Almost Easy

Shop Hopping! :D

When I woke up the next morning, my entire bed was over-flowing, stacked with people. Brian was asleep under me, while Kari, and Bryan lay in a similar position next to me. I stared at Kari for a while, before I bust out in quiet laughter.

’Oh, she’s gonna freak.’

I slowly rolled off Bri, and landed on the floor with a muted ‘thud’. I groaned, holding my shoulder, and clenching my teeth. My left arm lay under me, completely angled in a way, that should not be possible. I lay there for a couple minutes, before I turned and pushed all my weight on my shoulder, and it popped back into place, loudly.

“Huh, what’s going?” Kari asked, as I stood up.

“Oh, nothing.” I said, repressing a smirk.

“What’s funny?” She croaked, standing up.

She stretched her arms up, and yawned as she followed me to the bathroom. She reached for a toothbrush, and slowly squeezed toothpaste on it, before opening her eyes, as she began to brush her teeth.

I know it sounds scary, and stalker-ish, but I watched her do all of this, until her eyes fell on her reflection, and she screamed at the top of her lungs. I bust out laughing at that point, I couldn’t hold it in anymore.

“What the fuck is all over my face?!” She shrieked.

“Make-up?” I offered through my laughing.

“Did you do this while I was sleeping?” She demanded, turning to me.

“Babe, you put that on, last night, before we went out.” Bryan groaned from my bedroom.

“What the fucks with the screaming?!” Brian yelled, covering his head with a pillow.

“Oh my god! I knew it. I knew you were gonna freak out. Holy shit, that’s funny.” I gasped, holding my aching stomach.

“Oh my god, dude. Are you gonna be alright?” She asked, sounding honestly concerned.

“In a sec.” I said, wiping the tears off my face.

“Take deep breaths.” She instructed.

I smiled up at her, but did as she said. As soon as I got my laughing under control, she punched me. Hard.

“Ow, thanks, dude. That’s great. I love you, too.” I scoffed, narrowing my eyes at her.

She rolled her eyes, and shook her head, before going into my closet. I followed her, and we started fighting over a shirt, but I quickly let her take it, when I saw my pink and black Skin Industries shirt. . .oh that narrows it down, right?

When we were dressed in our other clothes, we walked out of the closet, and saw that the guys were gone. We walked down the stairs, wrestling the whole way down.

When we got to the bottom, we noticed, Brian, Bryan, and Nathan sitting at the counter, deep in conversation.

“Wazzup?” I asked, running my hand across Bri’s back, as I passed to get to the fridge.

I opened the door, and got out stuff for breakfast.

“Yum!” Kari exclaimed, sitting down at the counter, as I mixed pancake batter.

“Don’t worry, you’ll get the first one. . .I’ll even shape it like a penis.” I sighed.

“Haha! Aww, you’re the best. I love you so much.” She smirked.

“Awwww, I love you, too!!” I said, leaving the pancakes to hug her.

“That’s great, but if you burn my penis-cake, I’ll kill you.” She said, hugging me back.

I rolled my eyes, and stuck out my tongue, before going to flip her “Penis-cake”. I dropped it off the pan, onto a plate, sliding it across the counter to her.

“This is the most delicious penis, I’ve ever eaten.” She said, taking a bite.

Bryan turn his head, and narrow his eyes at her, making my mouth drop in disgust.

“Ewww!!” I yelled. “Oh my god, you fucking perv!!”

I pushed Bryan, as he laughed at me.

“That is disgusting!” I yelled.

“That’s the truth.” He smirked.

“Ewwwy!! Oh my god. I am going to fucking hurl.”

“Didn’t you do enough of that last night?” He arched his eyebrow, making me blush, and look at the floor.

“Hey, I threw up, too.” Kim shrugged, walking in.

I threw her a grateful smile, causing her to shrug her shoulders, and pour some of the pancake batter into the pan. I sat next to Kari, and watched her eat the last bite of her penis-cake, before we decided, that we wanted to go shopping, so without so much as a word, we walked out, Kim eating a pancake, as she followed us.

We got into my car, and it started blasting 5FDP(5 Finger Death Punch). Kari, and Kim head-banged all the way to the mall. We stopped at the Hot Topic first. I don’t want to get into all the stuff that we bought there, before moving onto Spencer’s. When we got there, we got every dirty thing we could find, and let me tell you. . .That’s a purchase I’m not making twice.

So after that we went to PacSun and bought some new outfits, while Kim dragged Kari over to Abercrombie & Fitch.

“Have fun!” I called, tauntingly.

He eyes widened, and she flipped me off, before she was engulfed into the large store. They were in there for longer then I was, so I walked down the hall to Journey’s where I bought 7 pairs of shoes. From what I could see, they still weren’t out of A & F, so I walked to the food court, and bought myself some Taco Bell. Munching on my Chicken Quesidilla, jamming out to my iPod, and humming to myself, I was in heaven.

