Age Doesn't Matter, Only Love

Age Doesn't Matter, Only Love

I'm one of those people who look for love, But can't find any because things have happened to put me off. Oh don't get me wrong, I totally believe in "Love at first sight" or "Dream Guys" but some of these guys have yet to prove it to me.

Prove that there's still a good guy out there, one who can rock my world only by looking at me.

Psh yeah right... I'll be an old maid...

Oh how wrong was I, and I'm not wrong often.....

I was at a flower stand on the sidewalk, looking at all the beautiful flowers, just minding my own business. Trying ever so hard to get my mind off of today's horrible events.

First, I had flunked a major test and got bitched out by my teacher because I wasn't singing right. I was so fucking tired because of my stupid neighbors and their college frat parties. Kept me up all night....

Second, I was harassed by those same frat boys after class cause they can't control their hormones which in turn made me late for work. My boss fucking hates me but doesn't want to let me go cause I got shit on him that can get him fired and stuff...Plus, I need that job...

Third, It seemed that it was "Give Lavada all the bitchy customers Day" and I had an absolute ball with that.. Note my sarcasm.

Today just isn't my day...But the flowers were helping! I love flowers, every color, size, smell.... It makes me smile just thinking about it. It kinda makes me homesick..A little

Then it hits me. No, literally, something hits me and almost sends me flying into the flower stand.

"What the-" I was interrupted by the dude grabbing me, covering my mouth and made me crouch behind all the flowers.

Oh fucking great... I'm being robbed...

Just then, a whole swarm of flippin girls come screaming down the sidewalk, chasing after something. When they had passed, the dude let me go with a huge sigh of relief. I looked down the sidewalk, with wide fucking eyes.

"Heh heh heh, the ladies love chasing poor ole me!" I turned to see who had me when I tripped over myself, well actually tripped backwards over the flowers.

No fucking way!!! This has defiantly gotta be a dream! I mentally squealed in my head.

Tre fucking Cool was staring down at me.

"Whoa, I know I'm drop dead sexy but are you ok?" He asked, holding out his hand for me to take. He helped me up and retrieved my purse for me.

"Thanks...So uh...?" I kinda pointed down where the girls had gone and he chuckled.

"Yeah, the ladies can't resist me.." He struck a pose. I couldn't help it, I actually started giggling!

"So what can I do for my savior?" He put his hands over his heart and gave me the puppy dog look.

"Um..?" I didn't know what to say but thankfully he supplied it for me.

"Coffee?" He held out his arm for me to take.

"Ok," I laughed, "Coffee it is."

Two hours later

My ribs were starting to hurt from laughing so hard at him. He's done everything from goofy faces to actually conversing with other people about stuff.

"So Lavada, found any cute guys here?" He wiggled his eyebrows. I chuckled at him.

"Nah, guys here are like back home. They're pansies, they're stupid and only think with their second head.." I counted off my fingers.

"Hey! That second head keeps relationships alive!" I laughed.

"Well, yeah but it gets annoying when hoards of frat boys are always harassing you, trying their damnest to get in my pants and stuff.." I sighed, "I would like a guy who' s grown up... to a certain extent." I smiled.

Suddenly someone's phone rang.

"Me." Tre answered, "Joe's Crab Shack, you get the crabs from us!"

I spit out my drink..

"Uh, huh... yeah.. Awww.. Allright... Bye.." He sighed again. For a moment, he actually acted his age... for a moment.

"Well, the guys are lost without moi.. So gonna be around much?"

"Um, I kinda have school and work here... So yeah.." He grinned.

"See ya tomorrow around... 8? Kay bye!" He ran off. Wait.. Did I during our conversation let slip where I live??? Damn me and my big mouth!!

The next day

I only had 3 classes today but no work! Whoo! So I figured that I'd get some cleaning done to my apartment. I mean... I'm not like my sister, the neat freak. So by the time I got all that stuff done, it was 6 and I had completely forgotten about Tre...What? I have a bad memory! Sue me damnit...

So I took a shower, taking my time and soon it was 10 til 8.... And the doorbell rang.

"C'min! Its open!" I yelled, not really caring who it was. I was relaxed and looking for a damn coke way deep in the fridge.

Suddenly I felt a hand on my ass.. I shot up and hit my head on the fridge. I shut the door and turned around, rather pissed.

"Tre! What the hell? You scared the shit outta me!" I leaned up against the fridge, clutching my heart and coke.

"So..." He raised an eyebrow at my attire. A very large checkered tee and shorts.

"Oh.. um see, I kinda forgot about today..." I started stammering but Tre got so close to me, our noses were almost touching. He put his hands on either side of me. We're about the same height, me give or take a couple of inches I noticed.

"Its ok, I was kinda hoping to stay with you for a while." He took the coke outta my hands and placed it on the counter, never breaking eye contact. His icy blues memorizing my forest green ones.

"Tre..I...I don't know about this.." He caressed my cheek softly and smiled.

"I know, I mean I just met you and now this? But see here's the thing, do you believe in love at first sight?" He whispered, inches from my lips. He was making me absolutely weak in the knees, if he keeps this up, he's gonna have to catch me..

"Y-Yea, I mean Yes I do but there's something here that shouldn't be...right?" I used all my willpower to break that gaze and get out from his grasp, "I'm 20 and you're 35? That's a huge difference..and.." My words failed me again as he cornered me into a wall with that gaze of his.

"So? Age is just a number if you love somebody.." And with that he pulled me into one of the most passionate kisses I've ever gotten. It was soft but full of raw need.

When we broke away for air, he continued his sentence, "Besides, I don't think that you really want to make me go away, do you?" He ground his hips onto mine, making me bite my lip to keep me from moaning.

"I know you want to let loose, so let it loose.." He kissed me again and I realized that my hands were in his hair, gently tugging. He picked me up and carried me to my bedroom, where he gently laid me down.

I threw all rules out the window as I removed his jacket, tie and belt. He was slowly unbuttoning my shirt, trailing kisses along the way. Clothes flew and soon we were down to nothing at all.

"" He shushed me and nodded.

"Baby, Its ok, really but this might hurt.." He paused but I grabbed his head for a kiss. He slowly entered me, giving me time to get used to ..him. Quite quickly, the pain was gone and we were rocking each other to a beat that was full of passion and lust.

I soon found myself wanting it harder and deeper, bucking my hips against him. Sweat pored off our bodies as we made the headboard bounce.

"La..vada..oh.. shit.. I'm so close.." He growled. He started even faster and harder.

"Treee!!" I screamed as we finally came together. We shook with the aftershocks as he kissed my forehead.

"Told ya age doesn't matter..." He gathered me up to him as we snuggled closely to sleep, one of many days we spent together..forever.
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Ok so this was one of my first sex scenes... so don't go all arr on me