Status: Slowly Active

Regrets? I've Had a Few.


A blast of music struck them in the face as soon as Sid opened the door; The sound of some underground punk-rock band captivating their ears. Elanor cast a worried glance in his direction before scouting the room for Chloe. She was never too good with crowds.
Sid strained his neck to see over the sea of people, his eyes moving quickly past each face, before a look of recognition adorned his features. He didn't bother to murmur a response to Elanor as he pushed his way through the crowd and up towards the other end of the room; Leaving Elanor to wander curiously after him.
Sid stood in front of a man dressed in a large beige overcoat, with his fedora tipped ever-so slightly down over his eyebrows, causing a shadow to cloud his features. His fingers were clad in many different rings and trinkets.
Elanor only caught the end of their conversation as she was roughly pushed into someone, pulling her farther away from the only person she recognized at the party.

"This any good?"

"Yeah," The man grinned, producing a small bag from his coat pocket. He looked it over before handing it to Sid. "The best."

"You sure?"

"Have I ever let my customer's down before? No. Now, don't worry about payment. Consider this a... A tester." He nodded once and closed his jacket quickly, clinging the edges in his tightly clasped fingers. "You want more, you know where to find me."

Elanor struggled against the mass of people and finally reached Sid again, confused about the contents of the tiny bag. She could see Sid fingering something in his pocket. "What was that about?"


"Really?" Elanor frowned. "I saw him hand you something, and--"

"It's none of your fuckin' business, alright?" Sid snapped, twisting his mouth. He shook his head and trudged over to a vacant spot on the couch. After sitting, he glanced up at Elanor, sighing irritably. "Well?"

"Oh," Elanor took her spot beside him, looking out to the crowd for a sign of Johnny or Chloe every once in a while. When nothing turned up, she settled on attempting for a normal conversation with Sid. "Did you have fun tonight?"

"Yeah," He drawled, sarcastically. "It's real fun tryin' to keep people from draggin' you down to the fuckin' floor."

"Then, why do it?"


Elanor rose her eyebrows, nodding her head for him to finish. He watched her animatedly before smirking, turning his head away from her. She groaned, leaning back into the couch. "Well, this is pointless."

"What?" He laughed, still not looking at her.

"You. Talking to you. Just... You."

"And, why is that, eh?"

"Because," She waved her hands around dramatically, eying him. "It's nearly damn impossible to have a decent conversation with you without having to worry about one of your mood swings."

"Mood swings?"


"How would you know about that? You don't know me."

"I've known you long enough to experience it."

"One day?" He grinned, watching her face contort into something of frustration. He enjoyed watching her get fired up over simple things. "You think you know me by one day?"

"I know enough."

"You don't even know my name."

"Because, you fuckin' blew up over my asking!"

"Well," Sid snickered. "Who's got mood swings, now?"

"This is ridiculous," Elanor moaned.

She got up from her spot in a haste, stalking away from him as fast as the crowd would let her move; Which wasn't the exact pace she was looking to set. She was nearly to the bathroom door when she heard Sid's unmistakable voice call out to her.

"Oi! Come back 'ere. I was only playin' around."

Elanor glanced over her shoulder to see Sid smiling cheekily at her, patting the spot she was originally sitting at. He cocked his head to the side, smirking victoriously at her as she reclaimed her spot.

"Back so soon, eh?"

"Shut up," She hissed, crossing her arms over her chest. "There's just too many people here."

"Yeah," He nodded. "Don't wanna get scared, do we?" Sid laughed, nudging her shoulder, roughly. He stopped abruptly when he saw Elanor rise from her spot again and clasped his hand around her wrist, pulling her back down beside him. "Sorry. I was just jokin' with ya, Elanor."

"Well, you didn't have to be so--" She grinned, glancing over at Sid. "What did you say?"


"No, after that."

"Um," He shook his head. He racked over their conversation before he slapped his knee, laughing softly. "Damn. I didn't mean to."

"Say my name?" Elanor asked. Sid nodded, fumbling with the inside of his coat. "Don't worry about it. It's better than That American Girl."

"Well," Sid smirked, producing the small bag from his pocket. He waved it around in front of her face a few times before emptying the contents into his hand. "What do you say we have our own party? Eh, Elanor?"
♠ ♠ ♠
Everyone seriously needs to go to Youtube and check out the new Tim Burton Alice In Wonderland trailer. It looks amazing. Johnny Depp never ceases to amaze me with his acting. Too bad it comes out March 5, 2010, though. To watch, go here.

Thanks for reading. Comment, please.