Status: Trying to get round to writing again, will do soon though :) Bare with me people, cheers! xx

Rock & Love

Like St. Valentine

I woke the next morning by a honk of a horn, that honked once, twice and then carried on for a minute. I shoved my marshmallow pillow of goodness over my head and tried to block out the sound. It was no use, I growled in frustration and threw the quilt off me, I looked at the clock at the side of me. Liam bought it me, it was in the shape of a drum kit, I loved it.
The clock read 3:30am in big bright red numbers. I had an hour and a half to get ready for this tour, God!
I sighed as the front door opened and slammed shut soon after.
Was I ever going to get peace and quiet?

I crawled to the end of my bed with much effort and slipped into my fluffy red dressing gown. Popped on my black fluffy slipper boots and walked into the living room.
“HEY HELVI!!” Shouted Jussi as he span around in a circle.
*Oh dear god!, for the love of gummy bears, what has he eaten* I wondered as I stared at the now hoping Jussi Selo, my retarded brother.

“Dude! Not so loud, need coffee, what have you given him?” I asked Liam then pushed Jussi onto the couch for him to move out of my way. He just looked at he dumb founded and he went silent.
“That’s better Juss” I smiled at him and walked over to the kitchen counter towards Liam.
“One coffee coming right up, seconds I game him Fizzy orange and last, did you call the band?” He said as he was pouring coffee beans into the coffee machine, the sweet aroma suddenly filling my my nose, I smiled.

I told Liam that they would be here in half an hour, I grabbed my coffee and stalked back to my bedroom to get dressed. Just as I entered my phone made a cute little sound signaling that I had a missed call, it showed I had a missed call off Sandra.
I suddenly had a thought, they can come with us! Sandra and Tyko, Oh my god, that would be so fucking awesome! I rushed out of my room and into the living room, to find Jussi up dancing again. I spun him around by the shoulders and stared at him to get his attention.

“Jussi! Where’s Janne?” I shouted at him, he didn’t listen he was still in his own world thinking he could catch butterflies. I shook his shoulders and shouted again.
“JUSSI!” I got his attention this time.

‘He’s in his room I think” he giggled. I sighed and ran past him to Janne’s room and opened the door, and couldn’t believe what I saw. Janne Selo was still in fucking bed!
I threw the closest thing that I could find, it turned out to be a slice of toast from yesterday, and it was on his desk.
It hit him square in side of his head, getting butter and jam all over his long, princess hair. Giving it lovely red streaks.
“Urrrr” I heard him muffle, it was pissing me off now, it was nearly 4:00am and he wasn’t ready! and he was telling us to get ready last night! Well neither was i ready but at least I was up! God, why am I related to this dork!?

“JONNE SELO! GET YOUR FUCKING LAZY ASS OUT OF BED, WERE LEAVING IN AN HOUR!!” I shouted the loudest I could go, which was pretty loud. I pulled his quilt off him so he couldn’t get back into bed when I was gone, he must think Im a moron.
“Urgh, what the fuck Hell! What’s the point!?” He moaned and hid under his pillow.
“The point is, GET UP, GET DRESSED, BE READY! Were going to be late Selo!”
I shouted again and dragged his quilt along with me and flicked on the light before I went out, then closed the door. I heard him scream like a vampire in shear pain towards the light. I grinned and walked back to my room to call Sandra.
I was pacing around my room waiting for Sandra to answer her phone.
1 ring....2 rings.....3 rings....4 ri-

“Hello?” Sandra’s bored and tired voice echoed through the other end of the phone, I smiled in relief and sighed.
“Hey S, it’s me Helvi, you know the chick that fell over at your store?” I laughed at that part. I’ve also found out that I have a habit of calling people by the 1st letter of their name.
Sandra umed and ahed for a while and then finally answered.

“Oh hey! Yeah, I remember now how are you?” She said happily, no longer bored to death.
“Im good thanks, you? Listen I have a question for you” I said really fast, trying to hurry things up.
“Yeah im good thanks and shoot” she said
“Okay this is going to sound strange and very sudden, but do you want to go to the big rock festival starting in Rovenemi and ending somewhere else in Finland i have no idea where. Im going with Liam, you know from the store? And also my brothers Janne and Jussi from the band Uniklubi. We will go on their tour bus, and we have enough room for you guys, including Tyko if he wishes to come, so what do you say?” I said all out of breath, I was now breathing the sweet air taking it for granted.

The phone was quite for a while, like dead quiet, obviously she was thinking hard about it.
“S? You there?” I said calmly into the phone, giggling a little.
I heard rustling sounds through the phone and and then a voice.
“Y..Yes Im still here, Um..I will have to check with Tyko and our boss, but sure! We’ll be happy to come, thanks! I could use a trip anyway” Sandra laughed and asked the usual questions, when are we going? what time? where do you live? how much stuff will I need?

I laughed and began to tell her all the directions and what she needs and so on.
We hung up and I went to my room to get changed.
I pulled the earphones out of my Ipod and pushed play.

Change In My Condition by Keegan started to fill my room, I smiled, I opened my blinds letting the beautiful sunshine surround my dull cave.

“Baby, Im only wishin’
For a change in my condition,
Now Im not rich,
But I know that the sun will shine for me,
Baby i’ve always chosen to live each and
Every moment,
To the best,
Forget the rest,
Come Take a ride with me!”

