Sequel: More Than Anything
Status: COMPLETED [Wait for the sequel :D]

Close to Nothing

No Scent

"Well this is nice! We have two new students this year," the school secretary commented as she handed me a map of the school and my schedule. I gave her a small smile and headed to the first class: chemistry. I didn't like to be late, especially for my favorite subject. I walked into the room and the teacher, Mr.Harkavy, greeted me.
"Ah, you must be Eleanora Treft! Well come on in and take your seat to Mr. Keeling over there, I'll spare you the embarrassment of introductions,” he said lightly and pointed to a seat next to some chubby blonde kid. I gave him a small smile full of gratitude and sat down next to the kid.

“Hey, you must be Eleanora, I’m Kevin, how’s life?” he asked and stuck out his hand. I wasn’t about to shake his hand and have him exclaiming over how cold it was.
“Alright,” I replied, eyeing his hand with distaste. He quickly put it away.
“So where are you from? Why’d you come to boring old Forks? Why’d you move?” he asked me.
“It’s a long story,” I said shortly, my tone indicating that I didn’t want to talk. He shrugged and turned away to talk to a girl next to him.

The class went on slowly but I listened into Kevin’s conversations, trying to find out information about any suspicious students in the school. This AP chemistry class wasn’t very AP. I already knew everything, almost by heart. A couple of times when Mr.Harkavy called on Kevin and he couldn’t answer, I whispered him the correct response. He always gave me a grateful smile. The next few classes dragged on as usual and I was waiting for lunch in order to take a better look at all the students in this school.

I sat down at an empty lunch table with a tray filled up with food. I didn’t even notice what I took; my eyes were scanning across the cafeteria. There were lots of different people here, they were all doing their own thing. I inhaled all the scents swirling around me and they seemed to hit me like some kind of drug. I would definitely need to go hunting tonight. But all of a sudden a group of students caught my eye. I was staring so intently at them that I didn’t notice how Kevin sat down next to me.
“Eyeing up the Cullens, huh?” he asked all of a sudden and I snapped out of my thoughts.
“Who?” I asked and absently picked at my food.
“The pale ones, that’s Dr. Carlisle Cullen’s family, they’re all adopted or something,” he explained. I noticed suddenly that Kevin brought along with him a small group of people; they were all gathering around the table.
“That’s Edward, Alice, Jasper, Rosalie, and Emmett, they’re a strange bunch, never really talk to anyone,” he continued and I nodded, although I couldn’t concentrate: the smell of the people around me was overwhelming. I got up suddenly. “I need some air,” I said.
“Are you claustrophobic?” Kevin asked and I nodded.
“Sure, let’s go with that.”

I went outside and leaned against the wall. My head was spinning. I took a couple of deep breaths to steady myself and then the bell rang. I hurried on to next class: physics. Even after 60 years of studying it, it still gave me a hard time. I greeted the teacher and she gave me my seat. I was considering going to the nurse because I was afraid that I’d attack a student but when I sat down next to a boy named Jasper, the need drifted away.

I looked sideways at Jasper, trying to figure him out. He stared straight ahead of him, not moving and not bothering to start a conversation. “…never really talk to anyone.” Kevin’s words floated through my mind. The class started and the need to go to the nurse subsided wholeheartedly. I was confused. Why did my thirst suddenly go away? I sat and pondered about it for a while and then…

“Eleanora, what did you get? What’s your answer?” the teacher asked me suddenly.
“I uh..well…” I stuttered, looking down at my notebook: it was blank.
“Fifty seven miles per hour,” Jasper muttered and I quickly repeated the answer to the teacher. She nodded approvingly and went on.
“Thanks,” I whispered to the guy and he nodded stiffly. And then I realized why I wasn’t thirsty. The guy, Jasper, had no scent. I didn’t smell anything from him. There was none of that sickly-sweet coppery odor in the air. I must’ve been staring because the kid raised an eyebrow. I quickly turned around and hid myself behind my hair.

But why? Why didn’t he have any smell? Could he possibly be… I stole another quick glance at him. He was pale like our kind was and he had unusually golden eyes. But Christopher said that the closest vampire population near Washington was Denali.
But then why did you come to Forks? a quite voice inside my head asked.
I don’t know…something…pushed me. I was quite sure this was where I would find the vampire that changed me.

The rest of the day passed by quickly. I didn’t even pay much attention, I was trying to figure out a way to start searching for that vampire. I got home and occupied myself until it got dark. I was practically hyperventilating from my need by the time I got dressed into some comfortable slacks and a t-shirt. I walked outside and bolted for the woods near my house. It was like a monster had awakened inside of me. I growled as I ran through the forest, looking for prey. I tracked some suitable dear and relished the sweet blood it had. After I had my fill and I was sure that I would stay satisfied for the next four days, I explored the area a bit. The woods were large but not large enough for me to get lost in. I continued to walk until I heard voices. There were two males and one female. I wasn’t close enough to smell them but I still turned around and ran home, not wanting to cause any accidents.