Then somehow I overheard shouting, and yelling, and I was annoyed out of my mind. So I opened my eyes, and across the food court from me, there were some high school girls going at it, like crazy. Some other high school students-mostly guys-were standing in a circle around them yelling “Cat fight.” Over and over again.

After taking the last bite of my Quesidilla, I threw it in the garbage and climbed onto my table. Running across the rows of them, to the fight, was actually kinda fun, and I might have to mention it to Kari, and Kim, later.

“What the hell is going on?!” I yelled, pushing through the crowd.

One had a slight advantage on the other, I must say. That one looked like she was straight out of Hollister magazine, and well. . .the other one. . .seemed like the kind of person I would hang out with. Eyebrow Ring, snake-bites, septum ring, gauges in her ears, black finger nail polish, skinny jeans, and an Etnies shirt.

“I asked a fucking question!” I yelled, again.

Hollister girl, looked like she was down for the count, and the other girl, turned to me.

“I don’t believe this is any of your business.” She said, setting her eyes in a glare.

“You disturbed my lunch, I was very happy until this,” I gestured to the group of people around us. “Started. So you best explain.” I ordered her.

“She deserved it.” She shrugged.

“That’s not what I asked.”

“She was talking shit.”




“She said something ’bout soldiers a waste of humanity, and the United States being nothing, but a joke.”

“I’ll show you a fucking waste of humanity.” I growled, going for Hollister girl, who had just climbed to her feet.

She cowered away, like the little bitch that she was. I kept after her, until someone grabbed my arm, causing me to whip around, and slap her. Kari’s head snapped to the side, and she closed her eyes, but didn’t say anything.

“Calm down. You’ll go to jail.” She said, opening her eyes, and turned to look at me.

“She had no right to do that.” I whispered.

“I know. I know, how much that gets to you.” She whispered, hugging me.

I was quivering so bad, that I didn’t think I could hold myself up, and my teeth were clenched so hard, that I thought maybe I could hear them crumbling, under the pressure.

“What’s up with you?” The Etnies girl asked.

“Nothing. You should, uh, give me your name.” I cleared my throat.

“Caroline.” She said, extending her hand.

“Sarah. Can I call you Carly?” I asked, shaking it.

“Sure. Whatever. How old are you?” Carly asked.

“27. How old are you?”


“Oh, your still young.” I scoffed.

“You’re not that old, either.” She rolled her eyes.

“I’m 8 years older then you.” I laughed.

“Your point, being?” She asked.

“That you look like you need a place to stay.”

“It’s not obvious is it?” She asked, quietly.

“Not really. I’m just good like that. C’mon. You look like the same size as me, let’s get you back to my house.” I said, draping my arm across her shoulder.

Kari walked on her other side, and Kim walked next to me. The ride back home was fun, and quick. We learned a lot about Carly in that short time. She loved to talk, and we could barely get 3 words in.

When we walked into the house, I though Jimmy had died and gone to heaven, but when Carly saw the guys, she nodded, and followed me up the stairs, not saying anything.

“You didn’t freak.” I said.

“So?” She asked.

“I don’t know, I thought you would. Anyways, my closet is there. Wear any clothes you want, my bathroom is right next to it, and then you can come back downstairs when your done.”

I walked down the stairs, leaving her by herself. I know some of you are thinking: What if she steals something? Or breaks something? Or tries to blow up your house?

But I trust her, and even if she did steal something, I could probably afford to buy a new one.

I joined Jimmy and Brian in the living room, where they were playing Halo 3, yelling violent obscenities at my T.V.

“So who is she?” Jimmy asked, when he died for the last time.

“That’s Carly.” I shrugged.

“Where’d you meet her?”

“The mall.”

“When’d you meet her?”


“How’d you meet her?”

“She was fighting. . .What’s with all the fucking questions?” I demanded.

“I don’t know. Seems interesting. What’s her full name?” He said, shrugging.

“That’s kinda stalker-ish. Anyways, Caroline Abigail Kashman.” I answered.

“What’s her favorite color?”

“Blue and Black. Sport, is Track, UFC, MMA. Food, she didn’t tell me. Drink, is Dr. Pepper. She plays Drums, and guitar, and her parents died when she was 14. She is now residing. . .Here.” I smiled.

“Here?” Jimmy asked, excitedly.

“No across the street, in the woods, she’s just using my shower. . .Yes, here you dumbass!”
♠ ♠ ♠

3rd update in 2 days!! I'm so proud of myself!! :D

Thanx to:
kmv<-----Yes, I know. I explained!! <333
bloodravyn<-----I know!! But that's the way I am!! Lol! <33

Ily, you guys!!

<3 Kit Kat

P.S. Check out the Characters for a picture of Carly.

P.S.S. If you want to be added into the story, you should totally tell me, cause you know. . .I need more people! <3