Status: Trying to get round to writing again, will do soon though :) Bare with me people, cheers! xx

Rock & Love

In The Begining

Information on the main characters for this story...

Name: Helvi Selo

Nickname Hell, Selo

Age: 28

Looks: Emerald Green, Purple hair styled like Jussi 69, Small, Slim Build

Personality: Cute, Fiery attitude, loving, messy, clumsy

Facts Best mate its Liam Turnbull, who she met when she went to England on a holiday. In a band called Apocalyptic Reign, and plays the drums.
Her brothers are Jussi Selo & Janne Selo from the band Uniklubi.
She get's along well with both of them and are all very close.

Name Liam Turnbull

Nickname Turnbull, Pic (as in guitar Pic)

Age 28

Looks: Shoulder length Black hair, with Red streaks in, Normal build for a guy. Ice Blue eyes

Personality: Kind, Loving, Gets pissed off easily, Calm, Protective

Facts: Plays Guitar in Apocalyptic Reign. Is English, but moved to Finland to be closer to best mate Helvi. Is a HUGE! fan of HIM.

Helvi & Liam live in a flat together, in downtown Helsinki. Finland.
Though they have to search for new one, seeing as Liam had a problem with mac & cheese
Helvi has a Huski dog called Enuk named after the dog in The Lost Boys. Her fave film.
And Liam has a pet Tarantula called...Steve.

The Band....Apocalyptic Reign
Lead Singer & Bass - Roosa
Lead Guitarist - Liam
Keyboards - Esko
Drums - Helvi

The story

“LIAMMM!!!” I shouted In the early morning through our apartment.
Liam and I had been living together in this flat ever since he moved from England and came all the way over to Finland. This will be 4 years, this month.
I didn’t mind though, It was nice to finally have some company. Though I did make him pay half the rent, he wasn’t getting away with it that easily.
“WHAT!!” He half shouted, half yawned into his pillow.
God he was lazy, but I loved him, he was my best mate after all.
I walked over to his room, bashed open the door and pulled his covers off of him,
He turned over, but soon turned back to shield his eyes from the light. Just like a Vampire.
“What the hell Helvi!?” He shouted, I just giggled and walked out the door with the sheets, so he wouldn’t get back into bed. I heard mumbling, and then a giant bang.
He was obviously still tired, and fell.
“Liam! Get up we’ve got practice In half and hour!!” I shouted to him, turning round to make some toast. I heard another fall, and cursing, then his door flew open.

“Crap! You could of told me Hel!” He said as he walked over whilst trying to do his belt.
“I did, I called you several times but you didn’t want to get up, numb nuts!” I said to him whilst passing him some toast. He shoved it into his mouth and chewed loudly. I sighed
“Dude, could you at least, chew quieter, or something?” I asked him, but he just simply shook his head and gave a cheesy grin. Once more I sighed.

“Don’t know what you’re moaning about, your not even dressed! And you take longer!” Liam pointed out, then smiling in victory because he had made a point.
“Yeah, I don’t take as long as you to get out of bed, let alone I don’t fall!, Plus I’ve already got my clothes ready!” And with that I walked to my room, and closed the door.

I slipped on a short black skirt, knee high Ankh socks, black tank top, and my black Doc’s. Plus not forgetting to spike my hair up, do my teeth and make up. This consisted in a little black eyeliner. I grabbed my ipod and phone and proceeded out the door.
“Ready?” I said to Liam, who was in the middle of finding his phone, or ipod.
“Aha! Found ya! Oh!, yeah” He said and grabbed a jacket and his keys, Then shoved his phone into his jacket pocket.

After a long, frustrating drive on what to listen to, between HIM and The 69 Eyes, we finally got to our destination. Roosa’s house.
Roosa was the only on with an actual house, with a garage. All the rest of us which was Me, Liam and Esko had flats. The garage door was up and they were all stood there tuning their guitars and such.
“Took you fucking long enough, your half hour late, again!” Esko said as he noticed me and Liam walking up the drive way and into the garage.

“Yeah, yeah, well numb nuts decided he wanted to stay in bed longer, and make me late as well!” I answered whilst taking my sticks out my back pocket and getting behind my kit. It wouldn’t fit in my flat at the time, so I ended up putting it at Roo’s and well I guess you could say I never got it back to my place. Was the best kit ever though, fully black pearl, I loved it, it was my baby. Well apart from Enuk.
“Yeah well I, Shut up Hel” Liam replied back, but lost for words. I giggled.
“Just shut up the both of you, and lets get playing!” Shouted Roo, taking me and Liam out of our glare war.

