Status: Update is being worked on!

I Pray to the Saints of Los Angeles

Kickstart my heart.

Working Saturdays were normally hell. There was always so much more to do. You never got a minute. I always found my self always by the phone flicking through appointments to try and find a slot for people. Today however Kat had told me the shop would be fine without me for a couple of hours. Apparently there was a lot of people who wanted to see what Willow Sixx had become. I hadn't yet moved back in with my dad. That was still in negotiations. I looked up at the clock that read 13:26. I waved at Kat to let her know I was leaving and smiled. I grabbed my board from my car and skated down to the little restraunt down by the strip. I bit down on my lip ring. After awhile of looking around the large room I spotted my dad sitting with three other men.

I was waved over and as I did I suddenly had the urge to throw up. I had by this stage found my converse very interesting. I sat down and looked up to see the other three members of motley crue sitting. I glanced up to see the three men smiling warmly at me. I looked at them and took in their appearances. My dad hadn't changed since I was six but these other three were not the same. Mick and Tommy had gotten thinner. Vince's hair had gotten shorter. and I was nearly sure he was taller. Then again my small frame that stood at 4ft and 7inches that didn't help in the slightest.

"You've grown a lot” Tommy pointed out

“Not that much I’m still only 4ft 7” I laughed.

“So Willow Sixx tell us how has our favourite niece been” Vince questioned

“Uhh I’ve been better” I smiled

“What have you been doing with your self. Your Nikki’s kid you have to have done something” Tommy snickered

“Let’s see I work I smoke I go to school if I get time I go to band practise I listen to music and write and look after my drugged up alcoholic mother” I listed off.

“Wow are you sure your not super woman?” Mick joked

“I’m sure” I smiled

We ordered the food and I have to say it wasn’t as awkward as I though it would be. Conversation flowed naturally.

“Who’s the bitch that’s sitting in my chair” A joking voice spoke in my ear making me jump.

I turned to see my older step brother Gunner.

“ Gunner Sixx I hate you! You made me jump!” I pouted

“Sorry little sister now come er’ and give your favourite brother a hug.” He laughed

“I’ll give you a hug but I never implied you were my favourite brother for all you know that could be Decker.” I laughed as I hugged him.

I had met my four siblings on five or six occasions. Frankie Jean had to be one of the cutest kids alive. Gunner was a big goofball, Storm was the prettiest 16 year old ever and Decker, made me laugh. They were family. A real family.

I was then mobbed by a sixteen year old Storm, a fifteen year old Decker and a eight year old Frankie Jean.

“You two are crazy” I laughed at Decker and Storm with Frankie Jean perched on my hip.

For an eight year old she was incredibly small.

They pulled up a few more chairs and sat down talking with their ‘uncles’. I quickly got carried away with talking. I looked at my battered phone and realised it was nearly four. I hadn’t realised I had spent this much time with everyone.

“Crap! I have to go. I guess I’ll see you guys later.” I mumbled sadly not wanting to leave.

“Willow Nikita Sixx sit down, I told Kat you would be back when I left you back, I have not left you back yet so sit down!” My dad said sternly he was going all fatherly on my ass.

“Okay I have no problems with that” I laughed

“Dad have you shown her yet?” Decker asked truly intrigued

“Shown who what?” I asked looking between my dad and Decker.

“You’ve done it now Decker” He muttered “I told you I would come get you.”

I was pulled from my seat and out to my dads shiny black car. I lifted my board from where it was leaning and threw it into the trunk. Decker and Frankie Jean got into the car with us while Storm and Gunner got into a shinny red pick up truck. If they seen my rusty red mustang that I saved from the scrap heap they would have died laughing.

If I had learnt anything today it was that my dad was an awful driver. We pulled up at this big house. I’m nearly sure it was about seven times the size of where I currently lived.

