Status: Trying to get round to writing again, will do soon though :) Bare with me people, cheers! xx

Rock & Love

Some Kind Of Magick

I awoke the next morning or should I say afternoon. By the sound of The Chelsea Smiles blast through my apartment. Strangely it did not make me mad, but only because I loved the song.
I jumped out of bed, and felt to cold air dance across my skin, seeing as I was only in a HIM tank top and boxers. I grabbed some random clothes from the draw and headed out of my room and across the living room to the bathroom, whilst dancing to Little Misfit.

“Alright Little Misfit,
Alright Little Misfit,
Alright Little Misfit,
Run Away!!”

I spun around, letting the song get the best of me, when suddenly I heard a whistle, I turned around to see Liam stood behind the counter, with a grin on his face.
I laughed and began dancing again, but this time actually heading into the bathroom, and turning on the shower to hot. And hopped in.

After a long, hot shower. I finally got out, dried off and slipped on a skirt and a tank top.
Applied some makeup and brushed my teeth and hair, and headed out the door and into the kitchen to get some food.
Liam was in the middle of putting on some trousers but sadly failed and he tripped over a leg and fell face first onto the cold wooden floor. I laughed making me spit my orange juice out across the counter.

“Hey! Don’t laugh at me!” He said, I laughed even more, cause it’s just not the thing you would say, after you’ve fallen over cause you cant get some trousers on. People are bound to laugh at you. Aren’t they?

I walked over to him and bent down in front of him, and giggled, I held out a hand for him to accept it, which he thankfully did and I pulled him up. After he had got his trousers on properly and a shirt he came back into the living room and sat down on the couch next to me. I sighed and hanged him my cup of tea, which he happily took and sipped.
“So what were you rushing around for anyways?” I asked whilst starting to giggle again, of the earlier evens. Liam shot a death glare at me, which I soon shut up.
“Well. Miss Little Misfit, In case you had forgotten, which obviously you had. We have to go pick up your brothers at the airport in less than an hour” He said in a matter-of-faculty

My eyes suddenly went wide in remembrance and I jumped up, which spilt the tea all over Liam and also the carpet.
“HELVI!” He shouted as it burned him, and also made a mess on the carpet.
“Oh you’ll be okay!, Come on we’ve got…Fuck no’s how long to get their!” I said and grabbed, my bag, and also Liam and dragged him out the door and closed it.

I ran down the stairs with Liam in tow, slightly falling down the stairs…
“Hey! Watch it Hel, Im going to brake a leg in a minute! Or maybe an arm! Or foot! O-”
“Liam! Shush!” I said as I dragged him out of the apartment building.
And jumped into my car. And sped off to the nearest airport which was Vantaa.

Elect Death For President By Wednesday 13 blasted through the car speakers, and so I started to sing along at the top of my voice whilst speeding round the corners.

“Elect death, death for president
Elect death, death for president
Elect death, death for president
Elect death!

Hooray for homicide
My left wing's baked and my right wing's fried
Vote for me and I'll legalize everything

Splish splash you're in a blood bath
Intentionally headed down the wrong path
But a dollar sign won't make you smile in your grave

Red, yellow, black or white
It doesn't matter -- everyone dies tonight”

I turned into the car park and parked the car. I switched the engine off and turned to Liam who was clinging onto his seat which a shocked expression on his face. I laughed and crawled over him, opened the door, then crawled back and clicked his seatbelt off. I brought my legs up and pushed him out of the car, hopefully knocking more sense into him again.

“OW BITCH!!” He shouted as he got up off of the floor. I laughed
“Come on shocker, were gonna’ be late!” I said and ran up to him and grabbed his arm, then we started to run into the airport. And went to the departures.

We were only stood for about 4 minutes, when suddenly I felt to big, strong arms wrap around me then someone whisper in my ear.
“Hey Sis” I smiled, and Then I turned round fast to see Janne stood behind me, smiling.
“Janne!!” I shouted and jumped into his arms and hugged him.
I haven’t seen him in so many years, and Now im seeing him for once. I mean sure I’ve seen him on tv and such. But never in person and it was a good feeling to finally see him again. Oh and not forgetting Jussi, couldn’t forget him.

I heard a big thud at the side of me, I looked down and saw a familiar duffle bag, that was slightly worn and battered. I then felt someone tap me on the shoulder. Turning round, I was staring straight into a black coated chest. I looked up a bit more and saw my other older brother Jussi. Smiling widely, I jumped in his arms and gave him a big, massive hug

“Hei Jussi, how’ve you been ?” I asked, pulling away from the hug to look at him. He looked down at me and smiled.
“I’ve been good thanks sis, wow, you’ve grown!” He said laughing. I punched him playfully in the arm. Everyone always used to take the mick out of my size, but in the end I just got used to it.

