Almost Easy


“Thought I’d tell you that the date’s off.” Brian said, as I walked into the living room.

“I didn’t expect it to be on.” I said, walking past everyone to the kitchen.

I sighed deeply, and leaned against the counter. My head hurt, and I needed a drink, but I didn’t want to mix it.

“JD, and coke?” A voice broke through my thoughts.

“Please.” I groaned.

“I knew you’d want something.” Matt said.

“This sucks, I have absolutely nothing to do this Saturday.”

“Me either.”

I stood there awkwardly as he mixed my drink. As he handed it to me, I bit my lip.

“What’s wrong?” He asked, knowingly.

“Shh, it’s a secret.” I smiled.

“What is?” He whispered.

I pulled out my phone and got ready for his rage. I opened my pictures and he watched over my shoulder.

“Is that…Valary?” He asked, looking at me.

“Uhh, yeah. I think so.” I nodded.

“Oh…”He said, he didn’t even seem surprised.

“Are you angry at all?” I asked.

“That’s the third time this has happened.” He shrugged.

“And your still with her?”


“Why?” I demanded.

“I don’t know.”

I shook my head and walked into the living room, with my JD and Coke. I took a sip of my drink, and turned on the music, even though Brian was watching T.V. He turned and looked at me, narrowing his eyes, before turning back to the Television, to ignore my music.

I turned it up, and took Kimberly’s hand, and pulled her to her feet.

“Dance with me!” I yelled.

“Hey, Sarah!!” Matt called over the music.

I looked at him to show that I was listening.

“I was thinking, that since, you know, you don’t have any plans Saturday, maybe we could go out!!”

“Yeah, I’d love to…now let’s dance.”

Kimberly smiled, and pressed her body against mine. Swaying to the music, we grinded. I could feel Zacky’s eyes, and Brian’s eyes, and Matt’s eyes, on us. I also heard Jimmy sigh.

“I need my beauty sleep for tomorrow.” I smiled, downed the rest of my drink, and headed for the stairs.

“Tomorrow?” Matt asked.

“Tomorrow’s Saturday.” I smiled.

“Honey, tomorrow’s Friday.” He laughed.

“Honey, it’s 3 o’ clock in the morning. It is Friday.” I smiled.

I walked up the stairs, and walked to my closet, to slip into some pajamas, and put my hair up in a messy bun. I laid back on my bed, and stared out my window.

“Sarah?” Matt called, knocking on my door.

“Yes, Matt?” I called back.

My long legs were laying exposed on my bed, and I saw his eyes stray there as he opened the door.

“Yes?” I repeated.

“Can I sleep with you?” He pouted.

“Are you 5?” I asked.

“4.” He said, holding up 3 of his fingers.

I laughed and rolled my eyes. I scooted to the far edge of my bed and patted the space beside me. He grinned and jumped onto my bed, bouncing up and down. All he had on were his boxers, and I must say…..DAMN!!! He’s hot…but he wasn’t Brian.

I laid down, and Matt scooted closer to me, to wrap his arm around my torso. He was so warm that I didn’t even need to use my blanket. I dozed off, almost immediately, but was woken up, much to early.

“Bitch, wake up.” A voice ordered.

I groaned, and rolled over, snuggling into Matt’s chest. He growled, and grabbed my arm, shaking me. That there was enough to wake up, and find that…Matt had gotten excited sometime during the night. I jumped up, and Brian glared at me.

“What the fuck do you want?” I demanded, rubbing my eyes.

“Well, look at what your wearing, look at what he’s wearing…and sporting, and how close you were sleeping.” Brian growled.

“What does it matter to you? You blew me off. It shouldn’t matter.” I yawned.

“What is going on?” Matt groaned, opening one of his eyes.

“Get dressed.” Brian ordered Matt.

“Fuck you, man.” Matt said.

“You have Sarah for that.”

“Asshole.” I grumbled, walking to my closet to slip into some clothes.

When I walked back out, Brian was glaring at Matt, and Matt was just staring at him.

I cleared my throat, and Brian glanced at me.

“You don’t need to keep wearing purple. I don’t care.” He said.

“You are so conceited. Just because I wear your favorite color, doesn’t mean that I’m trying to get your attention. Do want to see my purple wardrobe? I had most of those clothes, before I started talking to you again, so don’t think I bought this all for you, Brian, because bitch, you mean nothing to me.” I growled.

Matt started at me with wide eyes.

“Now, if you want to fight, get the hell out of my house. If you want to fuck, Matt, get out of my room.” I hissed.

I stormed out of my room, and rudely barged in on Zacky, and Kim. I took my keys off the side table, and stormed out the front door. Jimmy was standing outside, and with a cigarette in hand.

“Since when do you smoke?” I demanded, unlocking the car doors.

“Since now. Where are we going?” He asked, climbing into the passenger’s seat.

“I don’t know right now, but I’m pissed, so I’m gonna be crazy, you better be up for it.” I hissed, jamming the keys into the ignition.

