Heaven Is Where We'll Stay

Heaven is Where We'll Stay

"Congratulations," Pete yelled at us as we made our way out of the ball room, and down the hallway to the elevator, on our way upstairs.

Entering the elevator, Patrick pushed me against the wall, and placed a hungry kiss upon my lips. My wedding dress was almost like a force field, pushing him away from me, it was so god damn puffy. This would most likely be the last time I’ll ever wear this. Of course, I'll let my daughter wear it if she wanted to, but other wise, I'm out of it.

Pulling away, Patrick stared into my ever changing eyes, and smiled. He held my face in his hand, his thumb rubbing my cheek.

"I love you, Mrs. Emma Stump," he said softly, placing another kiss on my lips.

"I love you too, Mr. Patrick Stump," I replied, kissing him again.

The elevator dinged, letting us know that we were at our floor, and Patrick took my hand, and led me out of the elevator, and down the hall to our suite. Opening the door, Patrick grabbed me by my waist, and carried me bridal style to our bed, damn guitarist, and those insanely heavy amps.

Setting me down, he threw off his jacket, and climbed up next to me, placing an even more hungry kiss on my lips, his hand making it's way around to the back of my dress, to the zipper that was in his way of what he wanted.

His lips went down to my neck, and his teeth softly bit down on the sensitive skin, as I gasped, I oddly enough, had a flash back to the moment we both met.

<3 Three years earlier <3

"A loaded god complex, cock it, and pull it," I screamed with the crowd, as Fall Out Boy finished they're last song of the night. Cheering as loud as I possibly could, I watched as the four boys left the stage, and then the lights went out and back on, as everyone piled out of the arena.

I headed to the bathroom, and by the time I got out, the arena was almost empty.

Hm. Everyone must have bought their stuff during the other acts.

Buying my Fall Out Boy tee, I headed out to my car, which was located in the almost empty parking lot, I realized as I dug through my purse, that I had locked my keys in my car, along with my cell phone.

Cursing myself out loud several times, I scanned the parking lot for anyone that might help. By the arena, I saw a figure walking back and fourth, from a distance it looked like he was worried, but as I approached him, I noticed that he was talking on his cell, "Yeah. Yeah, I’ll tell them," the figure said, "Okay. Bye."

As he hung up, he started to leave.

"Wait," I called, "Please! Sir? I need help."

Turning around, the figure looked at me only I couldn't see his face, "Can I help you?"

"Yes, may I borrow your cell phone? I locked my keys and my cell in my car on accident, and I need to call a locksmith."

"Oh. Well, here." he took a step forward, and handed me a really expensive cell phone.

Taking it I dialed an emergency number, and got a lock smith to come and help me. He would be there in an hour, so I was forced to wait.

I handed the phone back to the man, and thanked him. Heading back to my car, I wrapped my arms around my shoulders, for I had also locked my coat in the car. I reached my car, and sat on the hood, shivering waiting for the locksmith to come and unlock my car.

"Would you like some company?" came the voice of the figure by the arena.

"Sure," I said, turning to smile at the kind man, only to gasp in shock.

Standing by my car, looking up at me with a kind smile, was somewhat small man with a messenger hat, red hair, and tight pants with a light blue shirt, who also had a coat in his hand. I moved over so this man could climb up onto the roof of my SUV to sit with me and wait in the cold night for the locksmith that would take forever.

"Patrick Stump," he said, holding out his coat so I could use it to keep warm.

"Emma Bosacki," I replied taking the coat from him with a grateful smile.

"So, do you always lock your keys in your car," he asked.

"Only when I know it will get me to meet the lead singer of Fall Out Boy," I joked, I laughed, and surprisingly, so did he.

"Well, hopefully it won’t take them that long to unlock your car once they get here," he said.

"Fingers crossed."

We continued to talk for a while, he got a phone call from Pete asking where he was, he told him, and Pete said that he, Joe, and Andy would be out there to join us with an extra coat for the now freezing Patrick. And, in no less than a few minutes, Pete, Joe, and Andy were sure enough standing by my car with an extra hoodie that they handed to Patrick. After a while, once the ice was broken, we were all talking and having fun.

The locksmith came and got my car open another hour or two later, and I was forced to say goodbye to the boys of Fall Out Boy.

"Hold on," Pete said, pulling out his sidekick, "What’s your email address?"

"xmiseryxlovesxmex@hotmail.com No capitals," I answered, thrilled that Pete wanted my address.

"We’ll email you sometime," they said.

Smiling, I removed the warm jacket that Patrick had given me, and instead of taking it, he pulled out a silver sharpie that he had in his pocket from when he was signing autographs, and he and the boys signed it.

"Keep it," he answered once the hoodie and the marker was passed around, "I have plenty more on the bus."

After thanking him about a hundred times, I hugged the boys of Fall Out Boy, who paid the locksmith, making me feel guilty, and I drove off to my home, watching them disappear in my rear view mirror.

<3 Now <3

Unzipping the zipper on my dress, Patrick managed to start slipping it off, revealing my strapless bra, my underwear, and then my knee-high, white tights.

Rolling over, I unbuttoned his white shirt, and got help in pulling it off, and casting it across the room. Patrick rolled us back over, and traced his fingers along the bottom lining of my bra, moving to the top of it, letting his fingers glide over my breasts, teasing me a bit, which was slightly unfair.

His hand went to the clasp which was in front this time, and expertly unclasped it, but instead of taking it off, his lips went down my neck, and down past my chest, past my breast, his left hand sitting me up as he sat up with me, kissing his way back up, and his other hand tearing off the bra and throwing it off the bed.