Suddenly there was a loud scream and a bang. Jussi and I turned around and saw Liam sprawled out on the floor with Janne on the top of him.

“Oh Liam! I never knew you loved me that way!” Shouted Janne at the top of his voice, then pecked Liam on the cheek. Making all the heads turn in the airport.
Liam scrunched his nose up in discus, and im pretty sure that if he was stood up in this point of time, he would be slowly backing away, with his hands up in defense.
“No, No im good thanks Janne” Liam said and started getting up,
“NO! Don't leave my wifey!” he shouted, grabbed hold of Liam jacket sleeve and pulled him back down on top of him.
“ARGH!!” Muffled Liam as he fell back down.

Janne wrapped his arms tightly around Liam and cuddled close into his neck.
“I love you” He giggled, Liam sighed, “I love you too” he said and just decided that he wouldn't win against Janne.
“WOO!” Janne shouted, then it all went silent.

Jussi and I just stared in unison, then burst out laughing. By this time Janne and Liam stood up, grabbed the bags and started to walk towards us.
“Nice little show you boys put on there” I said grinning. They laughed, and carried on walking with us towards out exit to freedom and the world.

Liam grabbed Janne’s ass making him jump up into the air. He turned round and blew Liam a kiss.
I knew they were messing around but they made it look so real it was just hilarious to each others and peoples reactions around us.
Me and Jussi chuckled, and helped them with the bags.

Then from out of nowhere a little old lady carrying a little scrappy dog, which looked like a rat in my defense; walked up to Liam and patted him on the back.
“It’s good that you finally came out of the closet love” Smiled then slapped him.
“But no need to grope each other in public!” She hissed then walked or should I say, slowly hobbled over to Janne and also slapped him.
“Be careful and use protection!” She said pointing a finger at him. Then hobbled off into the distance with her rat.
Jussi and I burst out laughing, holding our sides and holding onto each other for support, so we wouldn’t fall with all the gas rushing from out of our lungs and into our heads. The looks on Their faces were priceless, as they rubbed there cherry red cheeks, were the slap burned both their faces and remained there.

“Come on let’s get going we have something to tell you, don’t we Janne” Jussi said whilst he put his arm round mine and Janne’s shoulders. Janne just looked up at him, still rubbing his cheek and just muffled an “um hum” I giggled. Jussi shoved his back pack on his shoulder more, since it was beginning to decide that it didn’t want to stay there.

“Oooh what is it!?” Both Liam and I shouted in unison. Jussi and Janne laughed as we all walked out the airport doors and into the cool finnish air.
“You will have to wait and see” Janne said as we turned the corner to my car, uploaded all the stuff into the back and proceeded to our apartment.

After a long drive back to the apartment and the guys arguing over what they were going to tell me, and that Liam was complaining cause we didn’t have any strawberries in the house. We were finally at the building.
We managed to hurl the back up the stairs then realized that we actually had a lift.

“Oh! why didn’t anyone tell me!? You complete assholes!” I said breathing heavily trying to get my so called breath back. Janne laughed and patted me on the back.
“I was...going to...tell you...but I...needed...the exercise” He said, bending down with his hands on his knees.

After getting my breath back kind of, I slipped my hand into my jeans pocket and fished around for my keys. When I successfully found them, I pulled them out and shoved the key in the lock, which was stiff.Though after a few turns it unlocked.
And suddenly my face was met with the floor.

“Guys! Get the fuck off me!” I shouted or rather muffled through the arms of my dim whited brothers and my best mate, and not forgetting the wooden flooring. There was a mixture of “Sorry’s” and “Okay’s” then I was free and could actually breath again.

God, this was going to be a long and tiring day, I thought.
♠ ♠ ♠
Heyy Thurr!!

1st Off..Im sorry for those people who have been reading this story, I had block and I ddnt know what to put. But it's out now so..BOO YEAH!! Im proud of myself hehe. I didn't know what to call Title so iI just called it the song I was listening to. And it's long, for those people who enjoy reading long stories, Like me! Hehe ...^ ^...

Hope you like it, I would be very grateful if you could comment, or send me a message on what you think of it! Thanks, ENJOY!

xx ...^ ^...

P.s:: I have no clue when the next one will be out...