Remember When We Used to Be Friends

chapter 1

Frank's pov]
I turned on my stereo and walked over to my bed, laying down I closed my eyes as the sound of The Misfits flooded in to my ears.
After a couple of songs I sat up and looked around the pigsty that I called my room, clothes, CD's, books and who knows what else cluttered every available surface.
I kept meaning to try and tidy it up, but you know how it is, something else always comes up and you tell yourself that you'll do it tomorrow. A tomorrow that never seems to come.
From the corner of my eye I saw a light turn on in the house next door, turning my head slightly I saw that it was the one in Harlie's room, I stood up and walked towards my window watching as she made her way across her room and moved some things off of her bed, placing them on the desk that she had underneath her window.

Now before you start to think that I'm some kind of voyeur let me tell you a little bit about myself, my name is Frank Iero, I'm eighteen years old and Harlie and I used to be best friends.
That was until high school changed everything, her parents had sent her to an all girls school and we eventually grown so far apart that most of the time we only said a quick 'Hi' if we passed each other in the street, apparently I wasn't preppy enough to be her friend any more.
She'd been my only real friend and for about a year I was pretty much all alone, no-one at my high school liked me as any more than a target to throw hateful comments at because I chose to be different.
That was until Mikey Way and his family moved to our town, we'd met almost straight away and bonded over shared tales of getting stuffed in lockers and tripped up as we walked down the halls.
Through Mikey I'd made some pretty awesome friends, there was Mikey's brother Gerard, Ray and Bob, we were all seriously into our music and had formed our own little band a few months ago called My Chemical Romance.

After a couple of minutes Harlie walked over to her window, my heart started beating so fast that I thought it would escape from my chest, I thought that I'd been rumbled but she was only closing the blinds.
I heaved a sigh of relief and walked back over to my bed, sitting down on the edge I lowered my head into my hands.
Oh yeah one more thing about me and Harlie, I had it bad for her, really really bad.