My Life as a Jonas' Wife

Chapter 10

Nick's POV

hmm. i just got a text message. better check it. Oh hell fucking no!! No, no, no, no!!!! i can not leave Ally. I love her way to much. But then theirs my baby girl. i just got to meet her and now shes gone...god im so fucking confused. Hmm. ive got a plan. maybe ill be with Selena and when shes not looking grab the baby and leave. nah. that wont work. Agh! idk. i better go talk to Ally.

Selena's POV

Come on nick answer the damn text. You hvae to be with me. i mean look at me (looking in mirror) i have pretty eyes, pretty hair, a beautiful face, and im skinny who could not want me! watever ill do watever it takes to get him.

Ally's POV

Im laying in the hospital bed bored outta my mind, scared, and just fucking low. i let someone take her. like what the fuck is wrong with me. Well here comes Nick better not let him see me hating myself.

"Hey Ally Bally. You doing ok?" he asked kissing me square on the lips.

"Huh? Oh ya im fine. Just thinking how much i hate myself." i told him. SHit! Their goes my big mouth again blurting out things i shouldnt. I always go weak in the knees for him. Especially now with everything thats happening.

"Baby. We've talked about this. im not mad at you. Things happen." he said looking at mew with his big brown eyes.

"I know. And things like that dont just happen on a daily basis you know!" I said on the verge of tears.

"Ally Bally, come on. No tears i promised you id get her back and now theirs that oppurtunity. Selena sent me a text saying i should leave you and be with her if i want the baby back. And i was thinking id do it and when i finally have her in my arms ill break it off and call the cops to come and arrest Selena." he said.

"I..if its the only way to get her back then....i..i guess." i said full on balling now.

"Baby, you know nothing will change between us right? Your my number one, not her. Its just to get our baby back." he said kissing me softly.

"Alright. You can. I love you nicky." i said kissing him back.

"I love you too, Ally Bally." he smiled.

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