That Guy, That Girl

That Guy, That Girl

That girl is gonna be the death of me one day.

That girl, who’s on tour with us with her band.

That girl, who seems to have a million different laughs and when she get to laughing too hard, she snorts. Instantly after that, her face matches her hair as she tries to stop giggling. She thinks its embarrassing when she does that.

That girl, whom I can’t get off my mind. She seems to be everywhere and even when she’s not there, things remind me of that girl.

That guy is gonna be the death of me one day.

That guy, who we’re on tour with.

That guy, who seems to have many sides, all just as mysterious as the next. One minute, it seems like he’s an outgoing person but he’s really a shy person and tall to boot. Its like he’s the gentle giant that I can’t keep my eyes off of. His hair, blowing in his face, masking what he’s really thinking.

That guy, whom I can’t seem to get off my mind. Its like he’s in the shadows, watching everyone and when he’s not there, things remind me of that guy.

That girl, who’s dancing alone and entertaining herself, doesn’t notice that my attention is diverted to her. The guys, even the one’s from her band, all tell me to go ahead and make a move but she’s so lively and bright, I’m afraid of the wind blowing that would take her along with it.

That girl, she’s one of a kind, just like her name: Siaha. Lovely name, lovely girl, my heart seems to want to burst out of its cage as I watch her.

That girl, she’s taken my heart and probably doesn’t even know it. How do I tell her that I love her? When we speak, its like she puts the fire in my heart, the wind in my hair and does it all with a sparkle in her forest green eyes.

That girl, oh how I want her to be mine.

That guy, who’s standing quietly to himself, speaking when spoken to unless something entertains him. The guys, even the one’s from his band all tell me that I should give him a chance but I’m afraid that if I give myself to him, I might scare him away, like everyone else.

That guy, he’s one of a kind and I love saying his timeless name: James. Gentle name, Gentle guy, my heart aches for him, to pull him out of his darkness which he desperately clings to.

That guy, he’s taken my heart and probably doesn’t even know it. How do I tell him that I love him? His quiet, velvet voice seems to calm me as I dance around, never ending and his blue eyes seem to draw me in to that world of mystery.

That guy, oh how I want to be called his.

That girl smiled at me, her lip ring glinting in the light. Always happy, but deep down, I can see how she’s been mishandled and it breaks my heart. I think about her as the guys end up locking me in a closet. She must be worried that I’m not around like I usually am. She worries about everyone, despite her hyper attitude.

That guy went missing. I could hear the guys snickering to themselves and raced off to find him. I mean, what if something happens to him? I’d never get the chance to tell him how I feel, regardless of what my head says. Suddenly, someone locks me in a closet.

“Hi.” That guy says, surprised at the turn of events.

“Hi.” That girl says, flustered and relived that she found me.

“Siaha, I just can’t take this anymore. Girl, I care about you and your crazy ways. I’m glad that you came looking for me..” I say to that silly girl, unable to hold it in any longer.

“James, I didn’t know you felt that way about me. It makes me very glad that you feel that way because I feel the same about you…” I tell that gentle guy, blushing like mad at my feelings for him.

Then we gravitated towards each other and kissed, not caring the least that we were locked in a closet.