Almost Easy


Driving back towards the house, Brian was forced to ride with Tripp, because Tanya wanted to ride with me.

“So. . .You and Brian are a cute couple.” Tanya ventured.

“Thanks.” I shrugged.

“You don’t think so?” She demanded, turning her eyes on me.

“I don’t know, it’s not like we’ve been together very long.” I shrugged again.

“I can see how much he cares about you. It shines in his eyes, when he looks at you.”

I smiled and blushed, looking out the window. Seeing my house, I turned into the driveway, and parked in my space, and listened to ‘No surprise’ until Tripp’s Escalade, pulled up. Brian ran over, and pulled me out of my car, spinning me in a circle.

“That was the longest 8 minutes of my life.” He breathed in my ear.

I giggled at his anxiousness.

“You seem distracted, what’s up?” He asked, holding my hands.

“For once in the past 5 years. . .I wonder how my brother’s doing. If he still wonders about me, and if. . .if he’s ever thought about finding me.”

“Let’s look him up.” He suggested.

“Or. . .we ignore my wondering, and we have this party.”

“Or. . .we talk to Johnny, and get his phone number.” Brian nodded his head.

“Wait, wait, wait!! Johnny talks to my brother?” I demanded.

“Well, yeah, they graduated the same year.” Brian nodded.

“Yeah, I forgot.” I shrugged.

“C’mon, before Kim comes looking for you.” Brian said, tugging my hand, and smiling half-heartedly.

I smiled back and we entered the house.

“Christ, bring your phone, I have questions!” I called towards the back.

“Coming!!” He screamed, to show that he had heard me.

My shoulder’s slumped and I leaned against the wall, pulling my fedora on tighter.

“What’s up?” He asked.

“I need a number.”


“Nathan’s.” I said.


He read off the number and I entered it into my phonebook.

“Can I use your phone?” I asked.

“No problem.” Johnny handed me his phone.

Ring, ring, ring.

“Hey, Johnny boy, what’s up?” Nathan asked.

“Hi.” I said into the phone.

“Umm, who is this?” He asked.

“Johnny’s friend.”

“And you’re calling why?”

“We haven’t talked in forever.” I sighed.

“It’d be nice if I knew who you were.”


“Sarah, who?”

“Sarah Jansen.” I smiled.

“Jansen. . .As in my older sister?” He asked.

“Yes, that Sarah Jansen.” I laughed.

“Oh my god!! It’s been forever!! How are you? Where do you live? Why didn’t you call sooner?” He asked, hurriedly.

“Calm down. I know it’s been forever. I’m good. I live in Panama City. I didn’t call sooner, cause I didn’t have your number.”

I’ve been spending all my time,
Just thinking about you.
I, don’t know what to do,
I think I’m falling for you.

“Hang on.” I said, pulling Johnny’s phone away from my ear.

“What, Brian?” I asked, accepting the call.

HELP ME!!!” He screamed into the phone.


“Tripp, won’t stop talking. Tanya, is doing everything she can, but I think he’s obsessed with me.”

“And I’m supposed to do what about that?”

“I don’t know!! Come kiss me or something!!”

“Uhh, I’m on the phone. I’ll be down in like. . .15, 20, something like that.” I clicked the end button.

“Hey, sorry, Brian’s like. . .being smothered to death, but anyways, what’s up, where do you live?” I asked, Nathan.

“I live in Orlando. . .I’m in Panama, though, I’m coming over, where do you live?” He asked.

I read off my address, and we said our good-byes. I skipped into the kitchen, where Tanie was trying to chat away with Derek, while he spouted on, and on, to Brian. I leaned against the doorframe, and watched them, completely amused. Brian looked like he was about to go insane, and like he wanted to strangle Derek.

I walked over, and kissed Brian, and he seemed to forget all about Derek, as his hands, moved to my waist, mine to his hair, and his tongue in my mouth. They danced together, slowly, tenderly, lovingly. It was like nothing I’d experienced, since Senior year. When I pulled away, I stared up into his eyes, the ones that I fell into all the time, even if I was just looking at a picture of him.

He leaned down and nuzzled my neck, making me smile, and giggle insanely.

“Derek Tribbett?” I heard a quiet voice murmur.

