conversed while Avery walked on in silence, the only person she wanted to talk to was Albus Dumbledore. That message however didn't seem to be conveyed because the three students were looking at her with curiosity burning in their eyes.

The twins had disappeared somewhere and she looked at her surroundings before they came to a stop in front of a large gargoyle.

Avery tried not to jump or scream or ask all the questions that were building up when the gargoyle shook it's head and came to life.

“Password?” It asked, it's low, gruff voice penetrating the silence.

Harry, Ron and Hermione had been looking at the girl in leather, hoping to see some reaction to the first display of magic she had seen. But she looked perfectly content, like that happened every day.

“Lemon Sours.” Hagrid said after shifting his around, making sure no one was around. The staircase open up, moving like an escalator. Hagrid then clapped the black hair boy, “Harry, Ron, Hermione, this is where I leave you.”

“But Hagrid-” The boy looked after his retreating form only to look back and see that Avery had already stepped upon the stairs and was looking expectantly at the three of them.

Hermione gasped suddenly and whispered to Harry in a voice that, if Avery was trained well, she wouldn't have heard, “Harry, she had guns. Lot of guns.”

She felt three pairs of eyes on the various holsters clasped to her suit.

“Muggle wands?” Said the voice she recognized as the red head, he hadn't whispered it and the girl pinched his arm.

“Louder Ronald, I don't think the Potions class heard you!” The girl scolded him.

The stairs stopped moving and Avery got off, “I can hear you, you know.”

The three stood on the stairs, all three turning red as Avery walked up to the door.

“Well?” With that one word, all three red face teens hurried off the stairs and proceeded to Dumbledore's office.
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If you guys hadn't noticed this story is updated every Tuesday. I'm making a commitment to this story.

I also have one favor to ask of every one of my readers. Please read the first chapter of "A Marauder's Tale." It's a Sirius Black story, set when he was younger with James and Remus and Peter. I'm really excited for it so here the link, thanks guys!