Sequel: More Than Anything
Status: COMPLETED [Wait for the sequel :D]

Close to Nothing

What have I done?

“They’ll try to confuse you, I’m sure, they’ll be leaving her scent everywhere,” I explained to the tracker. He scrutinized me. I swallowed.
“She used to live in Phoenix so I take it they’ll be there although Florida is also possible,” I said. “Her mother lives there.”

James shifted in his chair lightly.
“This is very valuable information,” he drawled out. “But why are you giving it to us?” I felt myself tense up.
“That’s not your concern,” I said harshly. A soft laugh sounded behind me.
“But how can we trust you then?” the same voice asked behind me. “How do we know you’re not trying to misguide us?” The female, Victoria, came around and skipped onto the edge of a fallen tree. It was difficult not to admire her feline moves. She was graceful and beautiful.

“I am not with them, I don’t want to be thought of as part of that coven,” I hissed. Victoria smiled sweetly at me.
“What have they done love?” she asked me.

“As I said, you don’t have to concern yourself with my problems,” I said. “I gave you valuable information and I suggest you use it, all I ask of you is not to touch one of them.” James raised his eyebrows and smirked.

I hesitated and then said, “Emmett, don’t touch Emmett.” Victoria gave me a questioning look.
“He’s the tall, muscular guy,” I explained. James looked over at Victoria; their eyes met. They seemed to have a silent conversation. Victoria nodded once. James looked over at me.

“Deal,” he said. “But if you don’t like them so much, why not join us? A little extra help wouldn’t hurt.” I shook my head quickly.
“I want no part in this feud,” I said. Victoria shrugged.
“Thanks for your help,” she said with a slight smile on her ruby lips. I nodded once and disappeared into the forest.

Within twenty minutes I was at my house. It was silent and dark. I admit a part of me was hoping that he would be here. But of course he was busy helping his brother protect his one true love.
I walked into the silent house and closed the door behind me. I leaned back against the door and slid to the floor. A flood of emotions washed over me.

I hated Edward at this moment. I hated him for turning me into a monster. I hated Bella for thinking that her Edward was so damn perfect. I hated Emmett for being the brother of that monster. But most of all I hated myself.

What have I done?
♠ ♠ ♠
Well look at that, Eleanora's a snitch.
Tsk tsk.
By the way, the story is coming to an end but fear not for I have a sequel already in the works.