As his lips reached my ear, he whispered that he loved me again, and another flash back came to me.

<3 Two years earlier <3

Laughing, I fell with Patrick onto the couch in his house in LA, which was located in the same neighborhood of Pete Wentz. Patrick has invited me to stay with him for a while, which I didn’t mind, considering the fact that we had been holding a steady conversation for a year, all the while they were promoting their new album Infinity On High, and had started to form little crushes on each other.

As my back hit the cushions of the couch, Patrick lying on top of me, we stared into each others eyes for a moment, then randomly, we kissed. Pulling away first, Patrick stared down at me with a scared expression, almost as if he were afraid that he had crossed some forbidden boarder.

Staring back at him with the same fear, we relaxed, realizing that neither of us minded the kiss, and we quickly drew together again, kissing more deeply this time. Pulling away, we stared at each other again, only to be interrupted by Pete entering the door.

"Hello," he called. He came into the living room where we were still lying in that position, and he stopped, "Did I interrupt something?"

"Just a little," Patrick said, as he got up. Grabbing onto my hand, he pulled me off of the couch too, but he didn’t move from his spot between my legs.

"Sorry to ruin a moment," he said, then it sank in, "Wait. You two were having a moment? Oh my God! Are you two dating?"

"No," we both said at the same time.

"We haven’t decided yet," Patrick answered.

"And if we decide to, we’ll take it slow," I answered.

"So, you two were having a moment," Pete asked.

We both sighed exasperated, and we both grabbed the nearest throw pillow, and threw it at him, hitting him in the face, and the stomach.

<3 Now <3

His fingers reached into the lining of my underpants, and soon, I was completely exposed, as was he soon after. He pulled away from our kiss, to star at my exposed body with satisfied eyes. A smile formed on his face, and he quickly took my lips in his, and then he positioned himself and entered me.

I threw my head back into the pillows, a cry escaping my lips, and as he pulled out, and thrust back in, he began to gain speed, and once again, another flashback came to my mind.

<3 One year earlier <3

Walking hand in hand along the coast line of the Pacific Ocean, Patrick stopped, and we stood barely in the reach of the oceans waves, the sun setting in perfect orange, yellow, and red hues mixing together making it shimmer beautifully off of the oceans gentle waves.
He took my other hand in his, and directed my gaze from the setting sun to his love filled eyes. We had been officially dating for a year now, and everything was perfect.

"Emma," he said, softly.

"Patrick," I replied.

"We have been dating for a while now. And if seems as if we’ve known each other forever. Not just for three years," he looked away from me, lost for words. Looking back, his eyes shown with affection, "Emma. I love you."

"I love you too Patrick," I answered, hoping that this wasn’t where it was going to end.

"No. I mean, I love you. I love more than there is water in all of the oceans combined," he went silent for a while, the ocean’s water cheerfully engulfed our feet in its weak waves, "I don’t know if there’s any other way to do this."

Letting one hand go, he reached into his pocket, and pulled out a diamond engagement ring. I gasped, and stared into his eyes.

"Will you... marry me," he asked, going down on his knee, his pants getting soaked by the reaching waves.

Tears sprung into my eyes, as I nodded, a smile forming on my face. He slid the ring onto my finger, and stood, taking me by my shoulders, pulling me close, placing a kiss on my lips, as my tears of happiness leaked from my eyes.

Pulling away, we smiled at each other, and we kissed again.

<3 Now <3

We both reached our climax, and we soon were wrapped in each other's arms, falling to sleep. My eyes caught sight of my fluffy wedding dress, lying on the floor, getting wrinkled. A smile formed on my face as I remembered telling my family and friends about the engagement, and buying that dress.

As I drifted to sleep, my mind went back to the final flashback of the night. Another part of my mind wondering if it was common for one to have so many flashbacks during their after marriage sex.

<3 The wedding <3

The ceremony was beautiful. It was a traditional white wedding, Pete, Joe, and Andy looking rather dashing in their white tuxedos, and my brides maids, my closest friends looking dazzling in their white dresses.

My parents and his mother sat on opposite pews both of our mothers were crying, and my father comforting my mother by holding her hand, and wrapping his arm around her shoulder. Our other friends and family members were out in the rest of the pews, and thankfully security had locked out all of the paparazzi from getting in and ruining our wedding.

The preacher read through the sermon expertly, and then we both recited our vows, and we exchanged our rings. We were married.

Patrick kissed me, and we both walked down the isle together, and into a limo where we were whisked off do our hotel, our wedding guests behind us.

The ballroom that we had chosen was thankfully big enough for everyone, and we waited for everyone to pile in, to make our entrance as Mr. and Mrs. Stump.

Everyone clapped and cheered, as we entered, his arm around my waist, and mine around his. We smiled at everyone, and then at each other. We continued and reached our table, and we stood, where Patrick placed a kiss on my lips, and we both raised our champagne glasses.

"Thank you all for coming. You have no clue how happy we are that we were able to share our wedding with you," he said.

We all cheered, and took a sip from our glass.

"I would like to propose a toast," Pete called, “To Patrick and Emma. May you have a wonderful, long, and hectic marriage." everyone laughed, and we all said 'cheers.'

The reception went wonderfully, when Patrick took my hand and lead me out to the dance floor, where we danced until we couldn’t dance any longer. Growing tired, Patrick took my hand, and lead me out of the room.

"Congratulations," Pete called as we left the room, heading down the hall way to the elevator, where we shared a kiss, and then to our room, where we made love to each other for the fist time.

Now, I’m lying here in his arms, sleeping with him, knowing that he’ll be there when I wake up, and every morning from now and forever.