When You Loose the One You Love


Kevin Jonas always told himself he would never fall in love, that it was something he wouldn’t do because he cared about the music and family in his life to much. All that changed the day he met Maggie Peters though.

As Kevin strolled out of Star Bucks, clutching a hot cup of coffee in his hands, he saw Maggie across the street. She was walking along, swinging her bags around. Kevin was in awe when Maggie looked over and saw him staring, giggling, she skipped across the street to stand in front of Kevin.

“Can I help you?” She smiled.

“Uh, oh, sorry, I didn’t mean to stare.” Kevin blushed.

“Its fine, im Maggie. And you are?” Maggie said, extending her hand.

“Im Kevin. Nice to meet you Maggie.” Kevin said as he shook the petite brunette’s hand.

“It’s nice to meet you too.” Maggie grinned.

“Would you like to get a coffee or something?” Kevin stuttered.

“You have a coffee.” Maggie pointed out.

“Oh right, well maybe I could walk you to where ever you’re going?” Kevin blushed profusely again.

“Sure, im going to my Nan’s house.” Maggie said as she and Kevin began to walk in the direction of Maggie’s Nan’s house.

Kevin was amazed when Maggie stopped outside of the house next to his own. He told Maggie that he lived next door and she blushed, suddenly remembering her Nan telling her about Kevin Jonas, the big singer.

“I can’t believe I didn’t recognise you or realise who you were.” Maggie blushed.

“It’s fine. But to make it up to me maybe we could go to the cinema tonight?” Kevin smiled at Maggie.

“Sure, im staying here for a few weeks so you can just come and knock at around 7?”

“Ok cool, ill see you at 7.” Kevin grinned before leaving.

That was the day Maggie and Kevin met, 6 months ago exactly. Maggie moved in with her Nan after her and Kevin started dating so she would be nearer to him. Maggie got along with all the Jonas’. They thought of her as one of the family from the day they met her after Kevin had taken her out on their 2nd date.

Even though Kevin had always said he would never fall in love, he was in love. He realised he had fallen in love with Maggie after their 3rd date. He kissed her goodnight and he felt electricity run through his body. From that day, no matter what was happening, as long as he saw Maggie he was happy and had a smile on his face. The hard shell Kevin wore had been dissolved by the kiss of someone who he was in love with and no matter hard he tried, it would never be replaced, he had fallen in love and that was the only thing that mattered to him.

Kevin was pulled out of his thoughts one morning when the doorbell rang. Being the only one in the house, he pulled himself out of the comfy chair and went to the door. He swung it open and smiled when he saw Maggie stood there. He pulled her into the house and closed the door behind her. Quickly kissing her, he led Maggie into the living room.

“Hey honey.” Kevin beamed.

“Hi, uhm, we need to talk.” Maggie said, looking at the ground.

“Ok, what about?” Kevin asked sounding worried.

“You might want to sit down.” Maggie said as she sat on the sofa.

Kevin sat down next to her, his face full of confusion and worry.

“Kevin, I have to go.” Maggie said.

“What do you mean you have to go?” Kevin quizzed.

“I have to move. Im leaving in an hour. My mum and dad want me in New York with them and my Nan said I should go.” Maggie said, tears welling in her eyes.

“But you can’t go. If you leave then I won’t see you anymore.” Kevin said panicked.

“That’s what I really came to talk to you about. We can’t be with each other anymore if I leave. It just won’t work between us.” Maggie pulled herself off of the sofa and began to leave.

“Wait, please don’t do this.” Kevin begged.

“I have to, im so sorry Kevin.” Maggie wept.

“Please.” Kevin begged again.

“I can’t. Im sorry.” Maggie said as she left the Jonas household.

As the door closed, Kevin began to cry. He was in love with Maggie but she was moving and had just ended things between them. He felt as if his heart was in his throat as he cried gently to himself. After a few minutes, Kevin pulled himself off of the floor in the hallway and went to his room.

When he reached the room, he looked out to see Maggie beginning to fill her car with items stored in card board boxes. As the remaining boxes filled the car and the boot was shut, Kevin watched Maggie hug her Nan goodbye and walk to her car door. She looked up to see Kevin watching, her face tear stained. She blew him a kiss and mouthed, ‘Im sorry’ before getting in and driving away.

Kevin stayed in his room for weeks, only leaving to get the odd bottle of water of plate of food. Denise, Kevin’s mum, began to get very worried about him and asked Joe to talk to Kevin, try to find out what was wrong. Kevin just told Joe to leave, as he did to Nick and even Frankie. He didn’t want to see people, he didn’t want to talk to people, and he only wanted Maggie back.

After nearly a month of sitting alone, Kevin left his room and went downstairs after dressing like he always did.

“Kevin, im so happy you’ve came down.” Denise said hugging her eldest son tightly.

“Sorry I worried you mom.” Kevin mumbled.

“Its fine, you’re down now.” Denise assured her son before giving him some breakfast.

“Thanks.” Kevin said, sitting down to eat.

“Whoa, Kevin’s down.” Joe exclaimed when he walked into the kitchen.

“Cool.” Nick chimed in.

“Kevin.” Frankie screeched seeing his oldest brother.

“Hey kid.” Kevin said, ruffling up his youngest brother’s hair.

As the Jonas family went about their day, things seemed to be back to normal as Kevin went about, playing the Wii with Frankie and practicing with Joe and Nick. At the end of the day, Kevin ate with the family and then went to his room to sleep. That night Kevin slept the best he had since the first night after Maggie left and broke his heart.

Kevin’s phone blaring at the side of his head woke him up. It was 9.15 in the morning. Looking quickly at the number, he flipped his phone open and answered.

“Hello?” He spoke sleepily.

