Sequel: More Than Anything
Status: COMPLETED [Wait for the sequel :D]

Close to Nothing

Can't Wait to Get Away

Movies, I love movies. Even if it’s those annoying documentaries about drug awareness and the dangerous effects of smoking. But I especially love movies when they’re shown in biology class.

As soon as the teacher announced that we were going to watch one, a rumble of pleasure passed throughout the whole class. Some scooted closer to their friends for a 40-minute chat, others used their schoolbags as pillows, getting ready for some sleep. Emmett and I were equally happy.

The teacher turned off the lights and music flowed from the TV. I put my head on the table and looked over at Emmett. He had his tongue between his teeth and was scribbling something on some paper. I smiled; He looked so much like a child.

I thought over these past two weeks. They passed by blissfully. Emmett and I spent a lot of time together. It would’ve been impossible but my car made all the difference. Emmett supposedly bet Rosalie that he could fix my car without her help. So that was our excuse. And funny enough, Rosalie believed it. She actually thought that even though he was a vampire and could practically do anything, Emmett was incapable of fixing my Peugeot.

The hardest part about our undisclosed romance was keeping it a secret from Edward. His mind reading thing really made it difficult. So whenever I was around Edward I’d start reciting quotes from my favorite books which would earn me a lot of strange looks from him.

And I was around Edward very often. I was around all the Cullens often actually. I’ve taken a liking to hanging out with them. And Esme was always so welcoming so I’d lounge around their house often. They’d also always take me hunting with them. It was amazing to watch Alice hunt. She was so small and fairy-like compared to the giant elk she hunted.

Speaking of hunting, I pretty much gave up on finding the vampire that changed me. It’s not that I didn’t want to or I was distracted (although Emmett was a very big distraction) it’s just that the vampire’s scent was everywhere I went. It was very strong around the Cullen house and in some places in the forest as well. And funny enough I’m the only one that smells it. Nobody else understands what I’m talking about when I try to describe it. I’ve secretly started agreeing with Jasper. Maybe the smell is imprinted on me.

Today was the same as usual. I was lounging on the Cullen’s couch in their living room with my feet propped up on Emmett’s lap. Nobody but Esme was home and she was upstairs in her room. We were watching a movie and Emmett was ever-so-gently stroking my leg. I felt his hand get higher and higher so I smacked it away with a giggle. Then lightning fast I removed my feet from his lap. Seconds later Rosalie stormed in. She was furious about something.

She sat next to Emmett and he put his arm around her. I tried not to take notice.
“What’s up, Rose?” I asked curiously.
“Edward! That’s what’s up,” she hissed out. If she were a cartoon drawing, there’d be smoke coming out of her ears. “He’s bringing Bella to our baseball game!”

The Cullens loves to play baseball. I wasn’t too keen on sports but I wouldn’t miss a chance at some healthy competition; especially if I played on the team against Emmett. We’ve already made our bets.

“Oh I don’t think she’ll be in the way Rosalie,” I said. “She’ll probably just watch.”
“It’s not that Eleanora, I know she’s so clumsy Edward will be afraid she’ll hit herself with the bat or something, it’s just-” Rosalie started to say but another gruff voice cut her off.
“She’s not a danger for us,” it said. I turned around and saw Edward walk into the house. He glared at Rosalie. I sniffed the air.
“Did you run through the forest?” I asked Edward and he nodded. “Figures,” I muttered. He stank of the mint smell. He turned on Rosalie again and she glared.
“You’re selfish and cruel Rosalie, you fail to understand how important to me she is,” he growled at her and sat down into an armchair.
“Important? All I know is you’re risking our exposure and our existence,” she snapped back at him.
“Why isn’t anyone else worried like you are? I know why because you are envious,” Edward smirked. Rosalie seethed.
“Of who? Of you? Ridiculous,” she retorted. Edward laughed cruelly.
“That’s right, Rose,” Edward answered. I frowned. He must’ve been answering her thoughts. “Horrible isn’t it when the one you’re with can’t wait to get away from you, huh?” Rosalie shut her mouth and sat still as a statue. I felt uncomfortable. I looked over at Emmett.

“I think it’s time for me to go home,” I muttered and he nodded.
“I’ll drive you.”

We drove silently. I was pondering over Edward’s words and Emmett was in no hurry to explain.
“Why did Edward say that?” I asked when we reached my house. Emmett stayed silent. I poked him. “Tell me.”
“I wasn’t very careful with my thoughts around him,” Emmett replied. “He knows that I’m with you half my evenings.” I looked at him in shock.
“And did he-”
“He won’t tell her because lately none of us can take Rosalie, she’s gotten horrible this year and so Edward is on my side,” he said. He stared out the window, not wanting to look me in the eyes.
I put my hand against his face and stroked his cheek lightly. “Look at me.” He turned around and gave me a smile. I looked at him puzzled. He took my hand and kissed my palm sweetly.
“I thought you’d criticize me for not being able to keep my thoughts to myself,” he explained and I smiled.
“I don’t blame you, you have no idea how hard it is for me to keep my thoughts pure around Edward when all I want is to-” I stopped then, afraid I’d be saying too much. If I could blush, I’d be red as a tomato. Emmett’s booming laugh shook through me as he leaned forward to kiss me. I kissed back eagerly.
I got out of the car and he winked at me.
“I’ll pick you up for the game”.