Remember When We Used to Be Friends

chapter 19

[Harlie's pov]

Waking up the next morning I hoped that I'd suddenly come down with some form of illness in the hour before I had to leave for school.

Unfortunately though that didn't seem to happen.

"Harlie come on now," shouted my mum from the bottom of the stairs as I tried to prolong getting ready.

"I'm coming," I shouted back as I grabbed my bag.

It felt like my first day at high school all over again, I felt so scared about what may happen today.

Sitting in the passenger seat at the front of the car I closed my eyes, I hated the fact that I'd put myself in this position by hiding like a coward all these years.

As we pulled up in front of the school I took a deep breath as I removed my seat belt.

"Are you okay sweetheart?" My mum asked sounding concerned.

"I guess so," I sighed opening the car door.

"Ok, well see you later."

"Yeah bye."

I stood on the curb watching as she drove away not wanting to move from that spot, gradually I built up enough courage to walk inside.

As I approached my locker I saw Shanna and Marissa standing by theirs, they stopped talking as they saw me and just stared with a look of disgust across their faces.

They didn't say a word to me, in fact they ignored me all day and everyone seemed to notice that something was up between us and kept making comments on it.

The next day as I sat eating lunch by myself again someone came and sat down next to me, I turned to see a girl called Appolonia, she'd always reminded me of Frank and I of course had ignored her as I had with him.

"You finally realised that you're better off without them huh?" She smirked.

"I guess you could say that," I sighed.

"Or maybe they realised that you weren't what you seemed," she said raising an eyebrow.

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"I've always thought that you weren't really like them, you only agreed with the horrible things that they said rather than say them yourself." She replied.


We sat for a while just eating, smiling at each other every so often.

"Why are you being so nice to me?" I asked after I finished my lunch.

"I saw you last week with that guy Mikey, if you're friends with him then you can't be too bad right?"

"You know Mikey?"

"Yeah, my big sister works with his brother." She replied.

We carried on talking for a while, I couldn't believe that all this time I'd ignored someone that had more personality in their little finger than both Shanna and Marissa combined.