


Music filled my ears as I sat at the empty table watching my best friend dance with the barbie of the month. That ment the new skank girlfriend he has every month. So I have to throw in a fake smile every now and then so he thought I was having a "exciting & thrilling time" note the sarcasm. You wouldn't be having a good time either if you were the one watching the guy you were in love with dancing with his again quote "skank of a girlfriend" I will never give her a chance even If my life depended on that. I let the frown form on my lips and then I had let out a sad sigh. Hey look at the time I'm going to leave unnoticed & yes that's how evil I am.
People always ask me are you sure your in love? I would give them all the same answer

"I'm speechless when I see him . And I instantly become breathless." or something along those lines. I twirled a piece of hair between two fingers as I unlocked my Mustang . Throwing the pair of heels that were on my feet in the back seat I took a quick glance at the same building I just walked out off. Yes I Jessika Johnson just left my best friend and the same guy I love Joesph Jonas to dance the night away. I don't see why I should have stayed I wasn't having fun watching people dance and laugh and enjoy themselves while I sat at my table alone trying to keep myself busy. If there was a fun meter that would be a negative ten. Or I would give it a negative ten. But that's just me . I turned my radio up loud as I heard on of my favorite songs "Shooting Star" . I tried to sing along but my mind was just to caught up with the fact that Joe hadn't noticed I left. My eyes were glancing at my phone every second or so. Like I knew he was going to call . The truth was I only expected him to call, but he wasn't going to I just had convinced myself he would call and so I ended up colliding with another car. The pain had become so unbearable I just wanted to close my eyes and once I opened them I would be back at the dance sitting at the empty table watching the guy I love dance with his girlfriend. The lighs were bright as people screamed for help. The blood slowly oozed from my side. My hands clenching it tightly. Taking in slow deep breaths.

I knew I would slowly drift off and if I lost to much blood I would die. Without a goodbye to everyone that loved me , or that one person I loved too much. I could hear the sirens and the closer they got the louder they were. After a few moments that felt like years I was put on a stretcher. The paramedic started asking me questions like were I lived what my name was, when I was born , my age and my home phone number. Not only did they ask me to make sure I didn't have ahead injury from the collison. I was barely awake and the next thing I know I close my eyes drifting of into a sleep.
My eyes opened and I was surrounded my a white walls. Panic filled my body as I just looked around. I was alone. I heard a voice so clearly like they were in the room with me.

"Jess please wake up , please for me you mean so much for me to be gone please you promised you'd be there for me and we'd go through everything together. Jess I love you."
Why did that voice sound so familiar? Sad but familiar?

"Jess please I'm be-begging you wake up." Then it hit me . Joe. I heart the heart monitor beeping and I could feel the bright lights My eye lids felt heavy and I slowly started to open them. I started to blink a couple of times before looking at my side. There he say with his fingers entwined with my own. Letting out a groan I hand to stop myself from touching my side. Joe's head shot up . His eyes read and before I could say a word. His lips were pressed against my own. A soft sweet kiss . Once we pulled apart. he gave me a small smile and sat up in the chair. our fingers still entwined.
Taking in a shaky breath I told him what happened that night why I left. I explained everything and when it came to my feelings I was nervous to tell him but I did . Through every word he nodded showing he understood. A grin formed on his lips when I told him those three words that I heard from him.
When I say Love Bug I think Joe puts the Love into the bug..if that make sense. Well anyways.

"Now I'm Speechless , Over The Edge I'm Just Breathless I never thought that I'd catch this LoveBug again.
Hopeless Head over Heels in the Moment . I never thought I'd get hit by this LoveBug Again"
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