Sequel: More Than Anything
Status: COMPLETED [Wait for the sequel :D]

Close to Nothing

Revenge Is Mindless

I squinted at the window, trying to see through the sheets of rain that were coming down from the sky. I sighed and leaned back into my seat. After all these years, I still hated the rain and the cold that it brought with it despite the fact that I couldn't feel it. I pressed on the gas pedal, revving the engine. It inched forward and I wanted so bad to floor it but the speed limit here in Forks was very low. All of a sudden, my phone rang.

"Talk to me," I said lightly.
"Eleanora, did you get there yet?" my brother's voice filled the car as I put him on speaker.
"Yes, I am looking for the apartment now," I replied.
"Oh lord, why can't you leave it alone?"
"Stop it Christopher, I'm already here, it's too late." I heard Christopher sigh. He was very much against my move to Forks.
"God, it's been what? Like 50 years?"
"Fifty two actually and no, Christopher, I'm not stopping so do not ask," I stated firmly.
"Revenge is mindless, did you know that?" he asked me lightly. I rolled my eyes.
"It's not just revenge Christopher, it's....sort of a need, I'll never forget what I did because of him," I said, venom dripping off every word.

We both stayed quite for a while. I kept on searching for number 49, the apartment that I would temporarily be staying in.
"I never blamed you," my brother's soft voice spoke all of a sudden.
"I know but I could never forgive myself," I replied with a voice that clearly indicated this subject hurt me. Christopher got the hint.
"Alright Eleanora but tell me how you'll find him, you've already traveled across all of America to find him," he inquired.
"His scent, I still remember it," I said simply and I heard Christopher sigh yet again. I could imagine him rolling his eyes. The image brought a small smile to my face.
"Darling, when you were being"-he struggled for the right words-"changed, his scent was the last thing that you were concentrating on," he commented.
"I remember it," I stated firmly. It's true, after all these years I still remembered the faint smell that the vampire had. It was a mixture of mint and something that smelled oddly of cinnamon; very strange.
"You're too serious all the time, go out and have fun," Christopher said lightly, trying to change the subject and I laughed bitterly. How was I supposed to have fun? And with whom?
"That's impossible."
"I manage, so can you," he said seriously and I was about to protest but he continued. "Even school work, even all that material that you've studied already, you even take that seriously, get together with some of your kind or something." I rolled my eyes.
Christopher was always the one trying to get me to do something 'fun'. He always had it easy. Even after I changed him, he was loud, social and carefree, be it with another of our kind or with a human. Everyone loved his easy-going nature and not to mention his good looks; he was a 23 year old hunk as most girl liked to remind him.

I snapped out of my thoughts when I saw the house I was to live in. It was a one story dark blue house with white trimmings. It looked inviting.
"You did a good job with the house," I said to Christopher and he laughed.
"Yeah, I know and I also got you into all the AP classes in your school," he reminded me. I smiled to myself. Even though Christopher didn't approve of my 'hunt' he helped me a lot. He had a special gift, the 'push'. He could use his mind to give people small nudges, push them into doing particular things. Sort of like Stephen King's 'Fire Starter'.
"I don't really need to go to school," I reminded him.
"But how would that look? An 18-year-old not doing anything and wandering around town aimlessly?" he pointed out and I nodded even though he could no see it. It was no use correcting him and saying that I was 19.
"I have to go now Christopher," I told him.
"Alright, keep safe Eleanora."

I got my suitcases out of the trunk and walked into the house, using the key Christopher got for me before I left. The front hall flowed into the living room which was wide and spacious. It had all the standard furniture and a huge flat screen TV. The kitchen connected with the dining room but I didn't care about it. The kitchen was the last place I'd spend my time in. The bedroom was the most comforting. The walls were painted a soft pale purple and I grinned: this was definitely the work of Christopher. He knew my passion for purple and for...books! There were tons of books on the bookshelves lining the walls of the room. I smiled and looked over the titles: Romeo and Juliet, The Lady with the Dog, The Odyssey, and a few modern novels too.

I left my suitcases near the doorway and laid down on the bed. I stared at the ceiling. Hopefully Forks was the place to find him, that man who changed me. I would start looking tomorrow, maybe find out some information from the town folk. I sighed, got up and walked to the mirror

A pale face stared back at me. The dark circles under my eyes didn't make my oval face look bad, they just added to its' significance. I touched a strand of my hair lightly. It was a soft warm color that you couldn't say was blonde but it wasn't really brunette. I had light blonde streaks running through it. I tugged at it again, maybe it was time for a hair cut. It was up to my shoulders and a little layered but I always preferred it short. Then I looked at my eyes. They were a dark blue instead of the usual light blue surrounded by green. I haven't fed in four days but tonight I didn't want to go out. I could control my thirst well enough so I decided that I'd go tomorrow.

I turned back to my suitcases and began to unpack. Afterwards I plopped down on my bed again. The mortal thing that I miss most is sleeping. Sleeping would've been perfect right now. Eight hours of complete bliss where you needn’t have to worry about anything. I sighed again and took out a book: Misery by Stephen King. This was going to be a long night.
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Okay so, I'm putting up 4 more chapters after this one and i need YOUR feedback =D. Is it bad? Good? Am I hopeless as a writer? Should I continue? DO tell.