This Will All End in Tragedy

Fine, but I’m coming with you

I never really figured that all those times I asked God to give me an adventure that he would. Though I really wish he hadn’t, this was most definitely one wish that could have gone un-granted.

People were dieing left and right. The first few were involved in some kind of group suicide, or so the media said. And then something happened, something so unimaginable I was still having trouble coming to grips with it. The people who had killed them selves came back to life, like zombies.

That was three days ago. My friends Keith and Jordan were the only ones I had left. We had to kill Samantha, Jade, and Molly. So it was just the three of us in an RV Keith stole right off the lot, brand new never been driven. It, of course, looked like shit now. Windows were smashed, Molly’s blood and brains were splattered all over the seats, and there were quite a few dents all over it.

Keith and Jordan were sitting at the small table reloading all the guns we had stolen only moments ago. They were both quiet, except for the occasional cocking of one of the guns. I guessed it was out or respect for me.

We had stopped in at my house to get supplies and to make sure my family was alright. They weren’t. And I ended up killing them all. I guess it wasn’t me who killed them, but it still felt like I had. And somehow through all of that I still managed to drive. And I’ve been driving for hours. Not saying a word, not shading a tear, just driving.

And that was exactly what I was still doing. Keith and Jordan finished up with the guns and continued to stay quiet.

“Why are we even bothering to go on?” Jordan sighed.

That was very odd coming from him. He was always the optimistic one between him and his brother. Always smiling one of those look on the bright side kind of people. I guess it was understandable, him giving up that is. His usually bright smiling face looked worn, he was covered in blood and dirt. His shaggy shoulder length brown hair was stained and slicked back with blood, most of witch was from his fiancée Samantha.

“Because” I replied simply

“Because why?” he asked looking up into the rear-view mirror to look me in the eye for a split second, “my only reason for living is gone. And now I’m all alone. Whatever the fuck is out there’s probably got our family too”

“Dude what am I nothing? You’ve still got Clare and me. I’m your family; Clare’s your family. We’re what you’re living for,” Keith said sternly. He was sitting with his back to me so I couldn’t quite see the state he was in. but I was sure it was similar to his little brother. His black shaggy hair was starting to clot together from all the blood. And I assumed his face was covered in dirt and blood.

A flash of what happened earlier today when Keith looked at me after I killed my brother popped into my head. His eyes, his gorgeous blue eyes, were dead. There was no life left in his normally breathtaking eyes.

That was it for me. I couldn’t drive any more. I pulled over and walked over to the small table and hugged Jordan. And I finally started to cry.

He wrapped his arms around me as I started to shake and he started to cry too. I looked over at Keith. He was looking at the table. Eyes still lifeless.

And that made me cry even more. It seemed crazy that I was crying over something so small and stupid when I had just killed my family, 3 of my friends, and countless other people. But as stupid as it was, I was crying over it.

“I guess I’ll start driving” Keith said softly and left Jordan and I to sob.

I felt the RV start to move once again as my tears slowly started to fade.

I looked up at Jordan and smiled weekly. I whipped away a few stray tears off my face. I probably looked like crap, which wasn’t very far off from what I felt like. I wasn’t quite sure how I had managed to drive for so long. I hadn’t slept in 3 days. I was absolutely excused.

“You should try and get some sleep,” Jordan suggested

I nodded and closed my eyes, resting my head on his chest. And I slowly managed to fall asleep.


I woke with a start to the sound of a gunshot. I quickly glanced around the RV. Keith looked quite confused as he too looked around. And then realisation seemed to hit us at the same time.

“Jordan!” we cried in unison as we both jumped up from our makeshift bed on the floor.

As soon as we got out side I immediately wished we hadn’t. I burred my face in Keith’s chest to shield my eyes from Jordan’s fresh corps. He had shot himself in the head. His blood now stained the side of the RV. It looked like someone had just thrown red syrup at the side of it.

“No, no, no” I repeated as I sobbed. I couldn’t seem to get my self to stop.

