Sequel: More Than Anything
Status: COMPLETED [Wait for the sequel :D]

Close to Nothing

Nothing Beneath Me

I pulled back the curtain and sunlight streamed in. I groaned. A whole day spent inside doing nothing. It was only 9:00 and I was already going crazy from boredom. My phone rang suddenly. The caller ID said ‘Emmett’.
“Hey you,” I said into the phone.
“It’s sunny,” Emmett’s deep voice stated without a greeting. I rolled my eyes.
“Thank you, Captain Obvious,” I said sarcastically.
“Rosalie wants to know if you want to go to a mall with her and Alice,” he said and I frowned.
“I don’t really like shopping,” I said.
“Great! You can go up to the mountains with Edward, Jasper and me,” he said excitedly. I laughed.
“Okay sure, when will you come by?” I asked.
“In half an hour, see you,” he said and hung up.

In exactly 30 minutes Edward’s Volvo pulled up. Someone pressed the horn and I came outside. I climbed into the back and sat next to Jasper.
“Hi everyone,” I greeted the guys and sniffed at the air. It smelled like Bella mixed in with a strange mint scent. I must’ve been going nuts. Edward waved briefly with his hand before focusing on the road ahead of him, Jasper gave me a tight smile and Emmett was the most enthusiastic.
“It’s going to be great, I’m so pumped!” he practically shouted out. I grinned at him.
“What’re we going to do?” I asked him, leaning into the front between the two seats.
“We’re going to hunt some grizzlies,” Edward said. I noticed how his eyes were a darker color than before but not yet black. “Big game,” I noticed and Emmett nodded.
“You’ve got to be careful,” he warned and I rolled my eyes. The four hour ride was cut in half thanks to Edward’s driving. We climbed (or ran would be more appropriate) the mountain until we reached a relatively flat surface.
“I don’t see the bears,” I retorted and Jasper laughed. This was one of the few times when I saw Jasper in good spirit. “You’ve got to go deep into the forest to find them,” he explained.
We searched for what seemed like hours only because every time we’d find a baby bear and I couldn’t let the boys kill it. Finally we found a large male. It was taller than Emmett even. I watched from afar as the guys dealt with it. Three of them had to go on one so I didn’t even try. I just kept to the small animals.
Towards the end we climbed to the very top. The air here was much fresher than on lower altitudes. I stood close to the edge and observed the world below me. I was so absorbed in my thoughts that I didn’t hear Emmett sneak up on me.
“BOO!” he shouted suddenly and all of a sudden, my feet weren’t on solid ground, they were in midair and I could see the dark forest deep below me. I tried to scream but my voice caught in my throat. When I was suddenly about to be hurled down, a pair of strong arms snatched me back onto the solid earth.

I tried to say something as my head began to spin but all I could manage was a small whimper. Emmett’s strong arms wrapped around my shoulders and he sat down onto the ground and pulled me onto his lap. I couldn’t say anything. The fear that made me lose my voice temporarily was horrible. For a moment I felt as though I was going insane. I wrapped my arms around Emmett’s neck and buried my face in the crook of his neck. I finally made some noise. I was tearlessly sobbing into his neck.
“Shhh, I’m sorry Ella, I’m so sorry,” I vaguely heard Emmett repeat frantically. I was also aware of Edward cursing at Emmett but I tuned them out. I was shaking now, almost as though I was having convulsions. I felt Emmett stand up and pick me up bride style. I shut my eyes tightly as we made our way to the car.

I tried to calm myself down but the image of the forest below me and the feel of nothing beneath me made me cringe. I still couldn’t stop shaking. I was a vampire, yes, and I was stronger than most humans but a 1,400 foot drop was bound to hurt me somehow. Maybe I would’ve survived but I would’ve been crippled for the rest of my life.
I felt Emmett help me into the car and then close the door. I brought my knees up to my face and put my head on it, facing the windows. Emmett slid in next to me and the car began to move. I closed my eyes and tried to calm myself down but the shock was still there. I was still shaking.
I felt Emmett sit closer to me.
“You alright?” he asked gently. I tried to nod.
“Fine,” I whispered and opened my eyes. “Just a little nauseous.” It was dark now and my watch said it was 8 PM.
The next half hour passed strangely. I seemed to faint a couple of times because the next time I regained conscious I was in my bed and it was morning, 10:07 AM actually. I remembered clearly what happened the night before and I shivered from the thought. I was alright now, not shaking but every thought about yesterday’s event seemed to paralyze me.

I walked into the living room and was surprised to see Carlisle there. He smiled at me
“How’re you feeling?” he asked me.
“Much better,” I replied and smiled. “What happened?”
“You were out of it since Emmett brought you home, it was almost as though you were sleeping,” Carlisle said. “We thought you were in a coma but a close friend said that in rare cases fainting can occur within our kind.”
“Vampires can fall into comas?” I asked as I poured myself a glass of water from a nearby table.
“That’s what I deem,” he answered and glanced at the door that led to the back steps.
“Emmett is waiting for you, I think you should talk to him,” Carlisle suggested. He got up, smiled and left the house. I walked to the back steps.

I opened the door and almost tripped over Emmett. He was sitting on the steps, staring into the forest ahead of him. He glanced at me when I sat down next to me and gave me a tight smile. We sat silently for a few minutes.
“I don’t blame you for anything,” I said quietly. Emmett laughed bitterly.
“Mind reader now, huh?” he asked and then his expression turned grim. “I shouldn’t have done that.”
“You didn’t know that I’d fall,” I pointed out.
“I should’ve assumed that though,” he answered. I rolled my eyes briefly.
“Assume makes an ass out of you and me,” I said lightly and Emmett grinned widely. We stayed silent for a while again.
“I’ll never forgive myself,” he muttered and put his head in his hands. I squeezed his shoulder.
“I already forgave you so you shouldn’t worry about it,” I said. “Seriously Emmett, it wasn’t as though you were trying to kill me.” He looked up at me and said, “I’m sorry.”
“Don’t be,” I answered. His phone rang all of a sudden. A text message from Rosalie.
“You should go,” I said. I could tell that he spent the whole night here; he was in yesterday’s clothes. He nodded and I walked with him to the front door.
“You’ll pick me up for school tomorrow?” I asked, trying to appear casual as though nothing happened. Emmett nodded and grinned.
“Of course,” he said and left.