I'm so Dirty Babe!

I'm so Dirty Babe!

It was the sound of birds that woke me up. When I opened my eyes the dullness that was the gray morning light lit up my tent. Giving a sigh, I rolled onto my back and just laid there, listening to the soothing sounds of nature waking up around me.

When I felt like I was fully awake, I left the warmth of my sleeping bag, and sat up in the now chilly air. I pulled my hair out of my face, brushing it, and looked around for my hoodie.

Zipping the door open, I crawled out into the small, cozy, clearing that I called 'home' for the next three weeks. The cold, dew covered grass met my feet, sending chills up and down my spine.

The little clearing, called 'The Magic Spot', was found on summer, right after the movie 'The Blair Witch Project' came out, and no one would camp. My friends, Gerard Way, his little brother Mikey, Frank Iero, and I found it by just wondering around with a camera, trying to recreate it. We thought it was so cool, because not only was it not on the map, but it was untouched as well. We were quick to mark our path on the map so we would be able to memorize where this was, and it was our yearly camping place.

The clearing was lightly hugged by trees, and it had a small but deep pond where we would be taking our baths, swimming, and even possibly if we decide to stay longer, wash our clothes. Our tents were set up, mine on the left, and the tent with a still sleeping Gerard and Frank on the right. Mikey wasn't with us this year for he was spending time in Maine with his girlfriend and her family. In the middle was the fire pit we had dug and lined with stones. We had to de-weed once we got here and set the camp up but when we were done with that we found fire and created our warmth! *cure golf claps for the warmth* There was the little table that we brought with us, it was a small folding card table meant for five, but yeah, it was great. We had a small pile of logs for the fire, and chairs of the same fashion as the table. When it rained, we had tarps for the tents and the pile of wood, and we folded the table and chairs and put them with the wood. We were well prepared.

Next to the table, there was a box. It was actually a little cooler like thing, and there was a lock on it, something we wanted because of the raccoons that taught us our lesson one year. It contained all of the water and the food that we needed. It took two people to carry this box, and we all took turns for it was very heavy. Going over to it, I did the code, and opened the lid to start cooking dinner. There was a pan in the box, and the grate that went over the fire folded on top. Setting everything up, I reached into the advanced cooler that was literally like a mini fridge, and pulled out eggs, and bread and started to make our breakfast.

The smell of fire and cooking food must have woken Gerard up, for he soon came crawling out of the tent when I was finished with the food.

"Good morning."

"Good morning."

Sitting next to me, he took the plate that I handed him, and a fork that I handed him as well. He took a bite out of the food, and moaned with satisfaction. Only it was more of a seduction moan than a food moan.

"Gees Gerard, I didn't know food made you so horney."

"It's not the only thing that makes me horney."


"I know," he wiggled his eyebrows at me, and I laughed.

"Hey," we hear someone yell from the tent, "Don't start the fucking with out me bitches!"

We hear him move, and we set our plates on the ground and I lunge my self onto Gerard, straddling him and placing my lips on his. I guess he didn't really expect me to do that, and go as far as kissing him, for he stiffened up at first, and started kissing back. Breaking the kiss, I three my head back and yelled "Oh my God, Gerard!" I moaned loudly, and started to smile as Frank jumped out of the tent.


"What? Didn't expect us to actually be doing something," I asked, getting off Gerard, an uncomfortable bulge was forming in his crotch, and I didn't quite like it. Well, I mean I liked it, it was just uncomfortable to sit on. When fully clothed. You see, Ive always had this thing for Gerard, and I've always had this thing for Frank. I was hoping to win one of them over before this camping trip was over.

Frank sat down by the fire, and started filling his plate with the food I had made. Gerard and I shared awkward glances as he tried to control his erection, by covering it with his plate, but for some reason, I couldn't help but thing that he was picturing me.

The sexual tension built around the fire, until we were finished, when I put my plate on the table, and went to my tent to change into my bathing suite. It was a great day out and I wanted to go swimming. Frank and Gerard agreed and followed suit.

The water was clear, as it usually was. You could see the bottom until it got too deep. Fish could be seen swimming in the water, minding their own business. It looked like it would be nice and somewhat warm, but you'd be wrong. How do I know this? Well, there's this rock you see, it's kind of like a boulder, and it's pretty cool. Well, this is what we call our jumping rock, and of course, we jump off of it. Well, I was standing on the bottom of this rock, when Frank picked me up bridal style, and carried me up to the very top of the rock.

"Frank," I yelled, "Put me down!"

"Not yet!"

"You drop me in that water, and I fucking swear."

When we reached the top of the rock, Frank shrugged and set me down, helping me gain my balance.

"Thank you," I said.

"No problem," Frank replied, pushing me off of the rock and into the freezing ass water down below.

"Frank," I yelled, "I thought I fucking t-told you n-not to drop me in the w-water!"

"I didn't drop you," he said, a smug smile on his face, "I pushed you."

Giving an angry growl, I swam back to the shore, where Gerard was just now coming to the pond. I gave him a smile as I climbed back up to the rock where Frank was standing.

"Uh-oh," Frank said.

"Oh yes."

"Gerard! Help me!"

Wrapping Frank into a hug, I stopped him from running down the rock, and threw myself back into the cold water. When we surfaced, Gerard was on the ground laughing, and Frank was swimming to the shore, his jaw could be heard chattering together as he swam.

"I love you Frank," I yelled.

"Fuck you!"

