Sequel: More Than Anything
Status: COMPLETED [Wait for the sequel :D]

Close to Nothing

Taking Away

Edward was driving like a maniac. I looked over at Bella; her face was a slight shade of green.

“Slow down Edward, you’re going to make Bella sick,” I muttered to him and Emmett looked over at Bella. She was taking in shallow breaths.
“We’ve got no time,” Edward growled but eased his foot on the gas pedal a bit. Bella was almost hyperventilating from the stress. Emmett looked over at me. “Calm her down,” he mouthed to me.
“Bella, trust me, we’ll do everything possible to keep you and your father safe,” I calmed her down. I patted her arm lightly, not sure of what else to say. What should I about to a girl who was being tracked by a vicious vampire? But then an idea hit me. Every girl liked to talk about her man, right?

“What do you like most about Edward?” I asked her. Bella looked a bit confounded. She gave me a weak smile.
“That’s a tough question, I like everything about him,” she said finally. She stayed silent and then went on a rant. It was almost as though she wanted to say these things to herself for the last time.
“His eyes, his smile, just his presence, and the way he kisses me; it always leaves me wanting more, I love him for just being there, I like his scent-” My laugh cut her off.
“His scent?” I asked incredulously. She blushed and nodded.
“It’s so...Indescribable, very strange, it’s sort of like..oh I don’t know…mint..And maybe cinnamon?” she said.

I tried to say something but I couldn’t. The next 30 seconds passed by in a blur. The car swerved sharply and Edward stepped on the break. I felt myself being tossed out of the car and then Edward was in front of me in a crouch. I was mirroring his position.

“It’s you! Goddamn it! I hate you, I’m going to killyou,” I hissed at him.
“Calm down Eleanora,” he said to me as I attacked him. He was never within my reach. The mind-reading thing was a huge advantage to him.

I was seeing red. I didn’t care that Bella was yelling on top of her lungs for me to stop, I didn’t take notice of Emmett trying to calm me down. I was going to kill Edward, I was going to make him rot.

“So that’s why you never called me Ella, huh Edward?” I hissed at him menacingly. “Afraid that I’d realize who you are?” He shook his head furiously. His expression was pained and torn.

“I understand that I deserve to be punished by you but not now Eleanora, please,” he pleaded.
I crouched lower, ready to spring at him again but Emmett stepped in between us.

“Edward, what’s going on?” he asked. Edward looked uncomfortable. He shook his head.
“Go ahead Edward, tell your brother,” I taunted. Emmett touched my shoulder lightly but I shook him off.
“I…I was the one who changed Eleanora,” he said and his shoulders sagged. I chose this moment to strike him but Emmett caught me and held me against him. I beat at his chest wildly.

“LET ME GO! I’m GOING TO KILL HIM! LET ME GO DAMNIT!” I yelled at him but already I could feel myself weakening. My attempts at escaping were weak and now I could hear Emmett muttering to me sweetly. I couldn’t comprehend his words.

When he realized I wasn’t fighting back he let me go. I wanted to escape from here. I didn’t care where but there was no way I could bear to be next to him and then another thought crossed my mind.

“Please Ella, don’t!” Edward whispered. I smirked at him and then looked over at Bella. She was looking from me to Edward with a pained expression on her face.

“You took away my life, well I’m taking away something of yours,” I snarled and sprinted into the dark forest behind me.
♠ ♠ ♠
And..BOOM! There you go. I'm pretty sure someone figured it out on about the 11th chapter I believe.
So? Well?? What do you think? =]