Status: Trying to get round to writing again, will do soon though :) Bare with me people, cheers! xx

Rock & Love

Feel Berlin

I pulled my trench over me tighter, as my boots made a loud thud on the floor, making small puddles of rain washed with water splash all over my dead, beat black docs.
Yeah you guessed it, the guys decided they wanted strawberries and cream for supper, and take a wild guess who they made go and get it. And have a second guess who was also crazy enough to go and agree with it all. Me!...

I walked back into the local corner shop and went to the fruit isle. I skimmed the shelf for the strawberries and found my target, I picked up the box and put them in the basket, oh yeah I forgot to mention that I picked one up on the way in.
I then went to the milk department to find the cream, I suddenly came into an argument with myself on wether to get single or double, But I was soon knocked out of my thoughts by a guy skating right past and knocking me onto my ass with a loud thud.
“Hei! Watch it you wanker!” I shouted back at him. The guy turned round, got off his board and offered me his hand, I gladly accepted it and he pulled me back onto my feet

“Hey, sorry I didn’t mean to, floors slippery probably cause of your shoes” he said looking from my feet and back up to my face grinning.
“Im-” “Ty! You sod I told you not come in here on your board!” A girl from behind the cashier cut him off. She laughed and went back to counting the money in the till.
“Like I was going to say before I was, Rudely! Interrupted” he said directing the last part to the girl, She looked up grinning.
“My names Tyko, Ty for short and that’s Sandra over there” Tyko said pointing towards Sandra.
She has shoulder length browy reddish hair, a Murderdolls band shirt, baggy jeans, black converse and also a long trench like jacket. And as for Tyko or Ty, he had a Hoodie, dark brown hair that was a bit long, past his ears and wavy. But it was mostly covered by his black beanie on the top of his head, that looked like he always wore it. Like me. He was also wearing baggy jeans and converse.

I smiled, I liked these people even though I may not know them that well, I could actually become friends with these people, I thought. By this time Sandra was stood at the side of Tyko. “Hei! Im Sandra, sorry that he shoved you over,but that’s Ty for you!” She smiled and let out a little giggle, I smiled back, Ty grunted at her comment and shoved an earphone in his ear roughly, they were dangling at the top of his shirt, just like mine were.
“Hei! Im Helvi, but you can call me Hell for short” I said and smiled,
“Nice” they both said in unison.
“Sorr-” Tyko started but I cut him off,
“Its okay, don’t worry about it, it was my fault for my wet shoes” I laughed.

Me, Tyko and Sandra chatted for about an hour or so before I realized I had kids at home waiting for there goods.
“Well i best get going, I have “kids” at home waiting, and when I mean kids, I actually mean 20 year old men” I laughed, grabbing my basket off of the floor.

“But maybe, if you want to that is, we could hang out sometime?” I asked, looking away, yeah I can be a bit shy.
“Yeah sure that would be great!” Both Ty and Sandra said in unison.
“Great! Well pass me your phones and I’ll pop mine in” I said and passed them my phone and I accepted theirs.

After we has exchanged numbers, I said goodbye to them and carried on with my little shopping, which consisted of Beer, Chocolate Ice-cream and smokes. I then paid and proceeded out of the store, waving on my way out.

My feet once again making loud thuds as Feel Berlin by The 69 Eyes blasted through my earphones and into my ear canal, potentially deafening me.

“OH MY GOD! TOOK YOUR TIME HELL!” Shouted Janne as soon as I had just set foot in my apartment door way.
“Yes! Well you sent a woman out into the rain to get strawberries fo-
“STRAWBERRIES!!!!” Shouted Liam and literally dived from his room and clung onto the bag like it was his long lost child.
“Hey! Be careful L, I have valuable stuff in there!” I said, snatching the bag back from his clutches and placed it onto the counter. Liam whimpered, but got up and sat on the stool in front of the little diner thing.

“Like what sis?” Said Jussi as he walked through and into the kitchen. What!? Was this a mothers meeting or something?
“Nothing for nosey’s, now do you want your strawberries or not?” I said with an evil grin on my face.
“YES!” Shouted Janne and Liam at the same time. I tutted them and turned round to proceed with the bowl and spoon fetching for everyone. I shooed everyone into the living room so I didn’t get stressed. Not like I was, but in a house with three grown men...
That’s stressful enough

Isn’t it?
♠ ♠ ♠
Okay! So! I FINALLY! Got it up in the god-damn frikkin end,
I promised myself i would get it up before christmas, so here i am writing this, while everyones asleep. :/

I know it's not much, to say I've had it for ages, but I just didn't know what to put, so im saving it till the next chapter, which I have NO idea when it will be up, sorry. : /

Please leave a comment if your kind on christmas day lol, If not then that's cool :)
Let me know what you think.

Byeee & Night!
