Sequel: More Than Anything
Status: COMPLETED [Wait for the sequel :D]

Close to Nothing

Already Dead

It was 7:14. School started at 8:05. I was sitting at my kitchen, attempting to do my geometry homework. I never understood geometry, it was all beyond me. I thought I finally got the right formula when a voice next to me said, “Whatcha doing?” I jumped about a foot in the air.

“Emmett! What the hell is wrong with you? I almost died here,” I growled at him and sat back down.
“You can’t die, you’re already dead,” he said with a laugh. “What are you doing Ella?” I decided not to say anything about the name.
“Geometry, I hate it,” I said and frowned at the paper in front of me.
“Give me your pen,” he commanded. I watched with amazement as he wrote all the correct formulas and numbers. “There you go.” I gaped at him. Emmett just grinned and walked to the living room. I leaned over the paper, trying to understand how he could’ve possibly gotten it in such a short time. Faintly I heard Emmett search through my CDs and a faint click as he popped one in my boom box. Frank Sinatra’s ’I’ve got you under my skin’ hovered into the room.

I looked up, I loved this song. Emmett was leaning against the doorframe, a small smile playing on his lips.
“Shall we?” He asked me and put out his hand.
“I don’t dance,” I said but took his hand anyways. He led me into the spacious living room.
“It’s alright, I’ll lead,” he murmured as he placed a hand gently on my waist and took my right hand in his. We started to sway gently into the beat of the music. Emmett decided to do some complicated footwork so I kept on staring at our feet, trying to follow him. Emmett laughed.
“Don’t look down, you’ve got to be on eye level with me,” he said. I bit my bottom lip.
“It’s difficult, you know,” I said but tore my eyes away from our feet. Being so close to Emmett, I only now realized how really big he was. Not only was he tall but he was very muscular. I had to tilt my head up a little to see his face. He grinned down at me.
“I’m going to spin you,” he said.
“Spin me?,” I asked. Emmett nodded.
“I’m bad with spins,” I frowned. He laughed and I felt his laugh go through my body because of the closeness. Without a warning, he extended his arm and I went spinning out of his arms. Just before I hit the opposite wall, he caught me.
“Fun!” I breathed out and Emmett smiled down at me. He had his arms around me and was lightly supporting me. If I could blush, I’d be red as a tomato. He glanced at the wall clock behind me. 7:49.
“School,” I muttered a bit unhappily and Emmett nodded. Emmett walked to his car while I shut off the music and locked the door behind myself. We got into his jeep and rode to school.
“I never knew you liked to dance,” I said casually as he drove.
“Yeah, I like to goof around sometimes but no one in my family really likes it,” he said and grinned at me. “You’re one of the few who agreed to dance.”
“Why doesn’t your family like it?” I asked and Emmett shrugged.
“Rosalie doesn’t like this music, Alice thinks it’s funny, only Esme was willing to dance but, you know, she’s my mom, how much fun could it be?” he explained. We pulled into the parking lot and I saw Rosalie leaning against Edward’s car. She didn’t look too happy.
“Thanks for the ride, Emmett, I’ll see you at lunch,” I said as I got out of the car. I closed the door and walked to my calculus class. I knew that Rosalie would confront Emmett right now.

I took my seat in calculus and just before the bell rang, Rosalie came in and sat down next to me. The guy who usually sat there raised an eyebrow but when Rosalie gave him an award-winning smile, he turned and took her seat in the back. I fidgeted. Why did she want to sit next to me all of a sudden?
“Hey Eleanora,” she said lightly as the teacher began the lesson. I smiled at her.
“Hi Rose, did you do the assignment he gave us?” I jerked my head toward the teacher.
“Yeah, so what did you and Emmett do at your house?” It was obvious that she was dying to ask me.
“Oh, he helped me finish my geometry homework, I didn’t really get it,” I lied. Well, I didn’t really lie, I just didn’t tell her the other thing we did. Rosalie seemed to relax and we chatted for the rest of the class.
I was really starting to like Forks. I didn’t even mind the rain. I even WANTED to go to school. This was the first time I’ve made really good friends. Usually I just pushed people away because they were all human.
I paid for the food I got on the lunch line and walked toward the Cullen table. All of a sudden, that strange mint smell hit me. I froze. It was engulfing me and it was getting harder to breath. I started to panic a little. Could he really be here? Amongst all these people? Alice appeared at my side.
“What’s wrong, Eleanora?” she asked and I tried to say something but my voice caught in my throat. Suddenly the smell disappeared and everything was back to normal. I spun around wildly, trying to find the person it belonged to. Edward and Bella, who were sitting at a table to my left, looked up at me.
“We’re the only kind here,” Edward muttered to me. I was startled for a second. I had forgotten that he could read minds. I nodded but inside I was still unsure. Maybe he was wrong, maybe there was another vampire here. But I shook my head to clear my thoughts.
“I’m fine,” I said to Alice. She looked uncertainly at me so I gave her a reassuring smile. We sat down at the table and I put my hand to my head. It was starting to ache. Somehow, probably through Edward, the guys found out about my discomfort.
“Maybe it’s a common scent,” Rosalie said all of a sudden and I shook my head.
“I can tell that it’s not, it’s so strange that I can’t even explain it,” I said.
“But then how could it be here, in school? We’re 100% positive we’re the only ones here,” Alice argued. Jasper, who was usually quite through all of our conversations, nodded.
“Maybe it’s just imprinted on you and you seem to get it everywhere,” he suggested. I shook my head but inside I was getting incredulous. Maybe they were right.