You Don't Have to Be Alone


The Christmas lights had just been lit, and the snow was falling slowly and sticking to the hair of all of the little kids gawking at the lights. It warmed my heart to see all of the sweethearts get to feel joy around this time of year.They were always cheerful, but they knew that soon they were getting new gifts, and they were so excited.These kids didn't have families, and they hardly ever got anything new. They usually got new things on gift-giving holidays and their birthdays, and that's it. I would occasionally bring them some little knick-knacks when I came to visit them at the orphanage. I used to be one of these children, until my father came back for me. That was fifteen years ago. Now, I was married to one of my 'brother's' best friends.
The day we met still sticks out in my mind...
"This is your room, Brian is out with some friends right now, so you can meet him when he gets home, but in the meantime, why don't you get settled in."My new father, Brian Sr., told me, I nodded and set my single bag on the floor in front of the bed. The room was decorated in pink, purple and blue, as they assumed I'd be a girly girl. I wasn't the girlies type, but it was cute. I sat down on the bed and looked around at the few items;a desk with a laptop on top of it, an acoustic guitar, more sheets and pillows if I needed them. This family truly was excited for me to arrive, yet only my father and mother was there. This Brian kid that was supposed to be my new brother had decided to desert me for a friend. I didn't really mind though, it's not like I wasn't used to it.

There was a light tap on the door, and I looked up. My eyes got big as I looked at two, very good looking men standing in the doorway.
"Gina?"One asked, I gulped and nodded "I'm Brian, and, this is Zacky."
"Uhm, hi. Are you...are you my brother?"I asked, he nodded and stepped in the room, Zacky stayed by the door, and stared at me
"Can I help you?"I asked, letting my attitude get the better of me
"Oh, uh, no."He stammered, sitting beside Brian. I sat back on my bed and watched Brian pick up the guitar and start playing, he was really good.


The days after it were spent with my new brother and his band. I became really good friends with them all; Zacky, Matt, Jimmy and Johnny. It took a few months, but Zacky eventually came up to me and asked me out on a date. We dated for almost two years, and by that time, I'd already moved out and we had gotten our own apartment. Then, the magic happened.

"Gina?You ready?"Zacky asked me from outside of the bathroom. I grunted and sprayed my hair one last time, then stepped out. I was dressed in a knee-length black strapless dress with silver open-toed heels, and my hair was put up in a fancy bun. Zacky was in a black suit, with a white undershirt and a pink tie, and black dress shoes. His hair was gelled and straigtened, and to me he looked spiffy. We walked out to the car together and he escorted me to this fancy restaurant downtown. We were seated at our table, which for once wasn't isolated from the rest, and a man brought us some champagne. I went to take it and pour some, then Zacky stood up. He stood in front of me and got on one knee, and pulled a little black box from his jacket pocket. I stared at him as he opened it to reveal a diamond ring.

"Gina, I love you with all my heart. You may have grown up without a family, but you don't have to anymore. You have the Haner's, and now I want you as a Baker. I love you, will you marry me?"Tears filled my eyes as I nodded and let him put the ring on my finger. The whole restaurant cheered as he picked me up out of my seat and kissed me.


"Mrs. Baker! Can we have a snowball fight?Pretty please!" One child, Nick, asked, I laughed and nodded and watched the little kids begin to have the time of their lives. Zacky turned to me and kissed my lips, then held me against his chest.
"Mrs. Baker."He whispered.