Status: One Shot

Almost Easy


Love is a funny thing.
Sometimes,it hurts
Sometimes,its the best thing that ever happened to you.
And for Maria,love was the best thing that'd happened to her. It all started when she went to pick up her little sister from school on that cool autumn day. She wrapped herself tightly in her light jacket,and waited at the doors for the cheerful 7 year old whom she called her sister. She only stood for about 10 minutes before Emma came skipping down the steps and in front of her big sister.
"Hi sissy!"She exclaimed,this made Maria smile
"Hey babe. What'd you do in school today?"Maria asked her
"Not much."She started,but then she gasped"James got caught copying today!"
"That's not good."
"Nope,they called his mommy."
The word mommy made Maria cringe. Their mother had died five years ago,when Maria had just graduated from high school. Emma was only 2 years old,and didn't remember her mother very well,but she knew she had died. It didn't affect her too badly though,she went on with her life as if it never happened.
"Well,lets get into the car and you can tell me all about it on the way home,okay?"Maria suggested.Emma walked to the car,with her hand in Maria's,and strapped herself into the back. Maria climbed up front and started the car,turning the heat up right after doing so. She pulled out of the school drive and made her way back to their small,two bedroom house they called home. Maria sat and listened to the whole story about how James had cheated,but she also thought.
She thought about what their mother had done if Emma was caught cheating.
She thought about when they first heard of their mother having cancer.
Then of the day she passed away.
She shook her head and came back to reality right as she turned into their drive. Emma hopped out immediately and ran up the steps to their house. Maria climbed out slowly and made her way up the steps to unlock the door,but stopped when she heard something hit the ground. Emma twirled around and looked across the street to people moving in. Before Maria could even grab her arm to stop her,she was off the steps and skipping across the small street,and up to a man around Maria's age. Maria chased after her and grabbed her arm.
"Hi!"Emma said to the man,he had longish,dark hair and gorgeous brown eyes.
"I'm sorry sir,she just kinda"-Maria started
"Hey,its okay."He interrupted,she nodded her head slowly,then began to turn away,before she turned back to him.
"Do you need some help moving in?"She asked
"Yeah,sure. Just grab a box and come in."He stated"Oh,and by the way,I'm Syn. Synyster Gates."He held out his hand to her
"Maria. And this is Emma."She took his hand and shook it,before grabbing a box off the ground and following him into the house.The name he gave her was strange, but she accepted it.
She sat the box down in the kitchen with all the other boxes,and looked around at the other men seated at the table. Synyster took a seat then stole Zacky's drink.
"Hey!That was mine!"He exclaimed,Maria giggled
"Hey guys,this is Maria and Emma,they live across the street."Syn announced,Maria smiled shyly,and Emma grinned
"Hi!"She exclaimed again,the boys chuckled
"This is Matt,well,we call him M,then there's Zacky,Rev,Johnny and of course me."Syn stated,she nodded,then just stood there.
"Would you two like to stay for pizza?"Johnny asked,Maria was going to say yes in a calm manner but Emma interfered
"Yeah!Sissy,can we?Can we?"
"Sure thing babe."Maria said,she looked back up at the guys and they were just kind of staring at her.
"What?"She asked
"I thought she was your daughter."Rev said,Maria laughed loudly
"No. She's just my sister."
"Oh,okay."The Rev replied,she giggled once more and looked at her watch,she just then noticed that she had to go and couldn't stay for dinner.
"I'm sorry,but we need to be leaving.I'm hosting a meeting,so I need to go get ready and take Emma to her babysitter."The guys started to frown,then Synyster got an idea
"What if we watch Emma?She doesn't seem like too much trouble,and you're right across the street if something happens"He suggested
"It's okay,I-"
"Good,then its settled,what time do you want us to walk her back over?"M interupted,Maria smiled and Emma danced in a circle
"6-ish I guess.Thank you so much."Maria said,she wrote down her number just in case and sat it on the table before leaving.As she walked across the street,she thought about how nice they had been.She also wondered why they all lived in the same house,but it didn't bother her too much.All that she was concerned about,was how she'd fallen for Syn.Fallen deeply in LOVE. Two and a half hours later,she heard a knock at her door.She smothed the black dress she'd changed into out,then calmly walked to answer it.There stood M,Syn,The Rev,Johnny,Zacky and Emma.Emma jumped in the doorway and smiled at her sister,then stuck her arm out to reveal what looked like a real tattoo. Maria's mouth hung open for a second,then she took ahold of Emma's arm and examined it.
"Oh my gosh!What did you guys do to her?!"She cried,the guys burst out laughing,she looked up at the laughing men and scowled at them.
"What the hell is so funny?My seven year old sister has a tattoo!"That made them laugh even more.Zacky walked up to Emma,took her arm and rubbed a wet cloth over it,the tattoo came right off.Maria scowled at them again.
"That was mean."She mumbled
"No!It's funny!"Emma said giggling,she glared at her then started laughing quietly,Synyster pointed at her and laughed
"You think it's funny!!!"He cried playfully hitting her shoulder,she covered her mouth and shook her head
"Yes you do!Yes you do!"She finally gave in and nodded
"Okay, is kinda funny."She said hanging her head,he lifted her head up to reveal her blushing face
"Uh,dude,we're gonna get outta here...we'll leave you two alone"Johnny said,Syn nodded in response and turned back to Maria,she shoed Emma away,and she ran off giggling.Maria tried to put her head back down,but Synyster pulled it back up and looked into her dark eyes.He leaned in closer to her as she stretched upwards and crashed her lips upon his.He kissed back happily as she wrapped her arms around his neck.
"Maria and Syny sitting in a tree!"She started,but the glare Maria gave her made her stop. She once again skipped away giggling,and Maria turned back towards Synyster,who was chuckling softly.
"She's too cute."He stated,she rolled her eyes
"Yeah,she may look it,but she doesn't act it."She replied,he laughed louder and put his arms around her waist
"Do you remember me?"He asked,Maria was shocked.But she thought about it.And she certainly did.The beautiful eyes were suddenly a dead give away.She'd known him from highschool.
"Brian?"He grinned and kissed her cheek
"I can't believe's been years"She cried hugging him tightly,he chuckled at the way she'd reacted and gave her one last squeeze before pulling away.
"I actually have something to ask you."He said,she looked up at him"Remember,I think we were seniors,but I asked you out on a date.But you said you were moving and couldn't?"She nodded vigorously"Would you like to actually have that date?"
"Of course."She said and he kissed her one more time