Status: Updated Once a Week

Lost in Tranquility

Meeting Avery

Avery didn't take in the beauty of the hangings and artwork that adorned the Headmasters office, she walked in, an aura of power emanating off the way she walked.

She didn't bother to knock as she strode in confidently, Harry whispered as she passed him, knocking his shoulder slightly.

“You really should knock.”

“You really should stop talking.” She replied, her stony look dragging him into submission.

“Honestly!” Breathed Hermione, obviously not expecting that reaction from her, nor the attitude.

There were four chairs in front of the Headmaster's desk. Avery wasted no time in sitting herself in one of the chairs, the three student's followed suit.

“Ah, Ms. Granger, Mr. Weasley, Mr. Otter, and welcome, Agent Avery.” Said a clear voice, as is rang throughout the room, and in the ears of the young guests.

“Agent Avery?” Questioned Ron, indignantly, failing to surpress a snort..

“Yes Mr. Weasley, Agent Avery is who we are here to talk about.” Said Dumbledore, reaching out a slender hand to touch a majestic orange bird perched on a golden rod beside his desk.

The three student's glanced at each other, each one willing the other to ask the questions that they were all thinking. Harry was the one who spoke up.

“What about Avery?” He asked, wondering what a rude, tiny girl dressed in leather could possibly mean to great man like Dumbledore.

“That Agent Avery to you.” Snapped Avery, turning her eyes which had darkened to a very characteristic black, towards the dark haired boy, who blinked in response to her hard glare.

Dumbledore noted the exchanged and chuckled, gaining the attention of the foursome, “Fire sparks passion.”

His eyes sparkled and held a gleam of knowledge, and the other four pairs of eyes in the room filled with curiosity at his statement. Dumbledore, however, ignored this and continued on,

“We have called Agent Avery here to assist in your mission.”

“You mean . . . “ Harry trailed off, giving Dumbledore a meaningful look.

“Yes, Harry, that mission. Agent Avery is a very talented assassin. Highly acclaimed and had never failed. She has been assigned to this mission by my personal request.”

“Assassin?” Shrieked Hermione in fear, “Assassin's a criminal's in the muggle world!”

Ron seemed fearful at Hermione's words where Harry was looking quite angry at the exchange, Avery sat in silence not bothering to correct the girl who seemed to think that she knew everything.

“However you would like to look at it, Ms. Granger. Nevertheless, Agent Avery is the key to help find the remaining horcruxes and destroy Voldemort.” Dumbledore stated firmly, holding his ground and eyeing Avery over the top of his half moon spectacles.

“Professor!” Gasped Harry, surprised that he would reveal such information to Avery who was so new and, in Harry's eyes hadn't proved her trustworthiness.

“Harry, I have put my full trust in Agent Avery, I suggest you do the same considering she will be joining you on your quest.” The Headmaster now had a bright smile on his face as he cooed to his phoenix.
♠ ♠ ♠
Avery is trained to put aside her feelings for the good of the mission

Harry thinks he is protecting his friends by pushing aside his feelings.