Status: Updated Once a Week

Lost in Tranquility


“Full trust?” Shrieked Hermione, walking speedily towards the Common Room. “How does Dumbledore expect us to put our complete trust in someone who looks about as genuine as a Slytherin!”

“Barmy is what he is.” Said Ron, putting his two cents in just for the sake of saying something. “What do you think Harry.”

“I've learned that whenever I have doubted Dumbledore I have been proven wrong. I doubt Dumbledore would be foolish enough to put us in danger.” Harry said, quite level headed. “He has just as much invested in this mission as we do.”

“Honestly Harry, an assassin? That's utterly ridiculous.”

“From what Dumbledore told us about her and her training she seems equip with all the abilities that we lack.” Harry said, his eyes not leaving the glowing embers of the fireplace.

Hermione seemed to ignore Harry and turned to Ron hoping to get the reaction from him she had not received from Harry.

“Did you see her outfit?” She cried out indignantly, “She is quote obviously asking for it wearing things like that.”

“I liked the outfit.” Ron said, the very tip of his ear burning brighter then a tomato.

“Oh, honestly.” Hermione huffed, and dropped the subject. “I wonder what Dumbledore wanted to speak with her about.”

It was true, Professor Dumbledore had requested that Avery stay back a little while longer then the others because he had some other matters to discuss.

“As I am sure you are aware, Lord Voldemort is a very large threat in this world.” He said, peering at her over his half moon spectacles.

Avery nodded in response.

“The reason he is still alive is because of something we call Horcruxes.” Professor Dumbledore continues to speak of the seven possessions keeping the most feared wizard in history alive.

“So one has been destroyed. The diary. Then there are the locket, the ring, the diadem, a cup, and the last two remain a mystery? Am I correct?” Said Avery spitting out the information Dumbledore had given her in the last half hour.

“Correct. You will accompany Mister Potter to find these objects and uncover the last two, and effectively destroy them. Then you will assassinate Lord Voldemort.” The Headmaster said gravely. “I fear you will not survive, I was expecting a much older agent when Idamar told me he was sending his best. I didn't not wish this upon such a youth.”

“I am willing to die for the cause.” She said simply. Dumbledore nodded admiring her fierce determination and fearless attitude.

“You will sleep in the Gryffindor Commons this evening. I trust you know the way.” Dumbledore's eyes held a sparkle within their depths that sparked curiosity in Avery.

It was true, she did know where she was going because she had mapped out the entire castles blueprints in her mind and memorized the passageways she had taken to get here.

The trio were very startled when Agent Avery walked into the Common Room, her leather suit making a satisfying noise as she stepped gracefully onto the stone floors.

“Hi,” Said Ron, jumping up from his seat with an excitement he had forgotten he'd had since his dads attack in the Ministry. “I don't think we've been properly introduced, I am Ron Weasley.”

He stuck his hand out and Avery merely looked at it, then back up into Ron's eyes.

“Pleasure.” She drawled out.

“I'm Harry, and this is Hermione.” Neither of them presented their hands for fear of being treated the same way as their redheaded friend.

She only nodded haphazardly in their direction.

“I suppose we shall be off to bed. We have an early start tomorrow. Off to the burrow for Ron's brothers wedding.” Harry said timidly staring at the enigmatic girl in leather. She almost shivered at the intensity of that look. She tried to look disinterested in the boy standing before her and was satisfied when the three finally made their way up the stairs to their rooms.

Avery however stayed in the Commons checking her guns and knives and slipping them into their holsters. She checked her throwing stars and grenades. All accounted for. Anyone who tried to fuck with her would be severely sorry.

She was unnervingly aware of a black haired, green eyed boy staring at her while she cocked the dangerous weapons.

Harry was the first one down the stairs in the morning hoping to catch a glimpse of the seemingly hard as nails Avery sleeping as peacefully as he was sure she could look. He was surprised to find her sitting in the same place as he had been watching her last night.

She stood up when she heard his footsteps on the stairs. He watched as her fingers itched towards her gun holster.

“Erm, morning.” He said, brushing his fingers through his hair. He was in his blue flannel pajama's and Avery did a double take, not that Harry would notice, but she took a good long look. Not because he was outrageously attractive in the morning (which any normal girl would have noticed first) but because he really was just an innocent little boy really, caught up in really big world.

“Morning.” She said, not looking him in the eye.

This time it was his turn to do a double take, and not just because she look absolutely stunning in the morning after staying up all night, which he assume she had done, but because she had actually spoken to him directly without it being an insult.

“I suppose I will wake up Ron soon, we best get going.” He said, hoping to keep up the polite pretences, “Do you mind waking Hermione, boys aren't allowed in the girl dormitories?”

Without another word Avery got up putting the knife she had been fingering in her inner thigh holster and walked up the girl dorm stairs she had seem Hermione retire too.

“Thanks.” Harry said softly, watching as she disappeared.