Status: Update is being worked on!

I Pray to the Saints of Los Angeles

Home sweet home

I pulled on my over sized Jimmy Hendrix shirt and made my way into Compton for band practise. I intended to sort out this stupid argument today. I pulled into James' drive to see that they had the garage door open and they stood around talking. I locked my car up not before getting my baby out of the back.

I bounced into the garage smiling.

"Hey Ryan and Jamesy" I waved

"Willow am I glad to see you." I was attacked by Ryan and nearly squeezed to death.

"Oh so you can make band practices now." James snarled

"Whats that suppose to mean?" I asked shocked by his sudden outburst

"I cant do Fridays I cant do Thursdays I have to work. Then all of a sudden your dad comes back and you ignore us. Your going to parties without us. Your changing Willow you need to remember who your friends are. You knew who your dad was and you didn't even tell us!" He snapped

"That is not fair James and you know it. Nine years I went without seeing my dad. He turns up out of the blue and offers to take me away from my mother and give me a better life. Of course I'm gonna take it. So what if I never told you he was Nikki Sixx. I wanted real friends not some fakes who only liked me cause my dad was famous! I never ignored you. I went to school everyday worried that when I went home he was gonna up and leave again. Jeez-us he's only back I wanted some time with him. So I'm sorry if I haven't been normal. Parties! I went to one to celebrate the success of crue fest. My friends are you two. Sure I'm maybe friend with some of my brothers friends but you two will always have the number one spot." I cried

A shiny blue Ford Ka pulled up. Out stepped a tall girl with shiny black hair it was blue when the light of the sun hit it. She had a dancers body if ever I saw one and she moved with such grace.

"Well we have a show on Saturday at the whiskey. We can't take the chance. We're replacing you." James sighed

"Wait your playing The Whiskey A GO GO." This is not fair whose replacing me" I burst out I felt my eye's sting

"I am. Hi I'm Tina you can call me Tinker if you want" the tall black haired girl smiled

"You can all go to hell. Thanks for the warning guys. Cya round. " I stormed out of the garage and put my bass back in the trunk. I sped off in the general direction of High Voltage.

I was getting a tattoo. I wanted one so bad and I know people say you should do these things out of anger but hey I had wanted this one for ages so why not now. I pulled up at the shop and slammed my door shut. Locking it carelessly from behind me.

"Kitty Kat" I yelled

"What can i do for you?" She smiled

"Kat I want you to tattoo me." I stated firmly

"Sweetie does your dad know about this."

"Kat this isn't about him. I've wanted this for ages. Please." I begged

"Okay okay. What do you want?" She asked rolling her eye's

"I want the words 'I'm on my way home sweet home' on my lower back" I smiled

Kat smiled knowing how much those word meant to me She got out her tracing paper and started to write the words out like the way Motley Crue was written with the two skulls at the start and the end of the words. No sooner had she started that she was waving me over to take a look.

"Oh my god Kat it's perfect." my eyes welled up

"Okay kiddo what colors do you want or do you want it black an gray." She smiled

"Um can we do the skulls white and the writing like black and purple?" I asked knowing color wasn't one of Kat's favorites.

"We can do that" she winked.

She went to put the drawing through the thermal-fax. I went to her area and set everything up for her the way she liked it. I rolled the plastic over the bed like thing. I pulled my hair back and lay down pulling my shirt up just enough for Kat to apply the stencil and tattoo without making a mess.

"Someones egar." She laughed

I felt her rub over the spot I told her I wanted the tattoo placed.

"Kat I trust you so where ever it is, is completely fine" I mumbled.

She laughed and rubbed the ointment over the stencil. I herd the noise of the machine and I breathed in and out slowly and squeezed my eye's shut.

"How does it feel?" She asked

"Well it's not too bad actually" I responded opening my eyes and breathing normally.

The feel of the needle over my skin was actually relaxing I think I may have fallen asleep but hey what does that matter.

"Okay kid your done" Kat laughed rubbing more ointment over the finished tattoo. I looked at the small work of art on my back.

"Kat it's perfect. Thank you so much." I exclaimed jumping on her.

"No problem come on I wanna picture and then we'll bandage you up."

