Sequel: More Than Anything
Status: COMPLETED [Wait for the sequel :D]

Close to Nothing

His Wonderful Voice

It’s been four days; four horrible days that I’ve been waiting to hear some news as to what was happening to the Cullens.

I was beating myself up inside. I couldn’t believe that I let my emotions get the best of me. If Bella died, then her death would be my fault.

But that didn’t concern me. I was afraid for Emmett. I wasn’t sure if James and Victoria would keep their part of the deal. I didn’t want Emmett hurt. It would be unbearable for me.

I’ve taken to spying on the Cullen household. As far as I’m concerned everyone left for Phoenix except for Esme. She was constantly walking by the phone, waiting for some news.

I’d wait to know if everyone was okay and then I’d leave. Not because I was afraid of Edward or any of them. It was because I was ashamed. I felt guilty in front of Edward but I was also embarrassed of my behavior in front of Emmett.
I would leave and they’d live a normal life, just like they should.

I tied my hair up and walked out into my backyard. I had to make one more trip to the Cullens place. Maybe Esme has some news.

I kept a safe distance away as I examined their house. Nothing seemed to change, it was still empty but then Alice’s soft laugh sounded. I moved a little closer. Edward’s Volvo was back as well.
I squinted and looked inside their home. Yes, they were back. Alice was talking excitedly to Jasper who was holding her hand. Rosalie was upstairs, reading a book. I assumed Edward was with Bella. Everyone was fine but this didn’t calm me down. Where was Emmett?

Then, as if on cue, Esme walked into the living room.
“Where’s Emmett?” she asked Alice.
“Out hunting, he’s very thirsty,” she answered in her tinkling voice. Esme shot her a knowing look and Alice shrugged.

I breathed out a sigh of relief. He was safe. He was home. I smiled bitterly. This was my signal to leave. I ran home quickly, fighting my emotions the whole way there. Again, I hoped he was here but the house was empty.

I took out a suitcase and started throwing some things inside. I found my cell phone and punched in the familiar number.

“Hello,” my brother’s voice answered. I was so happy to hear his voice. I knew that no matter what I did, Christopher would never judge me.
“Christopher, it’s Eleanora,” I said.
“Darling! How are you?” he asked me. I could hear the smile behind his voice. I didn’t know how to answer this question so I ignored it.
“I need to leave Forks immediately,” I said urgently.
“Right, so I need to book you a flight and take care of your belongings, when can you be here?” he asked me, all business-like.
“Today, right now, I don’t care Christopher, I just need to get away,” I replied.
“Alright, your flight is booked, just drive to the nearest airport,” he said.
“Thanks,” my voice shook as I answered.
“Keep it together, doll, I’m waiting for you,” he answered and hung up.
That’s my Christopher. He never asks too many questions and he’s always there to help.

I let out a sigh and closed my phone. I never thought that this would be so difficult. Suddenly I stiffened. There were light footsteps behind me. And then a voice, his wonderful voice, sounded.

“Don’t leave me.”
♠ ♠ ♠
Oh dear.