Status: All Fixed up! good to read again :3

Lily & A7X

Some say being a teenager is fun, who ever made that up should go die because being a teenage girl isn’t as fun as you think like when the bully’s beat the crap out of you. and tie your backpack to the flag pole and lock your belt loop to a locker, sigh, well I’m starting senior year soon. Joy! I live with my aunt Emma, I don't really know why but she's all I've ever known so I don't question.

I’m Lily Dusk Vilhelm, I'm seventeen, single and a total freak well that’s what everyone else says but they can go to hell, oh and welcome to my world.
  1. I'm adopted?
    “owwwwww, ahhhh bright light” I screeched
  2. shopping's crazy with A7X
    Matt was currently running around with me on his shoulder
  3. tired as hell
    I could feel someone staring at me like there eyes burning into my back
  4. What life can do to you
    the numbing of the cold night air fill me like a drug that would swallow me up into another world.