Once I was bandaged up and I had paid I drove the rest of the journey home. I lifted the bass out of the back of the car and made my way inside.

"Willow is that you?" My dad asked his voice thick with concern

"Yeah dad it's me. You okay?" I asked his eyes were red and blood shot.

"No you had me scared to death. It's six where have you been?"

"Sorry dad spent some time in the shop." I smiled

"Really? How did band practice go?" He questioned

"Yeah. Band practise is no more they kicked me out. The worst bit is they get to play the Whiskey A GO GO on Saturday." I complained

"I'm sorry kid. You can do better anyway. So Kat phoned me" he explained

"Okay what did she say?"

"Said your tattoo looked really nice, and I wasn't to give you a hard time about it." He said finally cracking a smile.

"Oh, well surprise dad." I smiled innocently doing some jazz hands.

"What did you get?" He pressed

"You know some inspiring words from the best band ever."

"Those words would be" He pressed

"I'm on my way home sweet home" I smiled

"You got our words on your back?"

"Yeah but it's no biggie that song means a lot to me"

"But why?" He was astounded

"Cause I used to listen to that song on repeat thinking one day you would come back home." I sniffed

"Willow come er'" My dad enveloped me in a hug "You know Vince use to let me dedicate that song every night we played it. I always said that it was for my little girl and that if she could hang on I would be there for her soon." He said his voice cracking.

"Dad thanks. I don't care how long it took. You still came and got me. " I said sincerity evident in every word.

"Your welcome go get changed we have to go to some award show but we're gonna go for dinner first." he smiled pushing me off toward the stairs.

"I'm not wearing a dress or a skirt." I stated

I scampered up the stairs. I looked at the time on my sidekick it was seven now. Kat bandaged me up at around five. I care-full peeled off the bandage and filled the basin with Luke warm water. I washed it as Kat explained and then smeared Tattoo goo over the tattoo again.

I pulled on a clean Tinkerbell shirt and skinny jeans. I put in a new lip ring and put in my knuckle duster earrings. I slid on my ring and jelly bracelets. I put on my necklace and quickly put on some new converse high heel boot things. I straight ironed my hair and slid my hairband over my fringe. I applied what little make up I could be bothered with.

I came back downstairs stuffing my cigarettes, lighter and sidekick into my pockets. We all got into the one car this time and made our way to MC Donald's.

"Classy dad." Storm snickered

I rolled my eyes and we placed our order. I sat on the way to the venue happily munching on my happy meal. When we pulled up at the venue place there was like a red carpet thing and there were musicians everywhere. I saw Steven Tyler and I can honestly say I have never really been starstruck but at that moment I was. My dad pulled Storm, Gunner, Decker and I down the carpet and inside with various questions being shouted at my dad.

"Hey Sixx whose the blond?"

"Nikki over here. Have you broken up with Kat is she the rebound girl?"

"Nikki Sixx who is she?"

The other members of Motley shook their heads and kept walking. My dad looked peeved at the guy who had thought I was some kind of rebound from Kat. I really had to laugh. I'm his daughter for crying out loud.

We took our seats and some one leaned over to whisper something to my dad. He frowned but then smiled and nodded.

"Hey Willow how would you like to come with me and present an award for Best Video?" My dad asked

"Do you think you have to ask of course I will silly."

Simon Young stepped onto the stage and started to talk. There were hollers when certain bands were mentioned. The time grew closer and closer. My dad pulled on my arm to tell me to follow him. When it got to the part where we had to get on stage I looked out on all the blank faces and smile.

"So I'm here today with my daughter Willow to announce the nominees for the best music video of 2009." Dad started

"So the nominees are Green-day and 21 guns. Paramore and Decode. Fall out boy and I don't care. Kings of Leon and Use Somebody. Finally Cold play Viva la Vida" I announced letting the clips play after each name

"The winner is Green-day and 21 guns." My dad smiled

There were cheers from the band and some other areas in the crowd. I handed Tre the award and received a hug from all three members. This had to be the most amazing night ever!
♠ ♠ ♠
First outfit
Award show outfit
The type of writing I ment

I gots my first comment today! So I thought I would update for my one commenter.

Thank you My Chemical Rainbow!

Natalie V xxx