Remember When We Used to Be Friends

chapter 10

[Mikey's pov]

Eventually the weekend rolled around, I ventured in to my brother Gerard's room and attempted to wake him up.

"Gerard!" I said shaking him.

A groan escaped from his lips but he carried on sleeping.

"Gerard!" I said again, shaking him harder.

Once again he made a few small sounds and movements.

I stepped back and folded my arms across my chest trying to work out what action to take next.
I bent down and took of my shoes before climbing on to his bed, once I was in a position that wouldn't result in me falling off the bed I stared to jump up and down.

As expected this stirred gerard and he slowly sat up rubbing his eyes.

"You better have one hell of a good excuse for this," he muttered looking up at me.

"Frank's not working this weekend so we're going over to his for band practice," I said still jumping around his bed.

"What time?" He asked as he tried to push me off of the bed.

"Half an hour," I replied jumping down to the floor, picking up my shoes and running to my room.

"Fuck you Mikey!" He replied.

Half an hour later he'd fallen back to sleep so I woke him up again and he told me to go ahead without him and he'd meet me later.

As I walked towards Frank's house I saw Harlie and some of her friends sitting outside in her front lawn.
Without thinking I stopped in front of her house.

"Hey," I said waving slightly.

"Hi," she replied looking away from me as if she were embarrassed.

Feeling uncomfortable from the stares coming from her friends I carried on to Frank's house.

"Oh my god Harlie, is that the freak you have to tutor?" Asked the blonde girl sitting to Harlie's right.

"Oh um yeah," she replied quietly, not quietly enough though.

"Haha, you poor thing!" Laughed the redhead.

"You see now?" Asked Frank standing in the doorway, I hadn't even noticed him opening it.

"See what?" I asked sadly knowing what he meant already.

"How big a bitch she can be." He replied.

I nodded my head and walked inside, wishing that I'd just stayed in bed that morning like Gerard had.

"Where are the others?" I asked trying to change the subject.

"On their way," replied Frank watching me as I sat down.

"What?" I asked looking up at him.

"Nothing," he replied shaking my head.

Three times I'd seen Harlie that week and not once had she said anything hurtful, I'd almost started to believe that Frank was overexaggerating the situation when he told me about her.

I guess now I'd seen it for myself, I just didn't know how I should react to it.