“Baby, I’m up for anything, if I’m with you.” Jimmy said.

I laughed, at him. We flew down the street, not really going anywhere in particular. Suddenly sirens were behind me, and I swore under my breath.

I pulled over and slammed my head into the steering wheel. I rolled down my window, and pulled my wallet out of my purse.

“Hello, Miss, do you know why I pulled you over?” The officer asked, holding his notepad of death, in his hand.

“I was speeding.” I suggested.

“That’s correct, do you know how…” He trailed off as he looked at me.

“Do I know how, what??” I asked, leaning towards him, biting my bottom lip.

Yes I was flirting. I didn’t want a speeding ticket.

“Do you…know how fast you were going?” He asked, recovering.

“Umm, about 110, take it or leave it.” I nodded.

“Yes, that’s correct…I’m gonna let you go with a warning this time.” He said, writing on his notepad.

“Thank you, officer.” I said, taking the warning.

“Can I take you out?” He blurted.

“Umm, when?” I asked, biting my lip, this time, because I was kinda nervous…he was pretty sexy.

“Umm, Saturday, I’ll pick you up at 7?” He suggested.

“Sure. See you then. Do you want my address or can you just run my name?” I asked.

“Name?” He asked.

“Sarah Jansen.” I told him.

“Alright, see you Friday.” He said.

“See you then.” I winked.

He backed up, and I pulled away.

“You are unbelievable!!” Jimmy exclaimed.

“I don’t want another one!!” I hissed.

I had completely forgotten that he was in the car.

“Not because you flirted with him, because you actually got out of it!!”


He huffed and crossed his arms. I rolled my eyes, as I pulled into the driveway.

“Matt!!” I called.

“Sarah!!” He called back.

“I’m sorry!!” I screamed right away.


“Can we go out tonight?” I asked.

“Why not tomorrow?”

“I have a date.”

“Why are you just telling me this?”

“Because I just got it.”

“And you couldn’t schedule that one for tonight?”

“He’s a cop, damn it!! He picked the day.”

“A cop?”

“I got pulled over, and had to flirt my way out of it. I’m sorry.” I hissed.

“You have a date with a cop?” Kimberly asked walking in.

“Yeah.” I said.

“Let’s look him up.” She smiled.

I sighed, and walked into the living room to pick up my laptop. After hacking into the PCPD website, I scanned through their officer’s and there he was.

“His name is Garret Spence, he’s been working there for 2 years, and he’s 25.” I said, reading off his profile.

“Oh my god!! He’s gorgeous!!” Kimberly yelled.

“I know!!” I yelled.

He actually was nothing near as gorgeous as Brian, but I knew what Kimberly was doing.

“Who is?” Brian asked, glancing over my shoulder.

I shut my laptop immediately.

“My date, for Saturday.”

“Matt isn’t that great.” Brian scoffed.

“No, he’s my date for tonight. My other date.” I said.

“Other date??” He asked.

“Yes. I happened to find another date.” I said.

“Oh.” He said.

“That sucks, but I’ve got to go get ready so…talk to you later.” I said grabbing my laptop and running up the stairs.

I jumped into the closet and looked through my rack of dresses, I decided to use the perfect outfit I had picked for my and Brian’s date, since that would never happen. My hair was easy, just run the straightened over once or twice, and run a pick through it.

I trotted down the stairs in my stiletto heels, and there Matt stood.

“Looking good.” I winked, reaching the bottom of the stairs.

“You look nice.” He complimented.

Matt’s P.O.V.
About and 45 minutes earlier

“Brian, have you seen my black DC’s?” I asked, walking into the LIving room, where Brian was playing on Sarah's Xbox 360.

Brian paused his game and looked at me quick.

“Nope.” He replied, turning back to his game.

“Damn it!” I cursed.

“That sucks.” Brian said, fully focused on Halo 3.

“It’s kinda warm in here, how’d you get so nice?” I asked, peering around the corner.

“Started a fire.” Brian said, I saw a smirk playing at the edges of his lips.

I looked at the fire place, and gasped.

“You fucking dick!! You are such an asshole!! Those are my fucking DC’s Brian!! Fuck!!” I yelled.

Brian fell off the couch because he was laughing so hard.

“I fucking hate you.” I said walking out of the room.

Normal P.O.V.

“Nice shoes.” I commented as we stood by the door.

“Brian, wanted to start a fire. He used my other ones.” I shrugged.

“What a dick!” I laughed.

“Thanks for the support.” Matt rolled his eyes.

“I’m sorry.” I sighed.

“Hey bitch, we’re double-dating!!” Kimberly walked in, dragging Zacky after her.

“What the fuck?! You going all gangsta shit on me?” I demanded.

“Foo, wha tha fuck is wrong wit dat?” He demanded, trying to act gangster, and failing miserably.

“It’s not your thing, Zacky.” I laughed.

He gave me a dirty look.

“I didn’t mean to hurt your feelings.” I said, hugging him.