“Yes?” I saw Tripp turn, and forget about Brian completely.

“My name is Kimberly. I’m such a huge fan of Make-shift Romeo.” She said, just as quietly.

“I’m happy to hear that.” He said, and I could hear the smile in his voice.

“I’m sorry, hang on a second, I have a call coming in.” She smiled, and turned to answer the phone.

“Hey, Kari, what’s up?” She murmured.

“Karina?” My ears perked up, immediately. (No, not like a dog.)

Kim smiled at me, before turning away again.

“Give me the phone!” I screamed, running after her.

“No, damn it!” She yelled, running away.

“YES!!” I whined, tackling her, and pinning her beneath me.

I finally snatched the phone away from her, and pressed it to my ear.

“Karina!” I squealed.

“Sarah!!” She squealed back.

“Oh my god, how have you been?!” We yelled at the same time.

“You first!” We said, again.

“No, you!” We started giggling hysterically, before we both went silent.

“Okay. I’ve been fine, you.” I finally answered.

“I’ve been great! I was coming down to Panama for a fight, I heard Kim was gonna be down there for an A7X concert, and I was gonna ask her if she was still there.” Kari said, excitedly.

“Yeah, she’s still here.” I nodded, even though she couldn’t see me.

“Is she with you?”

“Yeah, we’re actually getting ready to party.”

“Well post-pone that, and get your ass down to the so that you can watch my fight!!” She ordered.

“Fuck yeah! Be there in 10. I might fight, too.” I smirked.

“I’ll be looking forward to it. We’re at Club La Vela.”

“I’ll be there, with the guys.”

She blew a kiss through the phone, and I returned it. After we hung up, I tossed Kim her phone, and went to announce the change of plans.

“What’s up, baby?” Brian asked, smiling.

“We’re going to Club La Vela, we’re gonna chill with Karina, me and her are gonna fight.” I smiled.

“Great.” Johnny groaned.

“This is awesome!!” Jimmy exclaimed.

“Are you still in love with her?” I asked him, warily.

He went quiet real quick after that comment. I shrugged, and we split into 3 different cars, leaving together, to head to the club.

When we got there, I was bouncing on my feet, ready to fight. The bouncer looked us over, and recognized me from the couple of fights I’d done here before. He smirked at us, and winked at me, nodding us into the club.

I clapped him on the arm as I passed, in silent thanks. It was packed to say the least. They had cleared out a center of the dance floor, and in it’s place was a giant cage. My lips curled up in a smile, as I watched the first fight rage on. I recognized some of the people that were on Karina Liddell’s team, Chuck’s daughter.

I made my way over to them, and thought ‘I didn’t bring my team.’ Kim smiled reassuringly, and held up her phone, to show me the text.

“You’re a doll.” I smiled, kissing her cheek, as I stood in front of Karina.

“I’m entered into the fight.” I said, looking her up and down.

She looked slightly different. Longer hair, more of a curvy body, and more cut muscles, we could almost pass as sister’s.

“Rawr!” Karina yelled, jumping up.

“Kari!!” I screamed, running forward.

We embraced, strongly, neither wanting to break the hug.

“Oh my god! I watch your fights, and your so good! I’m kinda worried.” I said, raising my eyebrows.

“Don’t worry, I’ll go easy on you.” Karina winked.

I rolled my eyes, and punched her shoulder.

“And now, we have Karina Liddell, and Sarah Jansen!” The announcer called.

“Yay.” I enthused, running around the ring, to enter through my hallway. . .thingy.

The crowd was enthusiastic, but it wasn’t like one of those intense UFC 100 fights, like Brock Lesnar and Frank Mir.

Brian took my hand and squeezed it, as my team came up, rubbing down my face.

“Touch gloves.” The ref ordered, when we entered the cage.

I touched my gloves to Karina’s, and we nodded to each other.
♠ ♠ ♠
Holy shit!! I haven't updated this since August!! I really need to crack down!!

Please note, that I don't really know, if they do fighting at Club La Vela, but I used it, cause it's the only one that I've ever been to down there. So if you've been there, and you know, tell me!! And if they don't, and you know a club that does, you should totally fill me in, cause I am completely clueless!!

Karina was added in here, about a friend of mine kmv, and you should totally check out her stories!!

<3 Kit Kat