Slowly Dying Inside & Out


"Oh my God! Steffany? Is that really you?" said the man.

He was wearing a black suit with a red tie and placed his brief case on the floor.

"Um. Yeah. Have we met?" asked Steff.

"Sweetie. We haven't met before. But my name is Zach." said the man.

"Um. Ok. Hi?" said Steff.

She wasn't sure who this man was. She was getting tense and a little insecure.

"Steffany?..I..I believe I'm your father." Said Zach.

Steffany slammed the door in Zach's face and sat in front of the door. She began slowly tearing as a million tears flowed from her eyes.

"Steff?" Emily called from the top of the stairs. "Oh my God what happened cupcake?" said Emily.

"Mom..some asshole's here to see you" said Steff.

Emily helped Steff get up and told her to go upstairs. Emily fixed her hair up and opened the door. Zach looked up at Emily. Both of them - lost,speechless.

"Hi" said Emily.

"I got your call" Zach replied.

Emily nodded.

"How is she?" Zach asked.

"She's fine." Emily said with a clenched fist.

"You've finally decided to show up after all these years. All of a sudden you care." said Emily.

"I'm sorry Emily. I've bought some money" said Zach.

"Don't even bother Zach. I've been doing fine. All 17 years spent without you and I've never had a problem. Working two jobs to support my daughter. Sending her to a private school so she can get a good education. She's never shed a tear for you. I never needed your help. We don't need your money here. Take it to your prostitute of a wife" said Emily.

Zach raised his hand and smacked Emily. She fell to the floor and Steffany & Evelyn ran downstairs.

"Oh my God! How dare you?" screamed Steffany at the man now staring hopelessly at her.

Steffany and Evelyn ran downstairs and began attacking the man. They slapped him,punched him and kicked him all places imaginable. Emily was sitting on the floor sobbing and breathing hard. Evelyn helped her up as Steffany stood above her father.

"Karma's a bitch, you fucking ass hole!" she said to her father who was now laying on the floor. Steff ran to the kitchen and dialed 911.

"911 whats your emergency?" asked the operator.

"Hi theres an emergency at 56-72 Brigewale rode. My father attacked my mom. My friend and i did all that we could to get him away" explained Steff.

"Okay we'll send help" said the operator anxiously.

Steffany hung up the phone and ran back to the front door.

"Are you okay, Mom?" asked Steffany.

"Yeah, I guess. It's okay i'll be alright." replied Emily.

"Turn your face mom" said Steff.

"No. Sweetie it's okay. Really I'm fine." said Emily.

"Mom turn your face!" insisted Steffany.

Emily turned her face and Evelyn and Steffany had realized that not only had he slapped Emily, he had also punched her and hit her with something else. Emily was bleeding from the side of her mouth and her head. She was now crying.

"I didn't mean for things to happen this way. I didn't want you to see any of this girls. I'm so sorry." said Emily.

"Mom don't even start. I'm gunna kill this son of a bitch!" screamed Steffany.

"Emily, what I don't understand is why would you invite him here? Into your house. After everything he's put you thru," asked Evelyn.

"The truth is.." started Emily.

Just then there were loud sirens outside and a loud knock on the door. Steffany ran and opened the door, only to find a firefighter.

"Emergency?" asked the firefighter.

"Um yeah but there's no fire" explained Steffany.

"Okay well my name is David. I'm just gunna come in and make sure everythings okay," said David.

"Okay." said Steffany.

One thing after the other and then there were more loud sirens. There was an ambulance and about 6 or 7 cop cars. 2 paramedics and 4 cops came through the door all at once. The rest of the police were standing outside of the house, just in case. The two paramedics went straight to Emily and gave her oxygen. They checked her pulse and blood pressure.

"She has palpatations and she's skipping a beat. She's losing a lot of blood, we've gotta get her outta here" said one of the paramedics.

"Oh hi. You must be the daughter" said one of the paramedics to Evelyn, who just so happened to be standing closer.

"Oh no. I'm her daughter's friend. This is her daughter" Evelyn said as she pointed to Steff.

"Hi. Is my mom gunna be okay?" asked Steffany.

"Um yeah, yeah. We just have to bring her to the hospital and do some testing, maybe a couple stitches in her mouth and head. But she's having heart palpatations and her hearts skipping a beat. I think maybe she's having an anxiety attack. Can you briefly explain to me what happened here?" asked the man.

"Uh. Yeah. Well me and my friend and my mom were upstairs in my room and then the doorbell rang. I decided to go down and get it, only to see this man standing in front of me. He told me he was my father. I hate this man so much, even though today is the first time I've ever laid eyes on him. But anyway, my mom ran downstairs and told me to go back upstairs, so i did. They were talking and a few minutes later we heard a loud clapping noise. That's when my friend and I ran downstairs to find out that he had slapped my mom. My friend and I attacked him and made him feel how she did through these past years. And then we found out that not only did he slap her, he did other things too." explained Steffany.

"Okay well were going to place your father under arrest and bring your mom to the hospital," Said the man.

"Okay. That's fine." said Steff.

"Would you and your friend like to ride in the ambulance with your mom?" asked the man.

"Yeah of course. Come on Eveii" said Steffany.

The paramedics put Emily on a strecher and carried her to the ambulance, while Steffany&Evelyn were walking closely behind.