Sequel: More Than Anything
Status: COMPLETED [Wait for the sequel :D]

Close to Nothing

One of Them

I laughed in delight as my car overtook Emmett’s. Even over the roar of the Jeep, I could hear Emmett growl in frustration. I swerved sharply to the right and came to a stop. Emmett caught up seconds later. I got out of the car and leaned casually against it.

“So what were you saying about the Jeep being the fastest car in the world?” I asked with a smug smile. Emmett hopped out of his Jeep and slammed the door loudly. He didn’t answer me.

“Isn’t it funny how my sweet little Peugeot beat out your gigantic Jeep?” I asked again and poked him lightly. Emmett glared at me and I started laughing hysterically. Before I could understand what happened, Emmett was pinning me up against his car with a mischievous smile on his face. He placed light kisses down my jaw line, slowly moving down toward my neck. I started giggling wildly.

“It tickles,” I managed to get out through my giggles. Emmett pinned my arms behind me and continued.
“So what were you saying about my car?” he murmured against my skin. I burst out laughing once his breath hit my skin.

“It’s the best, it’s the best!” I said finally and Emmett let me go with a smirk. I wrapped my arms around him and kissed him lightly. Emmett smiled against my lips.
“We’d better go or they’ll think we got lost,” he murmured as he held me tightly to him. I sighed and he let me go.

“Alright, everyone’s here, let’s play,” Carlisle called out as soon as we walked into the clearing. He looked over at Alice. She nodded.
“It’s time.”

I was catcher and I was playing on the team against Emmett. Oh this was going to be so good.
The thunder sounded and the wind blew strongly. Bella’s scent hit me full force. I looked over and saw her standing with Esme. She waved and I smiled at her. At that precise moment Rosalie was up to bat.
“Go Rose!” I cheered and she winked at me. It was almost impossible to see the ball fly past the tree tops and I saw Edward race against Emmett to get it. Above us the thunder sounded again.
“Eleanora!” Edward called and seconds later I caught the ball.

We kept up the game for about two hours when suddenly Alice called out “Stop!” An unfamiliar sent was in the air. Three dim shapes were coming toward us. Immediately everyone moved into a formation around Bella.

“Ella.” I flinched and whipped around. That voice. It was the same voice that was murmuring my name when I was changed. My hands started shaking. Edward looked at me and raised an eyebrow. He beckoned me closer.
“Pay attention, stay close,” he instructed. My eyes scanned the three figures that were coming toward us.

It was one of them. I was sure.
♠ ♠ ♠
Oh the anticipation. =]
It's not what you expect, I asure you, keep reading =]
Oh and your comments are great. Thank you <3