Magic Seems to Keep Me Going

Chapter 3

I got off the train with my fellow students, only to board another vehicle of transportation. I sat by myself at the front of the carriage. I was not alone though, I think I had made another friend but this time an animal instead of a human. The others didn’t seem to notice the creature and I pitied it.

I sighed, humming my favorite song to my new friend as it pulled up to the large doors of the castle and we all filed in. I was then dragged aside by a tall man. I didn’t resist.

He practically dragged me all the way to a large door where he let me go at last after cursing for me following the wrong students. I sighed yet again and just wishing this day would cease. “Are you done now?” I asked, noticing for the first time that there were other students around me.

He groaned and I tapped my foot. “No.” He mumbled. “I am professor Snape and also your Potions teacher. After they finish sorting the first years, you will enter and be sorted.” He then left in a flash and I raised an eyebrow.

I looked at the students around me. They were silent and I hardly expected them to speak to me. “So, I suppose we’re all transfers?” said the brown haired boy. He was rubbing the back of his head as the other three of us stared at the idiot.

“No, I’m simply a misplaced first year.” I said very coldly.

“Really?” He asked and his stupidity reminded me of someone I knew a long time ago. Green and short.

“No, that’s why they call it sarcasm.” I muttered dryly and the boy seemed to shut it.

“You know.” The blond girl said shyly. “We could all just be friends. I doubt it will be easy to find them in our future houses.” I shrugged, remembering how easy it was to find my first set of friends.

“She has a point.” The other boy said, his black hair shading his eyes glistening of blue. “Why not get along? It only makes sense.”

“I guess.” I said, hunching my back towards the group. “If you really wanted to commit suicide.” I muttered to myself.

“Huh?” The cocky one said.

“Nothing.” I turned back towards the group to be my friends and held out my hand. “Rachel Roth.”

“Luna Lovegood.” The blonde said, smiling and taking my hand.

The shaded boy hesitated to shaking but did so anyway. “Reggie Lockhart.”

The brown haired boy was last to shake but said his name clearly. “Edward Landon. Just call me Ed.” I tried to smile a little but it didn’t seem to work too much. I then heard a creak, looking towards the large wooden doors. They were swinging open and I stepped back.

“Well, here we go.” Luna said and I could tell she was nervous.

“Just remember to breath.” I said and she seemed to calm down by the energy I was giving off.

“I hope we are in the same house.” She said and I nodded, knowing deep down inside I knew I would want to be in the same house as her.

We walked up to the stool and the hat that sat upon it came alive. I was startled within myself but I hardly moved. It then started to sing and I yawned.

Oh, you may not think I'm pretty,
But don't judge on what you see,
I'll eat myself if you can find
A smarter hat than me.
You can keep your bowlers black,
Your top hats sleek and tall,
For I'm the Hogwarts Sorting Hat
And I can top them all.
There's nothing hidden in your head
The Sorting Hat can't see,
So try me on and I will tell you
Where you ought to be.
You might belong in Gryffindor,
Where dwell the brave at heart,
Their daring, nerve and chivalry
Set Gryffindors apart;
You might belong in Hufflepuff,
Where they are just and loyal,
Those patient Hufflepuffs are true
And unafraid of toil;
Or yet in wise old Ravenclaw,
If you've a steady mind,
Where those of wit and learning,
Will always find their kind;
Or perhaps in Slytherin
You'll make your real friends,
Those cunning folk use any means
To achieve their ends.
So put me on! Don't be afraid!
And don't get in a flap!
You're in safe hands (though I have none)
For I'm a Thinking Cap!

I thought how amazing it was that the hat could come up with a different song every year. And it was too bad that the students had to hear it twice. I sighed as Reggie went up first. It didn’t take long for the hat to shout out the name of the house for him to be in. Ravenclaw. I smirked, knowing it was the last house I expected him to be in.

Ed had to go next and the hat pondered for a minute. “Bit of a cocky boy we have here.” The hat said and I smiled, knowing how true it was. “Gryffindor maybe?” And that was settled. He was sent to the table with the Burgundy and Gold dressed students.

Luna was next, giving me a slightly scared look before going up to the hat. I was very surprised when it said Ravenclaw. Intelligence wasn’t the last thing I thought about Luna but, not the first.

I was last, creeping my way up to the stool slowly. I nervously sat on the stool, gripping tightly to the edges as the hat slipped just above my eyes. I closed them, trying to hide the darkness within me. I wanted to be with my friends so bad. In Gryffindor with Ed. Or Ravenclaw with Reggie and Luna. I sighed though, knowing the hat wouldn’t give me my wish. If anything, I never wanted to be here at all. I would rather be back in San Francisco, doing what I did second best.

I then opened my eyes, hearing what the hat was mumbling for the first time. “This is such a difficult decision.” it said and I looked up to its brim. “You try to be loyal and patient as a Hufflepuff. But, your knowledge of everything leans you much toward the Ravenclaws.” I sighed, letting go of the stool, trying to relax and twiddled my thumbs. “You are also impeccably brave. You would do so great in Gryffindor.” I noticed Ed smile at me and I wanted to shoot him. “But, Slytherin, such a great decision as well. You are so cunning for the house and not to mention a pureblood. But, just where. Where to put you?”