“This is our house” my dad smiled

Everyone got out of their cars and went inside and I was left standing wide eyed and opened mouthed staring at the huge house. Gunner then took my hand and dragged me inside. This house was like nothing I had every seen before in my life. The inside hall was coloured with creams and blacks. The living room was the most amazing shade of purple and black. The TV was something else. It was huge. It hung from the ceiling like a movie screen. I looked up to see a projector. Their TV was a movie screen. Then there was the huge open planned kitchen and dining room. I was then lead up a huge set of stairs to the up stairs. This house was huge. My eye’s were then covered so I couldn’t see anything. I was lead to what I can only guess was what Decker had been talking about earlier. I could hear a door being opened and I was guided forward.

“Okay Storm let her see” My dad laughed

“Holy crap is this mine?” I stuttered.

“No” Storm smirked sarcastically

“Less of the sarcastic comments Storm” I smiled

The walls were a deep shade of pink and there was one feature wall that was coloured black. There was a fluffy black carpet on the floor. There were two black leather chairs sat beside a sliding door onto a balcony and a matching coffee table. Posters from my room back home were located around the biggest bed I had ever seen. When I had finished taking in the appearance of the surrounding room I opened a second door to find a second massive room with shelves and hanging space.

“Holy hell I have a walk in closet.” I screamed.

“Where do you want us to put these?” A confused Gunner asked

“Wait do you guys want me to move in here?” I asked more confused.

“Only if you want to Willow. I told you I would come get you but I understand if you just want to go home” my dad mumbled he looked saddened at the fact I could choose to leave.
“Are you crazy? Of course I’m staying here. Flippen’ eck’ I only waited nine years.” I laughed

“So where do I put it?” Gunner asked motioning toward the boxes.

“Uhh set them there and I’ll sort them when I get back from work.” I chuckled motioning toward the walk in closet.

“Oh no you don’t” My dad warned “You have the rest of the day off.”

“But I wanna go learn” I whined

“No you work to much. Kat has me filled in” he laughed

“Fine I guess I’ll unpack.” I smiled and started to fold t-shirts onto the shelves.

“Oh we have this like party thing later to celebrate the success of Crue fest. Your going.” He told me

“Is everyone going?” I asked

“Everyone except Frankie-Jean she staying with her mom.”

I nodded and continued to pull items of clothing out of boxes and put it into an appropriate place. I pulled out my light blue skinny jeans and my grey sweater and fedora and left it all sitting on my bed. I pulled my box of C.D’s out into my room and started to stack them into a drawer in my desk. My drawing supplies then went in the drawer above that. It’s only when I had everything put away I realised I really didn’t have much stuff.

I went down stairs to see if dad had an ashtray. I found one under the sink in the kitchen when I realised my car was still at the shop.

“Dad my cars at the shop.” I whined poking my head through the living room door.

“Hold on we’ll go get it now.” He sighed picking up his keys.

I closed my eyes as my dad started the twenty minute drive that took ten. I got out and felt like I was about to chuck. I slowly opened my eyes and made my way into the store.

“Kat did you give me the rest of the day off?” I questioned while grabbing my keys.

“Yea kiddo you disserve it you work to much. Spend some time with your dad. I’ll see you at the crue fest party anyway.” She laughed

I shrugged and moved toward my car. I felt someone stare at me. I turned round to see my dad staring at my car.

“Can I help you daddy?” I asked

“That is your car?” He sounded disgusted

“Yup that’s my piece of crap” I laughed

“Now I know what to get you for a late birthday present.” he murmured

“I like my car” I joked

“Your lies are sad. So what cars do you like”

“This one” I joked and got inside.

I felt guilty that he felt he had to buy me a car because the one I was driving was done. I didn’t mind driving it. Although it did look bad park beside any other car. When I got home I went straight out to my balcony with my newly found ashtray and light up my cigarette taking a long drag and letting the nicotine fill my lungs. I took drag after drag until I had to stub out the butt. I went to the bed and lifted my clothes and took them to the bathroom.

