Endlessly, She Said

The leaving song

Lucille Luciano sat in her living room looking out the window with a sad look on her face. She had sat there for an hour everyday for almost a year waiting, hoping and praying her boyfriend would get back to her. She wished that he was allowed to take her on tour but knew this time she could not. Anyway, she knew she could wait for him endlessly.
Meanwhile Jade Puget sat on the tour bus looking depressed he'd been like this since the day he left his Lucy behind.

He wanted to see her, to touch her, to hold her tight in his arms again. This tour was hell for him this time; he could still see the look on her face when he said he couldn't bring her this time. He knew he'd make it up to her this time, she would love him more. Just as he finished the last chord of "Endlessly, She Said", Davey and Hunter came in with Adam between them. He looked confused at why Adam was in a look of pain; Davey saw this and smiled.

"Adam here thought he was acrobatic and broke his arm."

"And now I need to get to the hospital."

For a second Jade's heart jumped, "what about the rest of the tour?" He asked curiously.

"It looks like we'll have to cancel it until Adam here gets better," spoke Hunter.

On the way to the hospital Jade noticed a jewellery store down the street from it. When he got out of the car he told the guys he'd be back. A few weeks went by and Lucy felt better then she had for the last few months, she felt as if something was lifted from her shoulders. For breakfast she decided to have a banana and some milk. Milk was one thing she couldn't get rid of when she decided to become a vegetarian. As she walked back into the living room of her apartment the door opened to reveal one Mr Jade Puget.

If he wasn't carrying a dozen roses she would've jumped into his arms. Instead she walked over and hugged him for what seemed forever. When they pulled apart they kissed and then Jade gave her the biggest smile she had ever seen.

"Come over here Lucy and sit on the couch, I have a surprise for you."

She did as he said, at the moment she sat down Jade went on one knee. Lucy couldn't believe what was happening. He held her hand as he pulled a box out of his sweater. He opened the box as she smiled.

"Lucy, I love you, and being away from you so long has made me realize that I want to spend the rest of my life with you, Lucille will you marry me?"

She shook her head yes and kissed him. Lucy always dreamed of her wedding day and knew Jade was the perfect man.