I had no idea. The hat seemed to be trying to tell me something. I think he was trying to give me a choice on where to be. I wanted to be with my friends but, on the other hand, there was my father. Slytherin seemed such a tempting place to be. “Please just choose one.” I mumbled, the hat only hearing my voice.

“Hmm…..I guess we should just choose one. Not Hufflepuff for sure. Maybe too much for Gryffindor, huh?” I nodded, noticing Ed in the back. “Now it’s simply a choice between the two houses.” I then realized it. Why be in Slytherin? It would be ridiculous to be hated by the Gryffindors and plus I would be with Luna in Ravenclaw. She needed the friend. I could tell. “Ravenclaw!” The hat shouted and I leaped from the stool, my robes changing to the blue and silver.

I literally ran to sit next to Luna and across from Reggie. Poor Ed though. The food then appeared before us and I looked at it in disgust, taking only my normal herbal tea. I couldn’t eat. Not yet at least.

“So, what year are you two anyway?” Reggie asked and I could tell he was just trying to make conversation.

“Sixth year.” Luna and I said simultaneously. We then smiled at each other, knowing how much we would get along. Luna was sure to be my best friend. And I never meant to make friends. “So, will we ever get to eat with Ed?” Luna asked and I could tell she wanted to talk with him.

“I’m sure we will at Breakfast and Lunch.” I said. “Maybe he can come to the tower.” She nodded, thankful of my reassurance. I sighed, noticing most of the students were finishing up.

Our prefect then stood up, ordering us all to follow him to the Ravenclaw tower. I could sense tiredness among us but I ignored it, knowing I didn’t need much sleep.

We came to a portrait of a dark and mysterious woman. She dressed in a dark black dress and was stitching a piece of clothing. I studied her, the prefect telling her the password and us as well. I memorized it quickly, knowing I could remember the word, “Newt”, easily.

When we walked into the common room, Luna and I both gawked in amazement. I knew my comfort level had jumped a little but that didn’t make me any less mysterious to my surroundings. Luna dragged me upstairs, wanting to see our room.

Apparently the dorms had been magically redesigned, giving us three girls to a separate room. Each year had their own bathroom, floor level, and mini common room to separate from the halls and show the bedroom doors. I was amazed, being that this all couldn’t fit in the castle tower that existed. But, I simply let it be believed. This was magic of course.

Luna dragged me into a room, reading our two names on it along with another. We walked into a room with three four poster beds and all of our luggage within. I smiled, noticing my owl happily perched on a stand in the corner. “This is amazing.” I heard Luna whisper and I noticed we had the window room. I was also happy that my bed was the one next to it.

I then looked down at my watch, maybe being the tenth time that day, seeing that it was fifteen till ten. I had then heard our Prefect yell that lights out was at eleven. I sighed, knowing I would need the fresh air before then. I saw Luna already dressing into her pajamas and tucking herself in.

“Bed, already?” I asked, raising an eyebrow at her.

She nodded, giggling a little. “Yeah, it’s tradition for me to be excited before the first day. I shouldn’t get much sleep.” She smiled, laying on the pillow. But, ironically, she instantly fell into a deep dream. I sighed, knowing I was on my own now.

I walked over to my bed, opening my trunk at it’s foot. I saw the cloak, facing me almost instantly. “Why in hell did I bring it?” I muttered to myself, picking it up into my hands and clutching it tightly.

I was startled when the door creaked open. I didn’t look though, knowing I couldn’t let someone see my possession. “Is she asleep?” A kind voice asked.

“You could throw a rock at her and she wouldn’t stir.” I said.

“Good.” She said, this time louder. I dropped the cloak within my hands, afraid of exposure.

“Uh, who are you?” I asked, turning around. She smiled, coming towards me.

“Cho Chang.” The girl said, holding out her hand. “It’s nice to have you in our house. ” She paused, probably thinking of words. “I was so worried that you might have been transferred into Slytherin. It’s the last place you want to be.” I rolled my eyes, knowing that was probably not true.

“So, you heading to bed too?” I asked and she nodded, slowly getting out her clothing.

“You?” She asked and I shook my head.

“I have some things to do before I turn in.” I said, thinking of my past. She nodded and while her back was turned, I snatched my cloak, balling it into my fist. I couldn’t risk her seeing it. Cho then headed out, towards the bathroom. I sighed, dropping the cloak back into the bag, a tear rolling down my cheek.

Instead I got my black pajamas out, slipping into the large pants and pulling the strings. I put a black t-shirt on with it. I then walked over to my window, letting my owl out of her cage for once.
♠ ♠ ♠
Okay, chapter 3. It's probably weird of me to add the sorting hat's song but, oh well. So, yeah, I do now own Reggie and Ed. Maybe not Reggie's last name. It seems familiar. haha. So, anyway, comments, praise, critique and flames please if you have them. ^.^