“Hello, is this Mr Paul Kevin Jonas?” The women spoke urgently.

“Yes.” Kevin replied more awake now.

“I am the sister of New York hospital on A&E. we need you to get to the hospital as fast as you can. A Miss Maggie Peters has been crushed by one of the falling Twin towers.” The sister sounded even more urgent now.

“Ok, ill be there as soon as I can.” Kevin said, throwing his phone down and grabbing some clothes.

Kevin dressed quickly, grabbed his keys and phone and ran out of the house and to his car. He drove to the hospital as quick as he could and parked the fastest he ever had. Kevin got to the hospital at 10.05 am. He ran into the hospital and went straight to A&E.

“Where is she?” He yelled.

“Where is who sir?” A kind woman said.

“Maggie Peters. Where is she?” Kevin panicked.

“Maggie Peters, you must be Mr Jonas, come with me.” The nurse said.

She led Kevin to a room where Maggie led still on a bed. She had wires attached to her and the beeping of the life support machine echoed through the almost empty room. Kevin ran straight to the bed. His breath caught in his throat when he saw Maggie led almost lifelessly.

“Oh Maggie.” Kevin said as he kissed her gently.

As Kevin’s lips touched Maggie’s, her eyes began to flutter open.

“Kevin?” She sounded breathless.

“It’s me, im here.” He said as he held her gently.

Maggie shifted to Kevin could sit on the bed. Gently, Kevin moved Maggie into his arms.

“Oh dear lord.” The nurse said as she walked in to see Maggie awake.

“What?” Kevin snapped.

“Before you came in, the life support machine was turned off. She shouldn’t be awake.” The nurse said.

“Why did you turn it off. She’s going to leave me again.” Kevin said as tears welled.

“Im sorry, well turn it back on.” The nurse stumbled.

“No don’t, im slipping now, I can feel it. I can’t be put on it again.” Maggie whispered.

“Please for me Maggie.” Kevin begged.

“It’s useless to me now Kevin.” Maggie whispered again.

“But…” Kevin said, but was cut off by Maggie’s lips attaching to his.

“It’s for the best Kevin.” Maggie whispered as she began to loose her life.

“I love you.” Kevin whispered.

Maggie mouthed, ‘I love you too’ before closing her eyes on the world for the last time. Kevin rocked back and forth as he sung ‘I will always love you’.

Maggie slowly passed away. Kevin stayed strong and only cried quietly until Maggie was gone. Once the machine stopped beeping and the line went straight, Kevin burst into tears. The nurse came in and gently removed the lifeless body from Kevin’s grasp. Another nurse led Kevin out of the room and into the family room. He stayed there for a while before his family rushed into the room, all were crying.

“Kevin im so sorry.” Denise sobbed.

“I miss her mum.” Kevin cried.

“I know you do Kevin.” Denis soothed.

The Jonas family left the hospital and travelled back to their home. When they reached the home, Maggie’s Nan was stood on the door step, her face stained from tears. Kevin climbed out of the car and went to the fragile old women, hugging her as they both cried.

“Im so sorry. I should have stopped her from leaving to go to New York.” Kevin sobbed.

“It’s not your fault dear.” Maggie’s Nan cried.

“It is.”

“No it’s not child, you were the last person she saw and heard. She loved you and now she’s resting in peace with your face in her mind forever.”

Kevin was soon taken into the house and went to his room where he cried himself to sleep, clutching a picture of him and Maggie. Kevin’s dreams were filled with pain and sorrow, images of Maggie alive and dead, he passing away in his arms and only just being able to mouth I love you before she went. He awoke, shaken, tears steaming down his face. Kevin sat up abruptly and saw a figure he never thought he would see again.

The serene, peaceful, beautiful face. The petite body, seeming to glow and the perfect curly brown locks, flowing to just before her shoulders. Kevin gasped as he took it all in, Maggie stood at the foot of his bed, smiling when he looked at her.

“But, but, you’re not alive anymore.” Kevin stuttered.

“You’re right, im not. I had to see you, tell you something before I left you.” Maggie whispered.

“Don’t leave.” Kevin whispered back.

“I have to Kevin.” Maggie almost sobbed.

“Ok.” Kevin said as tears began to fall from his eyes once more.

“Im sorry I left you Kevin. I wished from the moment that I arrived in New York that I hadn’t, that I had just stayed with you for a while before I moved into an apartment, but I didn’t and I can’t change the past. But I can change your future which is what im going to do because I love you.” Maggie whispered again.

“What? Im confused.”

“Its ok to be confused Kevin. Im here to stop you from mourning me for a long time. I want you to go on with life, make it so big in the music career everyone will know your face, not just fans. Fall in love again, get married and have kids. But don’t mourn me forever. Promise me you will do that.”

“I promise. But I will mourn you, just not everyday. I promise to visit your grave and think about you.”

“Thank you Kevin. I love you, I always will, no matter how hard things get remember that. Ill always be watching over you, protecting you, making sure you follow the right path in life and do the things you deserve. I love you.” And with that Maggie faded away forever.

Kevin always saw Maggie in his dreams, he visited her grave every year on the anniversary of her death and mourned but not everyday, just like he promised too. He also met another girl, he fell in love with her and got married. 4 years after Maggie’s death, Kevin’s wife had a baby girl. The little girl was born at the exact time, and day as Maggie passed away in Kevin’s arms. Kevin knew the right thing to do, he named the little girl Maggie, so no matter what, and there would always be someone like Maggie in the world.
♠ ♠ ♠
If you've read this before its because im having to move my one shots to seperate stories because of the rules.
This was orginally Claire's plot for a story that I helped her with but she asked me to write it.
It made me cry when I wrote it, sounds sad, but its true.
I hope you enjoyed.
Lauren x