True Love


I can't believe it happened again.I pulled the jacket tightly around my body. My attempt to keep warm had failed. My eyes glanced up at the gray sky. The seconds pass and the air grew colder. Looking down at my watch I let out a sigh. He was almost an hour late. I shivered as I fumbled with the round buttons on the jacket. I studied my surroundings trying to see if I spotted a figure in the distance. But no luck. I stood up from were I sat and started to walk home . I ignored the pain I felt and the knot that had formed in my throat. Holding back my tears I hurried home to find a warm sanctuary. Once my hands grasped the door knob I turned it and quickly entered the house without a second glance behind me. He's probably with that bimbo he calls a girlfriend. Closing the door behind I had to stop myself from breaking down into tears right there. My back slowly slid down the door until I was sitting on the floor. Too bad he'll never know my feelings for him since he's to busy with his own life. The memories of us when we were just so close our friendship was strong then. But those were memories that were slowly fading from one's thought.

I smiled at Nick as we walked towards the lake. Towels in our hands with our bathing suit on our bodies. The summer heat was unbearable and the cool looking water looked like a refreshing way to cool off so we decided to go swimming. Once we had put our things down I felt arms wrap around my waist and pull me into the water. With a scream I had felt the water surround me. I swam to the surface. To be greeted by my best friend that was smirking one of his most famous smirks. I reach out and grabbed his foot pulling him into the water. I felt like a little kid again.

The imperfections of one could be perfect for another. If you loved someone with all your might you'd ignore all the imperfections t\hey had and focus on the things that made them perfect. To me if you love someone you'd love them no matter what they did or what they said to you . They'd always seem perfect to you. No matter how many flaws they hold you'd always love them because isn't that what love was? You see past the person's flaws and look at all the good. But when your relationship between one another weakens that love done slowly drifts away from you and all you want to do is hold them in your arms and you'd die happy or to just see them or hear their voice. If you thought about this like I have . If you love this person if you truly love them and hold them close to your heart you'd be happy for them if they didn't love you back , or if they found "the one" you'd smile and say I'm happy for you but you really want to just be alone to cry all the tears you held back and all the pain you feel or had felt and your left to pick up the pieces of your broken heart . Alone. Loneliness, that's what you feel when your heart is broken. When people say they understand that your hurting inside you know they really don't understand. When you many of your friends start to worry about you , you fake a smile and say you’re alright. You feel so alone even if your surrounded my family and friends you just feel lonely. My thought drifted to the time we kissed .

Laughter filled the room at Joe's joke. I sat next to Nick. With a glance at one another we both decided to take a walk. We didn't really talk we just walked in a comfortable silence. I stopped under a tree as I stared at the field in front of me. When I turned my head . Nick's face seemed close to my own. I guess we got so caught up in the moment to not notice our face getting closer then our lips touched and shocks went up and down my spine. When we pulled away He gave me a small smile and scratched the back of his neck. "Val I think we should get back before everyone starts to worry.

I slightly smiled as that one memory that I cherished filled my head. But the memory that I love the most was when he would make fun of those girls that flirted with him and he would laugh about it. But then she came along and he barely even says the two lettered word hi to me. I just never really felt like we were close friends like before. Standing up I walked to my room. Then and only then did I let a single tear cascade down my cheek. But I had quickly wiped it away. But before I could go step inside my room. I hand grasped my arm and pulled my body towards them . Before I had a chance to scream i saw who it was. Nick. My heart raced as he kissed me. When our lips touched I instantly forgot where I was and what happened earlier today. Once we pulled apart he whispered the three words I've been dying to hear. "I Love You." And that was one of my newest memories that i will cherish forever.
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