‹ Prequel: Knocked up Ross

Daddy Ross

Daddy Ross

Waking up to my alarm clock, I stretched, and moved my arm to the space that was the other side of my bed.


A woman once occupied that side of the bed,but that was a long time ago.

Getting up, I scratched my head, and moved to my kitchen where Brendon was sitting, in his dark blue paid pajamas and white tee shirt, reading the newspaper and sipping from a mug filled with deliciously smelling coffee.

"Good morning," he said.

"Hello," I replied.

Grabbing a mug, I poured a cup for myself, and sat next to my roommate and bandmate.

"Anything good," I asked.


"Did the magazine come in?"


"Where is it?"


"What is it doing there?"

"Just arrived."


Getting up, I took my coffee with me, and went to my front door. Upon opening it, I found a little baby wrapped in a blanket with a letter sticking out of it's folds.

Forgetting about the magazine, I bent down and retrieved the letter, finding my name on the outside. Opening it, it said:


I'm sorry I had to do this, but it's the only way. I should have taken your offer to help.

Please take care of Rydon. Your son.

I'm so sorry.

Looking down at Rydon I bent down at picked up the little baby boy, he was sleeping soundly wrapped in his blankets. This scene reminded me a bit of Harry Potter, and just to make sure it wasn't, I looked at his forehead and saw no lightning scar.

Looking at his face, I saw my nose, my eyes, anda familiar girl's lips.

"Wholy shit," I said.

"What," Brendon asked from behind me, "What's that?"

"M-My son."




"I'm a father."