Status: Updated Once a Week

Lost in Tranquility

The Burrow

“Mum and Dad have set up a port key for us to get to the Burrow.” Ron rushed out, a little startled that Avery had actually asked him a question directly. “My Brother is getting married. I know it seems a little unorthodox, really. Going to a wedding when we have . . . other things to do.”

“Ronald, family is of the utmost importance right now. You really don't need to explain our actions.” Hermione said, as the four walked through Hogwarts to the Headmaster's office.

Avery merely looked at the indignant little girl who seemed too big for her britches.

Hermione caught this look which said clearly, 'Shut up.'

She did.

They arrived at the Headmaster's office and Avery noticed immediately the picture frame on Dumbledore's desk was glowing brightly.

“I'm afraid you are a tad late, no time for pleasantries. I trust all of you.” He said quickly as the trio made a grab for the picture frame.

Harry looked at Avery with a frightened look in his eye as she had failed to grab on to the port key. Suddenly he reached out his arm and wrapped his securely onto her waist.

“DON'T LET GO!” He shouted. Avery wondered why he had looked so genuinely concerned about whether or not she had grabbed the port key. It's not like any of them really wanted her there, he couldn't be happy that suddenly all his 'chosen one' glory was being stolen by some muggle.

She looked to Harry as the world swirled in circles around them. She wanted to close her eyes and just hope that it would be over soon but she knew that would show weakness and she wasn't about to let these people have something to use against her.

She inwardly panicked as she saw Harry let go of the only thing that was keeping them from falling to the ground. Despite her better judgement, her hold on Harry tightened and in response his tightened as well.

She was aware as he pulled something from his back pocket and muttered a few words. A jet of light flew out from behind her and hit the ground right where they were about to connect with. Avery awaited the sickened thud as all her bones cracked but was surprised when she landed gracefully on the ground, which was surprisingly soft.

“Softening Charm.” Whispered Harry, letting go of her waist. Avery looked around and noticed that were in s field and in the distance was a rather rickety looking old house. The floors of which looked precariously placed and as though it could tumble to the ground in any given moment.

“Welcome to the Burrow.” Harry smiled as he whispered into her ear.

“Mum!” Ron shouted into the house. A muffled thud was heard and suddenly a plump, redheaded woman was barrelling towards them in a hurry. Avery hand sailed gracefully to the silencer in her holster, but she relaxed when Harry Potter's warm hand encased hers.

He looked at her with worry, she knew this meant that this woman was not a threat.

Avery had never had a partner on a mission before but the way things were going, it was looking like Harry was going to be helping her a lot. She wasn't okay with that.

“Ron! Harry, Hermione dears!” She gave them all a hug as they exchanged pleasantries. Molly then noticed the rather stern looking girl in all leather.

“Agent Avery.” She nodded, “The Headmaster has informed me of your arrival.”

Avery nodded and Hermione looked confused.

“I have a dress for you if you'd like. Although, I suppose you came prepared.” She smiled warmly, a look that Avery wasn't used too. “The guests shall be arriving soon. You three go change. Agent, do what you please.”

The trio walked upstairs and Harry watched as Avery ducked out the door. Probably to go check the place out, he thought.

“I was sure your mother would have been a little more weary of our new guest.” Said Hermione disdainfully.

“Oh, seriously Hermione. Bugger off already.” Harry said defensively. Hermione cast him a stern look of disapproval before she disappeared into Ginny's room.

“Good on ya, mate!” Smiled Ron, “Been wanting to say that for hours!”