Status: Update is being worked on!

I Pray to the Saints of Los Angeles

Dr. Feelgood.

I swallowed the lump in my throat as I heard her scream John. Over and over again. It wasn't always like this. I use to have a dad. Then she screamed at him and sent him away. He promised me he was coming back for me. I use to sit at the window in our living room and watch for him to come back. He never did. So when I was nine I gave up waiting. He sent money and birthday cards. I've seen them in the drawer in mom's room. All with the same message.


Happy (insert Holiday here)
I'll be there soon

Love Dad xx

I've given up waiting. i don't care if he ever comes back. Or that's what I tell myself. I know if he came back through that door I'd forgive him. I'm weak. It's who I am. I got up from my bedroom and went to get dressed for both work and school. You see I go to school and then go straight in to the center of L.A to High Voltage to work. I work from about three until closing. Kat had told me to dress nice today as she was finally unveiling her new boyfriend. I was happy to see Kat happy.

I pulled on my outfit I slung my tote bag over my shoulder and got into my car I pushed a button on the radio to change it to C.D. I pushed in an old Motley Crue album and let Vince Neil's words spill through my speakers. I parked my rusty old red mustang beside James' brand spanking new Subaru Impreza. I sighed and got out. Quickly I found the two guy's sitting on the steps of L.A County High School. James spotted me and waved me over. I took off my glasses and placed them on top of my head. Leaving Ryan smiling looking up at the sun. He was always so happy. I smiled as I sat down with them.

"How come you did answer your phone?" Ryan smiled

"Guy's I was working. You know I work from 3 till what ever time the shop stays open to." I whined

"Come on you work full time you need to have fun" James sighed

"Ha fun what is that? Guy's come on I need that job" I joked knowing full well I needed that job. It kept food in the fridge and paid for what little stuff I had.

"Come on" They sighed dragging me through the crowded hall way to our home room. I sat at the back with Ryan and James like I normally do while the teacher rambled on about some basketball game the school were in and how everyone should be there. I quietly chuckled. Ryan threw a note at me which I read .

Got a name for the band

Shoot what you got

Romance seems dead?

I like it! Tell James to see what he thinks

A few minutes later I was hit with another piece of paper causing my head to snap up to see James and Ryan with thumbs up signaling our band was now call Romance seems dead. I don't know where I even got the time to go to band practice. I worked all day on Saturday and I started at 11 on Sunday and I normally slept to half ten. I found the time somewhere. I dragged my body to English.

I stopped at my locker and pulled out the book I was suppose to have read for homework. Ha fat chance. To kill a mockingbird. The tittle on it's own made me laugh. I walked in to the class and took my seat beside the window. I prayed a sub would come in today. I never had time to do homework. Heck I barley had time to sleep. The teacher started to ramble on about the book. I didn't understand one word. I stared out the window and watched the birds fly away. If I was a bird I would fly as far away as possible.

"Miss Black " The teacher sneered

"Huh?" I snapped my head round

"See me after class" He sighed

I nodded and put my head down. This was it. I was done for. Let's face it I never did my homework and detention doesn't work. The rest of the class seemed like a blur. I sat in my seat and quietly packed up my things slower than everyone else.

I walked to the desk where Mr Quinn sat.

"Willow Black what am I going to do with you" He sighed

"Sir please I can explain" I started

"Willow I have gotten one homework from you. It's December. It's not acceptable."

"Sir I'm really sorry I just don't have allot of time"

"How can you not have time?" He asked getting fed up.

"Sir I get out of school and work and I might not Finnish work until 3 or 4 it depends. I usually sleep and get up and do it all over again" I tried

"I've heard that before next home better be done or I'm going to be forced to call your mother" He laughed.

I left that room feeling completely useless. I wondered how much trouble I would get in for ditching and going straight to the shop. I decide against my plan and trudge through the rest of the day. When the final bell rang I ran to my car so fast. I drove as fast as I could still listening to Motley Crue. When I pulled up I saw Dan waving me inside. I killed the engine and got inside as fast as I could.

"So Danny boy any clues as to who it is?" I asked

"Nope Mojo or Nate don't know either" He laughed

"So who you tattooing this evening?" I chuckled

"Avenged Sevenfold are coming in and I think Kat's got Bam and maybe Jeffree coming in and if there's any walk ins" He listed

"There's always walk ins" I muttered.

I took my placed behind the desk taking Calls booking appointments and sorting out stencils and clients. I herd the door open. I went to the back to get a soda or something. If I had of know who was going to be in that room. I would never have left the back room.

"Where's my favorite hell raiser" Kat yelled

"She's here Where's my favorite Kitty Kat " I laughed

"This is my boyfriend" She tackled me in a hug.

"Dad" was the only word that came from my mouth

"Nikki what is she on about " Kat asked all joking gone from her voice.

"Kat meet my dad." I glared at him

"Willow?" He asked

"You should know, but then again you left when I was six and never came back for me" I spat.

"Willow sweetie I'm so sorry." He stammered

" Save it. You didn't care then why care now?"

"Willow I swear to you I wanted to go and get you so bad but I was an alcoholic and a drug addict. I couldn't bring you up seeing me like that!"

"Mom did it." I sneered

"I wanted to bring you up away from all that. I never wanted my little girl to see me in that state" He was now begging.

"So your clean now?" I asked

"Yeah. Come here" He enveloped me in a big hug.

I let a few tears slip down my pale face before looking up.

"I told you I would come back for you. So here I am"

"Does this mean I can go back to being Willow Sixx"

"Yeah it does. Happy Birthday Willow Melody Sixx" He laughed

"Happy birthday back Nikki Sixx" I whispered
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My first Motley Crue Fan Fiction and I have to say I kinda like it.
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Pretty please with a cherry on top?

Natalie V xx