Winds of Change

Before and After


Sipping his drink slowly in the warm confines of his living room, Jonathan glanced around.The living room was furnished in soft ,cream colored settee and a couch.The walls - a nice shade of bronze brown - along with the mantelpiece were flooded with photo frames of him & his family, his relatives and his friends.It gave him a special , nice feeling.A sense of security.
He sighed gleefully at the sight of his children playing around him and his wife - the love of his life - right there in his arms.
Could life get any better?

Two Months Later:

The doped figure of Jonathan McCracken lay drunkly on the beat-up couch in the damp , dark living room of his rented apartment.The bottle of beer enclosed in his slippery hand swayed to the rhythm of the song he was humming.

"You're just a sad song, with nothing to say, about a life-long -", he came to an abrupt stop as he hiccuped." - wait for a hospital stay.", he slurred again.

Snorting, he realized how much those lyrics he was humming matched to his state.

Jonathan had never thought this would be his life, lost in this chemical romance.He hasn't been sober for so long.His life has been meaningless ever since.
Basically, he had been this bittersweet bastard every morning.
Not that anyone one knew, for solitude was his only companion.

Struggling to focus, he searched the coffee table for his pills, popping two into his mouth.
He stared at the tablet for a while, then gulped down two more, followed by a swig of beer.

"It was a lie when they smiled ,and said you won't feel a thing!', he sing again loudly, looking like he was trying to prove something to a non-existent someone.
Knowing how the amount of pills he just took counteracts the booze he was drowning, he was sure he was going to drop unconscious in no time.

"Just one last swig",he thought, showing what remained in the bottle into his burning, hot throat.His voice quavered as he went on with his indistinguishable slurring.

In about two minutes, he was out, with a promising morning of a horrendous headache and an oh-so-sweet hangover.
And probably just a repetition of what happened today - tomorrow, the day after, and for the rest of his life.
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This is just a thing i did for a school assignment once, I thought I'd put it up.
we were asked to write two contradicting paragraphs, and this is what me being a freak produced XD
this thing is heavily musically influenced.


1.My use of the name McCracken as in Bert McCracken.
2.My use of lyrics from My Chemical Romance's Disenchanted.
3.My use of the phrase 'Chemical Romance' in reference to the band My Chemical Romance and The Used's Take It Away.
4.My use of the phrase 'Bittersweet Bastard', which is quoted from Ville Valo's interview on Toasted.
5.My repeated use of lyrics from My Chemical Romance's Disenchanted.
6.My use of the idea of 'Pills counteracting Booze' from My Chemical Romance's 'Honey, This Mirror Isn't Big Enough for the Two of Us'.

What amazed me is that the thing we call our teacher didn't mind me using the idea of being drunk or using 'bastard'

In fact, this is what she wrote,

'Creative, out-standing and thought-provoking!Thank you.'

Weird much? O.o

Anyway, hope you like it!!^_^


Re-posting cuz of the new rule thingy...