Remember When We Used to Be Friends

chapter 17

[Harlie's pov]

It was sunday and I was walking through the park with Mikey, we'd spent every day together since wednesday.

"What's wrong?" Asked Mikey as he lead me towards a bench.

"I don't want to go to school tomorrow," I sighed as we sat down.

"You gotta go get your edumacation," said Mikey with the most serious face ever.

I sat for a moment trying to think of something to say in reply to that but I was stumped, it was like my sense of humour had gone on vacation.

"I have nothing," I replied laughing.

"Yes!" He shouted standing up and doing the lamest little dance ever.

"You haven't won anything." I said poking him in the side.

"That's what you think," he replied as he sat back down.

As I sat holding hands with him I began to think about when I'd last been so happy, with both myself and everything going on around me.

I turned slightly to face him, the sun was starting to set and he looked so beautiful in the golden light that was surrounding us, he turned his head to look at me and smiled.

"What?" He asked softly.
"Nothing," I replied taking hold of his hand.

"Ok then," he smiled as he began to lean in and kiss me.

"Oh my god, what are you doing?" Screamed a voice from behind us.

Pulling away from Mikey I slowly turned to see Shanna standing behind us, staring with her mouth open wide as she held her little rat of a dog in her arms.