I started a simple drum beat and began to play one of our songs, that had only just been written up. So it was still just a rough practise.
Liam had woken up a bit more and was now fully alert and playing

Many Hours Later:

“Liam! Give me my fuckin’ milkshake!!” I whined as I bent over him to try and win my banana love back. But it wasn’t working. He laughed and held it high, deliberately, just because I was small.
“No way man, your not having it back, unless you jump for it” He smirked, this made me angry, bully’s used to do this to me in primary, and also my old friends.
So I decided t kick him in the shin, and with that, he fell to the floor, and I won my prize back out of his grip.
“Ha! Sucker, my banana now bitch!” I shouted and ran off into the park to sit on a swing.

I sat there in thought, whilst drinking my milkshake, wondering if we would ever get big, or at least play a really good gig. When suddenly my phone started to vibrate.
I fished around in my pocket for my phone till I found it, I didn’t bother reading the ID so I just answered it.
“Hello??” I asked into the phone whilst slurping the few remaining drops of my shake.
“HEY HELVI!!!!!” shouted my older brother Janne down the phone.
My ears felt numb, as I had to hold the phone away from my ear until he stopped shouting.
“JANNE!!!” I shouted back, hoping that I had damaged his ears also.
“Woah! Some mouth you got there sis. Anyfuck, you okay?? Haven’t talked in a while” Janne said, whilst he chuckled down the phone.
I loved Jonne and Jussi, they were like my body guards, they always protect me, or at least when they were around. They’ve been on tour since their last Cd came out, and that tour started like, what?..6 moths ago. And I did miss them like hell!

I laughed,
“Hey! So do you, and im good kittos, how are you?” I asked back. I could hear shuffling in the background, and muffled voices.
“HI HEL!!!!!” Shouted your other dim-witted brother down the other end. I laughed
“Hi Jussi!, I’ll talk to you in a minute, but put Janne back on please!” I said, I know this would piss him off.
I heard voices along the lines of “Fine, fine, Janna gets everything, fuckin’ moron” I laughed again, sometimes Jussi could be so immature. I heard the fait sound of a slap, possibly Janne slapping Jussi upside the head.
“Er..Hello? Im still here guys” I said, waving my hand in the air gesturing, even though they couldn’t see me doing so.
“Oh yeah! Sorry, Jussi was being a big baby, anyways, was just calling to tell you, well ask you, if you could be the best sister in the world and come and pick us up from the airport on Thursday afternoon?” Janne said the last part realy fast, then breathed in at the end.

“What!? You’re coming home?? Really!? WOO!” I shouted down the line,
“What time?? And pass me on to Jussi please!!” I said getting abit hyperactive
“At about 7-ish” Janne laughed. I heard him shout Jussi and the phone crackling, possibly been passed to Jussi.

“HEI!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!” Shouted Jussi down the phone, once again I held the phone far from my ear. Incase of been deaf in the near by future.
“HEY!!!!!!!” I shouted back twice as loud.
“Ow, that hurt! Anyways, Im coming home so I can come and see you And Enuk and Liam and Roosa An-”
“Jussi! Shush, I get it, listen I’ll see you soon I have to go, everyone’s shouting me back” I sharply cut him on, seeing as Liam was running towards me at full speed, with everyone else in tow behind him.
“Aww no fair! Tell Liam when I see him im gonna nick him monkey boxers! And we have a surprise for you lot anyays, Ill tell you what I see ya, Byeee! Love you!!”
Jussi said, down the phone making kiss noises, I laughed
“Okay then, Love you guys too. Byee Byee!” I said back and shut the phone off.

I was about to turn round and run when I men my friend the floor. I had everyone on me, Which ment, Roosa, Esko, and not forgetting your best mate. Liam.
“Milkshake?” Liam said as he shoved the cup bang right into my face. My eyes grew wide and I stared into the magical cup filled with the yellowy substance, and grinned.

“I LOVVEEE YOUUUU!!!!!!” I shouted and jumped on Liam and wrapped my legs around him and gave him a big cuddle.
“Awwe I love you too, now here!” He said and hugged me back. Then gave the the milkshake, which I chugged down in one.

For the last hour I was starting to complain of stomach ache, and all they said was..
“Well you shouldn’t have drank all in one go then should you!?” Said Roosa.
I snorted, and jumped in the car next to Liam and rested my head on his shoulder.
Gently listening to the silent sounds of cars passing by and the fresh cool air hitting my skin, then soon my eyes slowly closed and off I went into a peaceful sleep.
♠ ♠ ♠
Okay! Sorry It took sooo long to get this up, I've been busy and I never had time to post..
But it's up now!...Let me know what you think Please! xx