“Shhh, shhh. Come on babe lets go. We’ve gotta get out of here and find some people”

Keith said as he soothingly stroked my hair and ushered me back on the RV, “we’re almost at the next town,” he smiled weekly as he sat me down in the passenger seat.

He took a deep breath as he started the RV up again. I could tell he wanted to fall to peaces like myself. But he was staying strong. For whom I wasn’t quite sure, myself I guess, but it was really pointless seeing as I was a blubbering wreck.


The whole ride to the next town was quiet except for my uncontrollable sobbing. And Keith was right, like he usually was, about the town being close. Though it was a ghost town.

“We’ll just stop and get some gas and some supplies here. Then we’ll take a drive through and see if there’s anyone, you know, alive,” Keith said as he pulled into the gas station.

I nodded and looked out the window. My crying had stopped and I could once again see clearly.

There really wasn’t much here other then houses. Very nice houses with white picket fences and manicured lawns. I imagined it was, at one point, a very nice place to live before all the windows were smashed, blood was spilt, things were burned, and corpuses were lying around all over the place. They were in the trees, on the lawns, in the middle of the street. It was a shame really.

I was pulled from my thoughts by a loud yelp and a gunshot.

“Keith!” I called as I grabbed the first gun I saw and ran out of the RV.

I quickly made my way to the other side of the RV and saw Keith holding on to his knees breathing deeply looking at yet another corps. I rushed over and hugged him tightly. I had never been so scared in my life. Even when we were being attacked before I wasn’t this scared. I felt as if I was going to throw up and cry.

“You scared me to death” I said as he released me

“It’s a scary thought being left all alone” he nodded as he started to once again pump gas.

“Yeah that and I love you” I sighed as I walked over and hugged him from behind.

He sighed, “I love you too”

He looked over his shoulder at me and gave me a quick kiss, “you should go see if there’s anything left in the store”

“Kay” I nodded as I let go of him and walked to the store. The windows were smashed out of the doors completely so I quietly walked in through the gaping hole. The place had obviously been ransacked and there were a few shelves on the ground. Some blood was spattered here and there and food and drinks had been spilled all over the floor.

Luckily there was still plenty of food and drinks. I grabbed as much as I could and made my way back to the RV. I climbed in and put the stuff down on the table. I then went back out to get more. Keith smiled as I walked by and laughed as I skipped up to the store. I was amazing to hear him laugh again. It made me slightly dizzy with happiness as I grabbed more food. I made my way back out of the store again, smiling this time.

As I looked at Keith his face suddenly took a drastic change from happy to terrified. He quickly reached for his gun and cried:

“Clare Behind You!”

It was all too late though one of those things had me. I screamed and tried my hardest to get it off me.

“Keith! Shoot it! Shoot It!” I screamed

“I can’t get a clear shot!” he cried as he rushed over to help me

Suddenly the worst pain I had ever felt rushed through my shoulder causing me to Scream once again. Keith fired the gun and the zombie was thrown off me.

I fell to my knees crying yet again. The pain was unbearable. Keith rushed over to me.

“It hu-hurts s-s-so bad” I stuttered

“I know” he sobbed, “I know babe. But you’re gonna be all right. I’m going to find someone-“

“No” I shook my head, I was starting to go numb, “you have to kill me”

He shook his head as the tears started to freely fall. He picked me up bridal style and carried me on to the RV. He laid me down on the couch.

At this point I didn’t care that it was covered in blood and brain. It just felt really good to be laying down on something soft.

“Keith” I said softly as I stroked his cheek, whipping away some of the tears, “you know you have to”

He sniffed and looked over at the table, “fine. But I’m coming with you”

“No! Keith you have to go on and find more survivors!” I urged him

“Why? So I can be miserable and kill myself later? No we go together,” he said sternly as he picked up a shotgun.

“Keith” I sighed

“You’re not going to change my mind,” he said as he kissed my passionately for the last time.

He put his forehead against mine as he continued to kiss me. And then everything went black.

The End!
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Tell me what you think if you want :D