I gave a loud laugh, and went under water, kicking off of the muddy floor, and jumping out of the water, diving back in, and swimming to the middle of the pond. I opened my eyes underwater, and the blurry view of the underwater life came to me, and I smiled as I resurfaced, flipping my hair back, causing water to fly Little Mermaid style, and I looked back to the shore to see Frank and Gerard watching me from the rock. I waved, and they waved back, both jumping into the water, and swimming to me. I swam to them too, and met Gerard in a spot where we could all stand in the mud.

"Hello," I said, but before I could say anything else, Gerard grabbed onto my waist and placed a kiss on my lips, shoving his tongue to my mouth, pushing me underwater as he continued to kiss me.

Coming back up, I didn't have time to say anything, for Frank was soon doing the same thing. When we came back up that last time, we all looked at each other, the sexual tension obviously still there. We all had a mad race to the shore, and when we got there, we ran to the camp site, me pulling at the ties of my bikini top, and diving into the boy's tent, lying down, and taking the lips of Gerard as he dove on me, followed by Frank, who unclothed Gerard, myself, and then him. Letting go of Gerard, I wrapped my hands around Frank's member, and stroked him in a rhythm, him doing the same to Gerard. When they were finally hard, Gerard flipped us over, and I positioned myself over Gerard, letting him enter me in front, and Frank entered me from behind. I let out a loud moan of pleasure as the three of us moved in unison, my bare chest pressing against Gerard's with the exception of Frank grasping my breast, massaging expertly.

Eventually, Gerard pulled out of me, and I turned to Frank placing my lips on his, as he re-entered me only in front, and Gerard in the back. I gasped as the overwhelming pleasure came into my body, a moan drowning in Frank's lips, his lips left mine, and moved to my chest, my back pressing against Gerard as Frank's mouth sucked on my breasts, my head resting on Gerard's shoulder, Gerard's lips on my mine. Our water soaked bodies began to turn red from the friction our movement created, when we moved again, Frank pushed me down and Gerard entered Frank who moaned in my mouth. We switched positions left and right, all of us prolonging the climax, even though we knew we would start all over again later on. Gerard was the first to climax, sitting off to the side to catch his breath, even though what we saw from the corners of our eyes, he was doing anything but. Frank moved slowly in me at first, then sped as he and I reached our climaxes. When Frank was finished, Gerard mounted me.

Entering me, Gerard didn't give me a chance to relax, as he moved in me, with such expertness. Frank sat off to the side of the hot tent, masturbating to the two of us in intercourse, but we didn't focus on him, as he was doing as Gerard did. Gerard on the other hand, and I were really going at it, we rolled over, and I moved with Gee's hand on my waist, at the rhythm that he wanted which was a little faster than our mouths. He sat us up, his lips at my breast, my breath coming in short gasps, our bodies still moving together. My head was bent back, my hands were wrapped around his body, holding him close, pressing him to me, my body moving up and down his body, up and down his erection. When he came, I was totally spent, so I moved to the side of the tent and let Frank go to Gerard, as I sat there, my body glistening with both pond water and sweat.

Frank and Gerard connected, just the sight of them together turned me on. As they moved together, my hand moved to my vagina, my hand moving, rubbing, loving. Gerard wrapped his hand around Frank's member, stroking it, and Frank sighing into Gerard's mouth. My hand balled into a fist, as it moved into their rhythm, I got faster as they got faster, and I got slower as they did. When Gerard entered Frank, the look on their faces was enough to send me going. When they climaxed, so did I.

When they were finished, they pulled me back into the group, the three of us lying there, me making out of with Gerard first, while Frank massaged my breast, Gerard's hands working below my waist with expert fingers. When I turned to Frank, they both changed what they were doing, Frank's fingers as expert as Gerard's, Gerard's hand as gentle yet firm as Frank's. My hands worked their erections, all of us moaning and sighing into each other's mouths. Frank and Gerard pulled away from me, and went to each other, me Frank's hand's running up my body, and to Gerard's neck, and Gerard's running down my body, to my hand of Frank. I pulled the two boys down, and we shared a very complicated three way kiss, when Frank and Gerard both went down to my breast, each taking one as their own, their hands both working me, fingers inside of me, my hands around them.

When they boys came, I did too, each of us collapsing onto the ten floor, the two of them sandwiching me, my back to Frank, my front to Gerard. Frank's arm was wrapped around my waist, my arms were at my chest, and my fingers were resting on Gerard's chest. Thats how I was when I fell asleep, and when I woke up the next day, I was flipped, with Frank on one side, and Gerard on the other, a blanket covered us, showing that one of them had been away, if not both.

With my eyes opened, I looked as Frank noticed me away, and we smiled at each other.

"Hey," he whispered.

"Hey," I replied.

"How are you?"


Frank laughed softly, and placed a kiss on my smile, me kissing back.

"Is Gerard awake?"

Looking over me, Frank shook his head, and I relaxed a while, staring into Frank's hazel eyes, when we noticed Gerard getting up.

"Well, I'd better go and get dinner ready," I said, getting up.

The two of them got up too, and stopped me from going into my tent.

"WTFuck guys," I said, "Let me into my tent!"

"Nope, we were talking while you were asleep, and we decided you're going to cook breakfast nude."

"You're kidding."


The two of them gave me sly smiles, and I sighed and went along, grabbing plates and food cooking them over the fire, and serving them to the boys. We sat down on the grass, still nude, and ate food, kissing now and then, but mostly enjoying the day.

Later, we went skinny dipping, making out in shallow parts of the pond, and Gerard and I even having sex on the shore where we were barely even in the water, Frank got jealous and did the same thing, only a little further into the water. This was how we spent the rest of the camping trip. Never once did we put our clothes back on.