I sang aloud as I dug through my wardrobe of death. I found a black blouse and blue denim jeans. I applied a thin layer of eyeliner on both top and bottom lids, I put some
Rock & Rose perfume on, then slipped on my black star necklace, Purple amethyst bracelet and my awesome FUCK YOU ring. I loved it.

I danced to my bathroom and brushed my hair, teeth and washed my face. Did my business then danced back out to my bedroom. Only to be scared to death by Liam stood at the door.
“LIAM! WHAT THE FUCK!?” I shouted trying to cover up my half naked body, I was only in my bra and pants. He grinned,

“Oh, sorry, I thought you were ready!”
“L!” I shouted now going red
“Okay, im going!” He laughed putting his hands up in defense, turned round and closed the door on his way out.
I sighed, and went to my bed to get my clothes on. After I had got my jeans on and top I slipped my purple converse on, grabbed my HIM hoodie from last years concert, Ipod and phone.

I then grabbed my backpack, shoved a few books in, pens, paper, and a blanket in.
I looked at my room one more time, smiled then turned my light off and walked out into the living room. I was going to miss my room for a while.

As I turned round I saw everyone was already here...
And Me

“Moi!” I waved to everyone as I dropped my bag next to all my others. There was a lot, I laughed.
They all said their individual “Hey’s” “Hello’s” and “Moi’s” and all just stood there, staring into space. We had a lot of bags between us all, how we were going to it all of it on the bus, I had NO idea.

“Um..Right! You all ready to go?” Janne said as he wheeled his crap out of his room, and stood there exhausted. He clearly hasn’t fully woken up yet.
I dramatically gasped, “Oh! Sweet jelly babies! He’s out of his room and ready!” I shouted with my arms in the air, then giggled.
He gave me a evil look and started walking towards the door.

I grabbed my trench & beanie and started to walk out the door, but soon stopping in my tracks. I patted my jeans pockets and then my coat pockets and then my bag.
“Aw shit” I exclaimed under my breath and whirled back round, my trench twirling behind me.
“Looking for these?” Roo said as she held out a packet of smokes and my Gir lighter. My eyes suddenly lit up.
“Oh Roo! Do you know that your my star?” I asked her as I patted her shoulder.
Roo smiled, ‘Why yes, yes I do Miss Selo” She smiled then curtsied.
I laughed gave her and all the rest of the the band and Uniklubi a hug and spun round smiling like the cheshire cat.

“Alright smiley let’s get off” Jussi said and shined a little grin.
I smiled, and hauled my backpack over my shoulder and walked out the door with my fist in the air.
“TO ROVANIEMI! I hollered, well tried to cause I had a smoke hanging out the side of my mouth. I grabbed my bags and shit and proceeded out the door and headed towards the lift. That was the only good thing about this apartment building, they had lifts. Would you believe that when I was searching for an apartment in other places, there was no lift! I know, that’s what I thought.
We had to go in two trips, the first Apocalyptic Reign Sandra and Tyko and then the second, all of Uniklubi.

Roo and Esko started humming to the elevator music and Liam was mesmerized by the green and red flashing buttons, signalizing they went up and down. He looked up and pointed at one. I patted him on the back,

“Yes love, that’s a button, it flashes green when it goes down” I said slow to him
Liam stared at me like a 5 year old in amazement. Something tells me he is not fully woken up yet. I giggled at that thought.
“Shut up! I knew that!” He exclaimed in full force. I just laughed.

“Hey L, maybe you wanna tie ya’ shoe” Esko said then coughed. Liam just laughed.
“Naw i’ll be fandabadozie!” he widely grinned then wiggled his eyebrows, and then the doors buzzed open.

2 seconds later Liam was on the floor face first with his clothes all over the lobby and a pair of pac man boxers on his head. Everyone was on the floor laughing and holding their sides trying to catch their breaths. But we soon stopped and began helping him put all his belongings back into his case before his face turned a deeper shade of beetroot.
“I told you” Esko said as he skipped passed him, his bag in tow. You could easily tell he was proud of himself. Liam gave him a look, muffled something under his breath and pulled his suitcase up.

We all marched out towards the bus. I was speechless, It was massive, all black shinny gloss with tainted windows. The wheels were nearly bigger than me! And that’s saying something. Jussi could tell what I was thinking and chuckled, I turned round, my mouth a perfect shaped O. Jussi just laughed
“Come on” He said and lightly pushed me towards the bus.

“Holy mother of Kermit!” I shouted as I removed the cig from my mouth and breathed out a fresh ball of smoke, watching as it went up into the air, then shifting my eyes back to the bus. It was silent.

“Kermit has a mom?” Jussi quizzed, I sighed God he was a moron sometimes I though
“I don’t know J, yeah! Maybe animal had him you know how crazy he is” I laughed at the last part.
“Yeah you’d know that wouldn’t you sis, are drummers wild?” Jonne joked as he nudged my arm. I gave him a look then pinched him. He squealed, I laughed.

“Maybe we should just get on the bus” Antti suggested. I dropped my cancer stick to the ground and stood on it. Little sparks of orange slowly dying out.

“Yeah, lets”
♠ ♠ ♠
Helvi's Outfit

Im back! Sorry it has taken me ages to get this one up, but i've been stuck with loads of coursework and stuff to do so I never had the time to upload. But I have now, I think I have done well on this one, maybe not towards the end. But meh, please let me know what you think. I know people have subscribed and reading, please just drop me a line, even if it's to say it shit xD Please and thank you, don't mean to be pestering xD
