Remember When We Used to Be Friends

chapter 11

[Frank's pov]

I lay on my bed reading an old comic book that I'd found when my mum made me tidy my room, it's amazing the things that you can misplace without even realising it and a little gross.

For some strange reason there was a mug under my bed which I think held coffee at some point in the past, now it just had some green mould type growth in it. My mum freaked out when I went to wash it out, grabbing it from my hands and throwing it in the trashcan.

The bad guy in the comic was just about to pounce on the hero when the doorbell rang, sitting up I walked over to the window in my room that faced the front and looked out to see Harlie standing outside.

It took me a minute to decide whether or not to go downstairs and see what she wanted, before I'd finished making my decision she'd looked up and seen me standing at the widow.


I walked down the stairs as slowly as I could, sighing as I put my foot down on each of the steps, reaching the door I opened it slowly to find Harlie looking at me with a tired expression across her face.

"Can I help you?" I asked.

"Is Mikey here?" She asked ignoring my question.

"He doesn't live here," I replied.

"Well he's not answering his cell phone or his home phone." She said crossing her arms across her chest.

"Do you really think he wants to talk to you anymore?" I asked as I leant against the doorframe.

"It was all just a misunderstanding." She replied.

"From what I heard, you told your friends that he was some nerdy kid that you're tutoring. What's to misunderstand?"

"Look Frank you don't understand what it's like."

"To be a big fat fake, yeah you're right I don't know what it's like.

"Look I can't just do what I want, I can't be like you."

"You used to be, you used to not care about what people thought of you."

"Yeah well things change."

"They sure do, well bye now." I said going to close the door.

"Frank!" She shouted putting her foot in the door.

"Look, you caused this mess. Don't think I'm going to help you get out of it." I said.

"Frank please." She pleaded.

"After all you've done to me these past four years why should I?" I asked.

"Because he's your friend, don't you want him to be happy?" She asked.

"Yeah, which is why I'm not going to help you fuck his mind up any more. He was happy before he met you, he'll be happy without you now." I replied closing the door.

I sat down on the floor leaning back against the door, had I just done the right thing?
I mean it is the best for Mikey right?
Or was it just the best for me?

I pulled my knees up to my chest and closed my eyes, I sat there thinking for a while before feeling the door open slightly.

"Frank, what are you doing?" Asked my mum looking in through the small gap.

"I'm sorry, I was just thinking." I said standing up and opening the door.

"Are you okay sweetheart?" She asked stroking my cheek.

"Um yeah, I'm okay." I replied taking the bag of groceries from her arms and walking towards the kitchen.