I stepped under the hot water and washed my fake blonde hair. I had taken to dying my hair blonde and leave one steak of black and one racoon tail. I liked my hair. It was the only part of me I liked. I had my mother pale skin and blue eye’s and I had my dad’s black hair and smile. Don’t get me wrong my dad looked good for fifty and my mom well she just looks like a forty six year old drug addict. I just don’t like how I Willow Nikita Sixx look. I pulled on my under wear and clothes. I clean around the shower quickly and then went to my room to start on my hair. Once I had perfected the scene kid hair I started to try and make my skin more tan by applying my urban decay foundation and rimming my blue eyes heavily in eyeliner, grey eye shadow and mascara. I pulled on my boots and went down stairs to grab a packet of chips.

“Oh good your ready” Gunner smirked from outside

“Errgh what can I do for you” I mumbled annoyed

“Get me a bottle of water from the fridge before we go.”

I threw the bottle at him and made sure I had everything in my purse.

Gunner pulled me through the house to where Decker and Storm were standing ready to go waiting on me and dad.

“You two take so long to get ready” Decker complained

I laughed and pulled my keys from my pocket.

“You won’t need those” Dad called from the stairs.

“Uhh yes I will how else will I start my car” I asked confused

“Well you won’t start it with those keys”

“You didn’t…”

“Yes I did! I did because I can” I was then tossed another set of keys. I removed my death bat key ring and put it on my new set of keys.

Once outside I was greeted with a White BMW X5.

“Your C.D’s are in there” Dad called while smiling

I think I was going to cry. Happy tears. My dad had bought me a brand new white BMW. I loved it. I ran and gave him the biggest hug. I was now the proud owner of a nice new car. I don’t think there was anyone happier.

“Don’t cry please. I thought you would like it.” he smiled

“Like it. I love it. It’s the best. Thank you so much” I started

“Come on there is celebrating to be done” Decker exclaimed

I shook my head and got into my car and placed Red, White and Crue into my C.D player. I followed dad’s car into the lights of L.A. We pulled up at a club what looked closed but then I realised that people were actually going inside. I got out and flicked my cigarette on to the ground and ground it out. I got out and followed my dad and my three brothers. Inside was something else. There were members from allot of bands and famous people from California. I looked around and almost died when I saw Jeffree Star. Yes he had been in the shop but I had never actually talked to him. Avenged were there with their wives/girlfriends. Jacoby Shadix was here. The rest of Papa Roach, Buckcherry, Sixx am, Trapt, the guys from the shop and Eighteen Visions. It was mental. I had never been to a party like it. There were people coming up to me and asking what I wanted to drink!

“First person to down all 10 shots of JD wins” Storm said excitement evident in his voice

“If she’s anything like dad she’ll out drink him by a mile” Decker snickered

Yes I was trying to out drink my older brother how silly.

“3, 2, 1, go!” Nate screamed

Gunner sipped at the first shot where as I threw it down my throat and moved on.

“Done” I squeaked the tens shot’s finished leaving Gunner on his third

“Willow out drunk you man! You’ve been out drunk by your baby sister” Decker laughed

My phone began to ring and without a second thought I answered it.

“ LA morgue you bring em’ we grill em’” I giggled

“Willow where are you we have band practise?” James asked obviously annoyed I had failed to turn up.

“At a party with my family” I explained

“We called for you your mom was in. Now where are you”

Cue drunken anger.

“I don’t live with Lola anymore. I’m with my real family now if you’ll excuse me my dad’s looking for me.” with those last words I hung up leaving James with the dialling tone.

I stormed off in search for more Jack or Beer. I was going to regret this in the morning.
♠ ♠ ♠
Okay since we are no longer aloud links in the story content for anyone who is intrested here is
Willow's crue fest party outfit
Willow's lunch outfit
Willow's new room
Nikki's house
Willows new car

Thank you for taking time to read this subscribe and comment please!


Natalie V xXx